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Everything posted by Spoombung

  1. [quote name='Faithless' post='890726' date='Jul 9 2010, 07:41 PM']What Rich said. I don't actually get people, who go into these threads just to tell, how much they don't dig MG's, Janek's or Hadrien's stuff, as if [i]we [/i]forgotten I dig Janek's, and other,as you call 'em, w***ers music, and, I know why I dig it, and somebody saying, that he doesn't like it, and not adding actual arguments, won't put me off it.. so, be cool.[/quote] Well it is a forum here - y'know, an exchange of opinions. I don't know if you're referring to me specifically, but I wouldn't (and didn't) describe them as w***ers - in fact I like Janek's palm mute style (I do a bit of that myself now and again). However, I don't like the music, the culture - the [i]jamming/grooving/funky/jazz[/i] thing that usually happens when guys with 'good chops' get together. If you follow the [i]groovy chops[/i] ideal you end up making the same music over and over again it seems. If that's what you want, well, there's plenty of it. The internet is bursting at the seams with hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of near -identical Youtube trade show videos just like the one we're all talking about. So enjoy it. I'm not stopping you!
  2. They're obviously very flashy players, but that kind of [i]easy grove/jazzy jamming music[/i] never seems to change much over the years. The music exists in a vacuum and worryingly, the players and participants seem devoid of self criticism. No one tells them that mini moog solos sound naff and dated and high-pitched bass solos with chorus sound wretched. I never seek out this kind of music or care about it much.
  3. I use it all the time with the Wal. Less so with single coil bridge pickups. Presently looking for a pedal that will recreate what I hear from the roland Cube 30 built in compressor, which I rate highly. ........anyone tried this yet?
  4. [quote name='TomKent' post='888031' date='Jul 7 2010, 01:22 AM']Recently I was introduced to some amazing Gospal artists, Marvin Sapp being one of them. These are fantastic musicians, fantastic singers and there's some brilliant production going on too! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOBxAljpfuc&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOBxAljpfuc...feature=related[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5QIiP3Ca9Q"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5QIiP3Ca9Q[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1CIY7-YnGo&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1CIY7-YnGo...feature=related[/url] Who are your favourite artists, players etc?[/quote] Singing suits. Money. Pomp. Awful lyrics. Yuk!
  5. New gear was [i]incredibly expensive[/i] relative to nowadays! There was no easy credit - just HP (the never never). It took us ages to save up. Ages!!! You young 'uns have got it sooooo easy now. You've got it all on a plate! So, so, so, easy for you kids....
  6. [quote name='Bloodaxe' post='889138' date='Jul 7 2010, 11:52 PM'][url="http://www.cultfound.org/back%20door%20int%20ch.htm"]Interview with the Hodge[/url] For those in need of a bit of a challenge, seek out the book of 'The Bottom Line' - 7 transcripts of pieces from the album that'll drive you up the wall. It's like playing Twister with your fingers Pete.[/quote] That's a good interview if you can read [color="#FF0000"]red[/color] letters on a black background. I'll have to take a look at that book sometime, Pete
  7. Beer may have been 25p a pint... ...but we had Thin Lizzy Me in 1978: The Aria cost me £165. It took 6 months to save up by working in a sugar beet factory
  8. I can vouch for Brook guitars - they make incredible instrument with wonderful necks.
  9. [quote name='pete.young' post='889003' date='Jul 7 2010, 09:55 PM']Quality. I still have the copy I bought second-hand from Judd's in Canterbury around 1974. It was a 'eureka' moment for me, though I've spent most of the intervening years realising just how big the talent gap is. One of these days I'll get around to digitising it. I also occasionally wonder if the first owner realised his mistake in parting with it![/quote] I've got TWO vinyl copies. No record player, though!
  10. Oh man, just acquired the first Backdoor album on CD. I played this over and over again when I was learning back in the 70's and it still sounds miraculous.
  11. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='883119' date='Jul 1 2010, 04:03 PM']Probably the first time it's been played without nonsensical widdling.[/quote]
  12. Very, very nice colour. Not keen on those branded pickups though
  13. [quote name='TheRev' post='880422' date='Jun 28 2010, 10:08 PM']That's an interesting shape - what was it before?[/quote] It was roughly that sort of shape before but I dug in with the rasp and took loads of wood away - so the horns are very narrow now and the there's a lot taken away from the back. I used the Ibanez SR300 as a rough guide.
  14. [quote name='mikey_reed' post='497892' date='May 26 2009, 11:59 AM'][font="Comic Sans MS"][/font][size="4"][/size] what you think?[/quote] That white bass is very beautiful
  15. [quote name='bumnote' post='880258' date='Jun 28 2010, 08:17 PM']Make sure the paint is hard/dry. You can get rid of the imperfections with fine wet and dry Think that could look rather nice[/quote] Yeah, I think it'll be alright-ish! Is 'wet and dry' dipping the sandpaper in water?
  16. Okay I bought Halfords grey primer so that went on top on the wood sealer (it was very soft - no photos of that). So here is the first coat of Halfords Blue and white in a crude attempt at a burst: Here you can see paint drips: Now, according to the can, I have to wait at least 2 weeks before I do anything else with it
  17. .....[b]NOT[/b] a fan.
  18. It was a bit cheesy in bits, but entertaining. Not as bad as the irksome and pompous, Muse, IMO.
  19. The blue bass stands out!
  20. [b]First noticed bass:[/b] Chris Squire - massive, vibrating sound and superb melodic lines Stanley Clarke - funky, twangy sound [b]Influenced and inspired by:[/b] Percy Jones - peculiar liquid style, slippery sound and unique attack Colin Hodgkinson - full chords and a lot more [b]Admire[/b] Bernard Edwards Walter Becker John Edwards (british double bass player) Jerry Bird (experimental british player) Jaco JJ Burnel Tony Levin Mark King James Jamerson and many others...
  21. [quote name='bumnote' post='873047' date='Jun 20 2010, 10:10 PM']im a bit confused, have you used a primer before you use the blue?[/quote] I haven't bought anything called a 'primer'. I've got Acrylic sealing sander on a piece of wood and I'm testing the blue paint on top of that to see how it takes.
  22. I thought I'd give it a go so I went down to Halfords and bought a can of Ford Bermuda Light Blue for £5.99 so stay tuned.... Just out of curiousity I Googled 'Ford Bermuda Blue' and it lead straight to a [url="http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://freespace.virgin.net/mark.williams/backblue.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/forum/showthread.php%3Ft%3D575612&usg=__fn5S1sz9G-isV8fjcTpIl7urRfI=&h=1752&w=1168&sz=298&hl=en&start=1&sig2=vXBRY4bdZgQnUtVHQbNv5A&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=03-PAOACSY308M:&tbnh=150&tbnw=100&prev=/images%3Fq%3DFord%2BBermuda%2BLight%2BBlue%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=STceTPWAGseTsgbG2OSLBg"]build thread[/url] on a guitar forum. The guy is using Halfords spray paints too. Seems the only obstacle is the long drying times
  23. [quote name='Bloodaxe' post='872569' date='Jun 20 2010, 01:15 PM']Prep another test board with the primer & hight ye unto Halfords. Pretty much all of their rattle cans are an "acrylic formulation", it's the solvent I'm not sure of - that [i]might[/i] attack the primer, but there's only one way to be certain. P.[/quote] When you say 'primer' do you mean the acrylic sealant?
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