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Everything posted by Spoombung

  1. This maybe the best suggestion. Thank you
  2. Thanks for the suggestions. It really doesn't look like there's anything on the market that fits my description in any way.
  3. I guess I could wear Seinheiser phones and plug them into a mixer with mic so I can hear the band....bit it would be good if there's an all-in-one solution - active phone with mics. A bit like big hearing aids that also cut ambient sound. Know what I mean?
  4. Unfortunately the wax is back within a couple of weeks, there doesn't seem to anything I can do about apart from have it removed when it's really bad. My dad has the same problem.
  5. I wonder if anyone can help? Regarding hearing protection/ear plugs, etc, I have a problem with ear wax and anything I push in my ear compresses it against my ear drums...with horrible, distressing results: distortion, discomfort among them. Is there anything I could wear on the outside of my ears...something more sophisticated than industrial ear muffs, obviously? I'd need something that could pick up ambient sound so I could hear the band. Are the any such thing as filtered ear protection that I could wear on my outer ear? Is there anything like closed headphones that have mics or something? I have Googled like mad, haven't found any solutions so I thought I'd ask you guys. Any sensible suggestions very welcome.
  6. First time I've been tempted by a five string. Beautiful bass.
  7. 4 - string = fun 5, 6, 7, string = no fun
  8. Stevie Jo Dooley from Bristol is a really good bassplayer. She sings and always accompanies herself on bass
  9. I know a lot of them...including quite a few double bass players. They tend not to drone on and on about it like blokes... or post up to forums much.
  10. I'm tempted. Paul's Basses are amazing.
  11. No, you've got that wrong. It's about the same price when you add the shipping...actually a fiver cheaper.
  12. As if I hadn't paid enough already.
  13. One Nordstrand Big Blademan $169.00 USPS Shipping $48.60 Import VAT £28.13 USPS is handled by Parcelforce in the UK: Clearance fee (zero rated for VAT): £11.25 So the original value of the pickup was £120 and the shipping, clearance and VAT amount to over £88 In Total: £208 for one pickup. Can you imagine what it's going to be like after March 2019 when these fees will be also be slapped over European goods?
  14. Yeah it's set up as a piccolo - I've played it - but it could easily be set up for normal tuning. It's a beautiful bass. Because it's an octave up the strings are very tight at the moment even fitted with the smallest gauge strings .
  15. What's this about him being ill...?
  16. As narrow as possible. My main bass is 33mm.
  17. One of my favourite ACG models and looks great. Solid wenge?!
  18. There's an upcharge of at least £300 for anything that deviates from their regular dimensions.
  19. Have a bump for a superb bass at a good price
  20. C'mon, you need a Carl Thompson on there... and at least one Ibanez...but I can see you're running out of space....
  21. Yep this it. What notes are the other goons in your band making?
  22. True, it might be irrelevant as you describe but Pop Music is full of very similar (in this case very DULL) chord sequences and near-identical tunes. The more unremarkable and unimaginative the material combined with the sheer amount of material introduced to the market every year, the more you're likely to get stuff that sounds like other stuff and musicians squabbling over copyright.
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