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Everything posted by Spoombung

  1. Air do the a similar thing with Mustangs:
  2. This is the nearest it gets to a modern version (played by my old friend Sean O'Hagan, as I recently found out while having a pint with him)
  3. Ah, one of my favourite bass sounds of all. There's been a few threads about this. Look at this: It's a Burns Bison, palm muted and played with a pick - and likely to be Odgers not Flowers
  4. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1140333' date='Feb 24 2011, 07:45 PM']Do you have the truss rod cover?[/quote] I don't think so but I'll have a look in the case
  5. Lot's of interest, lots of chat, lots of technical info exchanged... but it's [i]still[/i] here! Final reduction to [b]£650[/b] as I do think the E piezo is a little weaker than the rest and it may need some attention. You can get around this by balancing all the piezos equally but it does mean a reduction in piezo output.
  6. [quote name='Wally' post='1130368' date='Feb 16 2011, 10:33 PM']Have never recorded with it so can't say I'm afraid but its called 110 studio I believe because thats a market it intended to cover. The pre amp out I've yet to use but the d.i is very good. It is the same as on their pod stuff. Its worth noting that it is set to simulate a miked cab mind. The amp models E.Q's are set flat on a preset default sound rather than a genuine flat sound and then the E.Q's mimic the original amp its modeled on i.e treble on the clean (eden) model react's different to the treble on the rock (ampeg) model. I couldn't tell you though if these actually sounded like the amp they are modeled on. You can reset these defaults with your own EQ choice but can store only one new preset within a model at a time. I use a different compressor (trace smx dual) so don't know the amps one well but it is supposed to be decent.[/quote] many thanks for the info. Have you tried plugging in an MP3 player and playing along? Does the input signal ru through the EQ?
  7. [quote name='Wally' post='1130091' date='Feb 16 2011, 07:23 PM']I have the studio 110 and rate it. Its not as quiet as 75w suggests but I do gig it sitting on the bands (v.good) sub in the venue back corner. D.i out to the mixer. Master vol is on full though and it gets hot. I plan to get a small power amp and use the 110 as a pre into into a larger cab soon in case I'm burning it out. The grind model does nothing for me and synth model for home messing only but the other models are very useable IMO. The bigger speaker versions just don't seem to be as respected as this little one.[/quote] do you use the preamp out for recording? How do you find it noise-wise/compressor EQ etc?
  8. Thanks for the replies/ ....Anybody else...?
  9. Anybody got any experience with these? You don't hear much about them here. They seem good value. I've tried one of the combos and was pretty impressed with the onboard compressor an the general sound. anybody else?
  10. MM Sabre was the heaviest I've ever had. Just like lifting a car tire or a small sofa.
  11. Another bump from anther Nanyo Bass collection owner. Great basses...
  12. Very pretty bass indeed.
  13. [quote name='wotnwhy' post='1121639' date='Feb 9 2011, 05:53 PM']Never heard of this before, and not sure I understand 100% what your doing. But wouldn't this leave the fret ends more exposed?[/quote] this is also what I was wondering...
  14. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='1121448' date='Feb 9 2011, 03:05 PM']If the lower edge of the fingerboard makes a sharp corner rather than having a nice soft rounded edge, I run the shaft of a screwdriver side to side between each pair of frets applying enough pressure to compress the wood and rocking it to vary the angle in relation to the surface of the fingerboard. This results in a round ed edge which in my opinion gives a comfy 'broken-in' feel and makes even cheap basses feel a bit more classy than they were when stock.[/quote] This is an interesting subject as I agree that a rounded edge makes for a comfier neck. I'd be interested to see some [b]pics[/b] of the method as I can't quite picture what you mean from your description "rocking to vary the angle" etc
  15. [quote name='LondonBassGuitarShow' post='1119929' date='Feb 8 2011, 11:37 AM']Hi, Gary Willis will be on the Live Stage at 11am on Saturday 12th March. The live stage and masterclass stage schedule will be updated this afternoon www.londonbassguitarshow.com[/quote] Thanks for the info. This is the only thing tempting me to the show!
  16. [quote name='skelf' post='1119106' date='Feb 7 2011, 05:02 PM'][/quote] Great graphics!
  17. When is Gary willis playing?
  18. You mean the tone of a million pub rock gigs?
  19. [quote name='TomKent' post='1115662' date='Feb 4 2011, 05:50 PM'][/quote] Yeah, but he looks like he could handle himself off screen, though. Or at least burn my eyes out with his cigarette and electrocute me with his cables.
  20. [quote name='silddx' post='1115459' date='Feb 4 2011, 03:30 PM']10 minutes? Of course you don't stand a chance in 10 minutes! How long do you think it takes to get chops like that together, never mind the conceptual learning necessary. What aim did you have in mind when trying to learn it?[/quote] I just wanted to acquire more superpowers, that's all.
  21. [quote name='Conan' post='1115353' date='Feb 4 2011, 02:35 PM']But I also think that it's buttock-clenchingly dull.[/quote] ...maybe in places. I'm still jealous of that technique, though. My fingers just don't work like his! I tried following his instructions from the Youtube tutorials a while ago. After about 10 minutes I realised I just didn't stand a chance.
  22. What I confounding about Gary Willis is the sheer ease he has producing those complex lines. It's just astonishing technically. I'm a big fan of this type of drumming too (very rare to find a drummer like this anywhere).
  23. [quote name='Jase' post='1114783' date='Feb 4 2011, 12:44 AM']What Kev has missed in the copy and paste post which wouldn't have been on FB because it had been talked about a while ago, is the fact that I've mentioned in the past to Jeff and Dann about the Janek episode on here...I mentioned about the basschat thread on FB tonight, Jeff relates, that's it just guys talking on a Jeff post.[/quote] Ah, I'm getting a clearer picture now. It [i]did[/i] appear like a fresh FB bulletin thing via JB yesterday, for some reason. Speaking of the issue mentioned therein, I always seem to mss these controversial moments and haven't noticed all these vicious attacks on 'pro players'!
  24. [quote name='deaver' post='1114434' date='Feb 3 2011, 08:11 PM']Is Jason Marsh famous?[/quote] It's very confusing, isn't it?
  25. Apparently it's true. I did not follow events leading up to it but Jeff has posted this up to his Facebook slot tonight. I'm sure you'll notice it refers to a [b]Basschat thread[/b]: [i]:Emilio J. Urrusano said, “Jeff, I enjoy reading your opinions and thoughts and I also enjoy reading the responses (time permitting) from everyone else... I don't always agree with everything you have to say but I love how all the discussions are thought provoking and everyone remains respectful.” Jeff answered: Thank you Emilio! As a suggestion, if I suggest something that you don’t agree with, please raise up your thoughts here so that I might try to explain my thinking. It could be a help to me, and to all of us, if I needed to try to explain myself better. Thanks! Michael Earnhardt said, “Why were you banned from Talkbass ? Because you told the truth ? You must have really hit some nerves for them to do that ! ( Way to go, Jeff---Keep spreading the word no matter who gets upset !)” Jeff answered: I earned my ban because of my own bad choice of words. Talkbass is monitored by people who agreed with the members who were making things personal, and they allowed them to have at me in all kinds of personal ways. Fool that I was, I shot back in kind and got banned for it. I accept this! But some guys over there just talk the talk and don't have the musical experience to know that what they subscribe to in regards to music education doesn't work. But, they think that it does. Joe Hubbard said, “I have always found these forum trolls odd; they hide behind their screen names talking sh*t, but these same guys would never man-up in person at a clinic or a gig.” Jeff answered: This is the function of many on Talkbass,to hide and talk. Not all of them, mind you! I met some terrific people over there. But the large percentage aren't musically aware players. They just think that they are. When I suggested ways for them to change this, they went crazy, and unfortunately, so did I. But, never again! Jason Marsh said, “There's a recent thread on a UK forum "Any really famous guys spotted etc"...I'll answer for them, NO!! because you trolls f***ed it up!!” Jeff answered: Totally true! I know for a fact that some top names (and I mean as high as you can imagine) have told me that they wouldn't ever chat on the internet out of fear of the comments from some Talkbass members. They remember the days when I was involved and they kept asking me to leave the site. But, I wanted to see it through to the end. The problem with the Talkbass guys and their attitude is that they have stopped other world famous musicians from joining the chat after they saw how they acted when I was there. This is true, and if I told you the names of the guys who were considering going there, some would be amazed. Dann glenn said, “You know sometimes I just get SO pissed off seeing this stuff Jase. I swear to god Jeff just blows it off. Really! It drives me nuts. He talks me down sometimes and we move on. I think Jeff sees it more for what it really is, thus giving it little or/no credence. I just let it as you Brits say, "wind me up." Jeff anwered: Dann and I are guys who don’t pull punches. I’m still practicing communicating my thoughts with a little bit of sweet sauce, but Dann is a Viet Nam vet, an ex. cop and a guy you do NOT want to mess with in an alley. His lifestyle is hard to totally shut off once you've gotten your civvies back on. In my case, I’ve been to a lot of therapy and have learned (more or less) to consider the source of those who made statements as truth. The fact is, the internet has made every little twit with a guitar an expert in his opinion and I am here to state publically that this is false. So does Dann Glenn.[/i] ...Oh dear, that'll get them all going.
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