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Everything posted by Spoombung

  1. [quote name='Rumble' post='830284' date='May 7 2010, 07:51 AM']Can't go into loads of detail at the moment, given that I'm about to start work, but I'll be around later to give you a bit more of a low down. One thing I will say is - "polite", I don't think so![/quote] I look forward to it...
  2. [quote name='bubinga5' post='830130' date='May 6 2010, 10:30 PM']No...but its one bass i do really want to try...ive heard they are very versatile, but some say are a little polite..ive heard a few and i cant see it..real growl... i dont usually like blue basses but that is just!! this one does it for me...very expensive new but would like to get good used one.. WOW i wonder if George has sorted the thin finishes that wore quite quickly on previous basses..[/quote] I haven't seen many 4 strings (I wonder why?). I'd love to try the fretless model. sounds terrific on this clip:
  3. This one on Talkbass makes me go all funny and weak at the knees: I've noticed that blue basses tend to give me GAS for some reason.
  4. Does anyone want to invite me around to try one out in sort of mini-bass bash pact?
  5. [quote name='Rumble' post='830073' date='May 6 2010, 09:40 PM']Yep! What d'ya wanna know?[/quote] Ooof! Surprise. What's the balance like (seated). I expect it's good because of the bottom curve of the bass. Tell me about it.
  6. I've always been curious about them. Anyone here played one/got one?
  7. [size=7][b]*SOLD*[/b][/size]
  8. [quote name='Mokl' post='825123' date='May 1 2010, 08:33 PM']Funny enough I've found the necks on the 2 Wals I've owned very chunky, with the Mach I being a very pronounced "V". I understand they do vary a fair bit though... I had a Thumb BO which although chunky depth-wise, felt quite fast to me! My current bass has just been refinished by Paul H. and I asked him to shave the back of the neck for me, so I'm hoping it'll be less "clubby" than it was before. Anyway, sorry for the ramble, lovely bass and admirable playing there![/quote] That's also what I had done to my Wal neck. Found it too chunky too.
  9. [quote name='urbanx' post='824412' date='Apr 30 2010, 09:49 PM']I've knocked this up from various images, and photoshop. Some say if God played a bass it'd be this one, and that Hugh Hefner once turned down 12 bunny girls to be in a room with one.... All we know is... it's my fantasy bass. C'mon Fender, make it happen.[/quote] Looks great!
  10. [quote name='littleal' post='824885' date='May 1 2010, 02:51 PM']Compared to my warwicks it feels like it does, the chunky wenge necks on my wicks are a physical work out [/quote] I'm wondering why anyone would buy a Warwick. They are design abominations and are barely evolved from trees. Comparing a Warwick to a Wal is like comparing brass to gold
  11. [quote name='littleal' post='824823' date='May 1 2010, 01:53 PM']Cheers, i think its the bass more than me though, it almost plays itself [/quote] Well I've got one. And I can assure you it does not play itself!
  12. Very nice. I wish I could play like that.
  13. Danelectro short scale bass for sale. The bass has an exceptional low action and a great feel due to the short scale and the highly polished, stoned frets (done professionally when I bought the bass). It weighs next to nothing and is very comfortable. It excels in that retro, passive sound and is particularly effective with a pick and some palm-muting giving an authentic, Serge Gainsbourg 'Je t'aime' effect. I've used it almost exclusively for this type of style. It's presently strung with an expensive set of flatwounds. Original price was £240. I'm selling for [b]£130[/b]. I will also be enthusiastic regarding trade with anyone selling an Ibanez SR300 4-string. The white tape used on the side of these basses began peelng off soon after I bought it, so I decided to remove it completely. Unfortunately some of the finish came off here: I would prefer collection from London if possible. Thanks Kev
  14. Looks like fun! A bit too far for me to go for a curry, though.
  15. I can't believe this beauty is still here. This is the most prized Ibanez model of all.
  16. [quote name='wotnwhy' post='813989' date='Apr 21 2010, 05:44 PM']thats all fine, but why do you feel that overwater should be the one to complete your vision?[/quote] Oh, I'm just jealous, really, as I'd like a golden opportunity to design a mass produced bass. It's nothing more than that. Also, I don't know what Overwater's brief was from Tanglewood. For all I know it could have been "Design us four anonymous-looking basses that you think will sell like hot cakes. Nothing too out the ordinary, please." Anyway, I said I wouldn't make any more comments, I'll dig myself into trouble.
  17. [quote name='Mykesbass' post='813072' date='Apr 20 2010, 09:21 PM']How about setting up a new, seperate thread on bass design rather than raining on Overwater's parade and let us dullards support them in what should be a really great commercial venture for a well respected bass company? Cheers, Mike[/quote] Yes, that's a good point and I think I should probably refrain from any more comments about the Overwater designs as I admit I am [i]very [/i]critical of them. I get the feeling criticism of instrument design is not altogether welcome here anyway; that's evidenced in the frequent[i] 'each to his own'[/i] and [i]'that's just your opinion' [/i]comments that pop up over these issues. Opinions aren't welcomed on the subject... unless asked for. I'm sure the Overwater basses will play and sound okay. They have plenty of fans. However, I will bow out by saying that I feel every new decade needs something fresh and funky in terms of mass-produced instrument design and 2010 is in great need of new, innovative bass designs that stand out with real indentity and grab attention. I can only confess that I find the all pervading output of anonymous yet familiar templates, the same old shapes, the Fender-cloning and vintage conservatism (regarding mass-produced models from well known companies) a bit depressing...afterall...we've had over a decade of it!
  18. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='813007' date='Apr 20 2010, 08:41 PM']Yours is just one opinion though. There's no accounting for taste.[/quote] Well yes. What's yours?
  19. [quote name='Rich' post='812375' date='Apr 20 2010, 11:27 AM']I'm still willing to bet that the majority of players would choose a 'normal' shaped bass over a wilder alternative. Although I am of course just voicing my own opinion here and speaking for myself and so on.[/quote] For me, the problem with those Overwater designs is that (for whatever reason) they appear to be rather cool exercises in moderation and restraint and therefore fail to excite as a result. There are dozens of basses that look like them (or a bit like them) on the market already. We all know bass guitars are pretty similar between bridge and nut... and they also usually sound [i]very[/i] similar too because of ubiquitous pickup designs and the small spectrum of materials available. In reality, that really only leaves one major area you can experiment with and strive to make an impact; the exploration of line, colour, and the relationship with the body in terms of shape, balance, style and ergonomic features. Unfortunately, I can't see any evidence of that in these very plain designs. It looks like someone has simply drawn around an existing design and presented that to the client. It might have been more interesting to give the job to a designer instead of a guitar maker to see what would happen (I'm reminded of the Ned Steinberger story). For anyone who missed it, here's a link to BigRed X's fantastic thread featuring adventurous guitar design: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=5525&hl=Weird+wonderful"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...Weird+wonderful[/url]
  20. [quote name='Bloodaxe' post='786318' date='Mar 25 2010, 09:53 PM'][url="http://www.creeksidestudios.co.uk/index.html"]Creekside Studios[/url] Pros... Ample secure FREE parking, Buzzer entry system (so you can leave the Uzi at home), Walking distance from DLR (Deptford Bridge) & National Rail (Deptford) - less than 10 min walk, Bus Routes [url="http://www.tfl.gov.uk/tfl/gettingaround/maps/buses/pdf/deptford-10316.pdf"]47 (Catford Garage to Shoreditch, Deptford Church St. stop P)[/url] & [url="http://www.tfl.gov.uk/tfl/gettingaround/maps/buses/pdf/greenwich-2106.pdf"]199 (Catford Garage to Canada Water [for Jubilee Line], Creek Road-Creekside)[/url] go past the end of the street, Local Greggs, Percy Ingle, Tesco Express, a takeaway Curryhouse, Barclays & HSBC within a 10 min walk. Cons... None - they'll all be up the market on Deptford High Street fleecing the punters. You know it makes sense.[/quote] Deptford is a great idea (I live there - virtually opposite the proposed venue) so count me in. I'll bring a couple of basses of course...
  21. [quote name='BigRedX' post='805040' date='Apr 13 2010, 04:39 PM']I'd be up for this. For a start I could finally show my O level history teacher who once wrote on my school report: "His ability to design guitars is considerable. I would prefer it to be used in other ways" Unfortunately I rather suspect that the total sales would be limited, especially since I hope would hope to get at least one free...[/quote] You want to join me? C'mon lets take the bass world by storm, my friend....even if we have to take Tanglewood down with us.
  22. If anyone from Tanglewood is reading please get in contact with me through Basschat. Me and my assistant, Mr BigRedX, will design and deliver you something very special... something with an identity, something modern, something different.
  23. [quote name='Mykesbass' post='803203' date='Apr 11 2010, 11:11 PM']I'm pretty certain that's not the case - I think the power of the brand and the heritage of certain styles outweighs any new innovations and the builders have responded by giving the majority what they want. I must say though, that in my short time in retail, bass players were completetly polarised into the "old faithful" camp and the exotic custom build camp. There were a lot more of the "old faithfuls".[/quote] You know I real wish they'd asked [i]me [/i]to design those basses instead of Overwater. What is it that prevents designers picking up a pencil and drawing some fresh lines?? I'd have come up something [b]10 times[/b] more arresting. Mind you, it might have been a commercial disaster (like my other ventures into capitalism)
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