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Everything posted by Spoombung

  1. [quote name='Mykesbass' post='802686' date='Apr 11 2010, 03:16 PM']Trouble is, most bass players (even more so guitarists) are a very conservative (small c as it's so close to an election) lot, and for every exotic Sei or space age Gus there are thousands of P's J's and Stingrays. Just look at the plaudits this forum gives the Squier CV series. I think with the strong commitment to QC that I am sure Overwater are going to apply and the strength of the brand will make this series a huge success. Could be what I will be looking for in a few months.[/quote] I largely agree with you but maybe they're conservative because they aren't offered much variety?
  2. It was this kind of model: You can tell the bass will neck dive just from looking at the proportions. All the weight is concentrated on the neck and top horn. The lower horn is positioned too far back on the bass to redress balance - hence the bass neckdives on the lap. I'm sure it's okay with a strap though. Seated, it needs lifting by the neck or leaning on the top to compensate.
  3. I personally think it would be nice to see some more adventurous, eye-catching designs - more experimentation with body design, shape, contours, colour etc. Something that says "Ah, this is 2010 design".
  4. I popped in there yesterday for the first time and got to play a Sei bass (for the first time) - a fretless 5 string. It was immaculately made but just wouldn't sit on my lap at all (massive neckdive). Apart from the usual hazards (a young guy slapping and making clanking noises while his mother looked on) it seemed a nice shop (with a very harassed, unhappy- looking shop assistant glued to the computer while frantically trying to answer phone calls).
  5. Shame there's no photos.
  6. [quote name='cheddatom' post='787039' date='Mar 26 2010, 03:23 PM']Weird! Maybe you don't go to many gigs? If anything I wish there were more 6ers, but only to perv at as I have no dosh.[/quote] No, I go to quite a few! Sometimes I think the 5 strings+ bass culture only exists on bass forums (a bit like slap bass only exists in trade shows) although I'm obviously mistaken about this as there have been sightings of 5-string bassists at gigs - and maybe bassists also slap at gigs too (again, I've not seen that either)! I'd quite like to know the percentage of 4 string players to 5. A quick look at Ebay reveals there are [b]86 4-strings[/b] for sale, [b]76 5-strings[/b] and [b]42 6-strings[/b] - that is similar to the percentage here on Basschat. So it looks like they're becoming lot more popular although I suspect they're recycled more frequently. I'm getting old.
  7. [quote name='XB26354' post='787013' date='Mar 26 2010, 03:09 PM']So?[/quote] Well hurrah for 5-string basses, I suppose.
  8. You know, I don't think I've ever seen anyone play a 5-string at a gig (and I go to a lot of gigs) or met anyone who owns one. Where are they then? They're all here in the 'For Sale' section or the Basschat 'Porn' section.
  9. [quote name='XB26354' post='786989' date='Mar 26 2010, 02:50 PM']Er... page 1 of the Basses for sale has 27 basses, of which 19 are 4-strings.[/quote] There must have been a rush of 'em! Fenders don't count by the way; they're omnipresent.
  10. The Basschat 'for sale' section is choka -block with 5-string and 6-string basses. It's a shame for us traditional 4-string players: not much variety or choice there. Do people get fed up with 5 and 6 strings really quickly and go back to their 4-strings? Why are there so many 5 and 6 string basses for sale there? I thought most bassists played 4?
  11. Never, ever had a bass bargain...
  12. [size=7][b]STOP[/b][/size]
  13. [quote name='BarnacleBob' post='786254' date='Mar 25 2010, 08:07 PM']The body looks remarkably similair to the Pedulla RB range. BB[/quote] Yeah. A bit wider, perhaps.
  14. Manson's in Exeter are selling an interesting looking bass: Stark E-Bass Bass Guitar - apparently made on the premises. Has anyone here had a go on it?
  15. Some of you may have seen this already but here goes: [i]Martin Taylor's contract rider _____________________________________________________________ Dear Promoter, Thank you for inviting me to play for you. I have been a professional musician since 1973 and have spent most of that time touring around the world as a solo artist. On the surface my job looks very glamorous, jetting around the globe and playing to thousands of adoring fans. But the reality is that it is hard work and very tiring having to deal with hectic travel schedules, crowded airports, lost baggage and Eastern European hotels. Giving Japanese press interviews while jet-lagged or hung-over are just some of the tortuous ordeals that can pay a heavy toll on an artist, both physically and mentally. However you can help me enormously by taking care of a few small, yet I hope not over-demanding, details. I would therefore like to request that the following items be available in my dressing room on my arrival. I would also like you to take a few minutes to read through other information on the following pages, as these details are very important to me. Thank you. Martin Taylor - Solo Guitarist -------------------------------------------- RIDER MY DRESSING ROOM REQUIREMENTS: 1 Electric fan, 1 large white towel, 1 bottle of Italian red wine, 1 bottle of still mineral water (not French), 1 plate of mixed sandwiches, 1 banana, 1 apple, 1 world band short-wave radio tuned to BBC World Service, 1 Racing Post or similar horse racing journal, 1 local map (outside UK) -------------------------------------------- EXPLANATION OF THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS: 1 Electric Fan. I am British and therefore not accustomed to temperatures over 38ºF. 1 Large white towel. This must be new, unused and white. I am a bit of a hygiene freak and like to make sure the towel doesn't have any dirt left on it from the last band. 1 Bottle of Italian red wine. I have high blood pressure and need to keep my blood thin to avoid a heart attack or stroke. I find Italian plonk to be the best precautionary medicine. The wine also comes in handy as I suffer from stage fright and need to get slightly plastered before going on stage to face my audience. 1 Bottle of still mineral water. This must not be French, for all the obvious reasons. 1 portable world band short-wave radio I enjoy the reassuring sounds of home and need the sound of an English voice to calm my pre-show nerves, so I would like a World Band Radio tuned to the BBC World Service to be playing on my arrival. N.B. The Voice Of America is not an acceptable alternative as the presenters' voices jangle my nerves, particularly when they mangle the English language with made-up bullshit words like "Normalcy", "Hospitalization", and "Self-describe-arotory-ization-al-ism". They also know sod-all about world affairs. 1 plate of sandwiches A selection of mixed carnivorous sandwiches plus 1 Banana and 1 Apple are all the solid fuel I need to give an artistic performance. Please do not be tempted to force upon me any local specialty foods. From my experience local delicacies only taste great to local people who have had years to acclimatise their tastebuds and build up a digestive system strong enough to deal with such fare. All they do to us foreigners is make us glop our brains out for the next three days. Please DO NOT include pretzels in the rider. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to eat this disgusting, vile, nutritionless garbage, unless they want to develop an enormous me and appear on the Jerry Springer Show with other fat-assed people. 1 up-to-date edition of THE RACING POST or similar outside of the UK. My youngest son is a jockey and I need to keep in contact with my bookie as I make more money as a gambler than I do as a jazz guitarist. 1 map of the local area. Most days I have absolutely no idea where I am, so I would like a local map covering a minimum 20 mile radius of my concert venue or hotel. In the UK please supply a 1:50 000 1 inch to 1 mile, sheet measurement 705 mm by 838 mm First Series Ordnance Survey Map available from Ordnance Survey, Romsey Road, Southampton, SO9 4DH. (Artist will supply own compass). In the USA please supply a U.S. Rand-McNally Road Atlas indicating all McDonald's, Arbys, KFC's, Wendy's, Howard Johnson's, and other crap eatinghouses to be avoided in the area. In Bangladesh I would just like to know where my mini-bar is located in my hotel room as I have absolutely no intention of going outside to have bricks and bottles thrown at me just because I'm white. The following item is optional: 1 life-size photograph of the US Bassist Eddie Gomez (3'7" high to scale) to remind me how lucky I am to be working solo. ----------------------------------------------- PLEASE NOTE: The following people should not be allowed backstage UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES: Heavily tattooed relatives of mine with earrings, that arrive in a white Ford Transit Van towing a caravan with ladders on the roof, and go by the names of Dwayne, Wayne, Shane, Darren and Dino. Portly 60-year-old Englishmen who have never married, still live with their elderly mother, carry old vinyl records in a plastic bag from a back street specialist jazz record store, wear duffle coats, open-toed sandals with thick red socks, and like to discuss early Mezz Mezzrow outtakes for hours on end. These people are potentially dangerous and shouldn't be encouraged or left alone with small children. Anyone under 30 with a ponytail, wearing a MegaDeth, Iron Maiden, Metallica or Black Sabbath T-shirt and says "Totally awesome dude" to everything while playing an invisible guitar. Anyone over 30 with a ponytail, and wearing a Martin Taylor T-shirt circa 1993. Anyone with a ponytail. Australian women who wear their sunglasses on their heads and have voices that go up at the end of every sentence, thus making it "sound like a question?". Overdressed Frenchmen who wear their coats over their shoulders without putting their arms through the sleeves. People who claim to have gone to school with me despite being 25 years younger or older than me and coming from Estonia. Total strangers who I have never met before but still insist they gave me my f irst gig. Female singers who only sing SUMMERTIME. Male singers who can only sing LADY IS A TRAMP. Excessively happy Americans carrying Bibles. Depressed Welsh people. Smart-assed Cockneys. Scotsmen who give you knuckle-crunching handshakes and talk at you with their face one inch from yours, spitting slightly while doing so. Eddie Gomez can only come backstage if he knocks on my door three times, waits five minutes then f***s off. --------------------------------------------------- BUT the following people should be ENCOURAGED backstage: Guitarists' widows who would like to give me their late husband's mint condition 1942 D'Angelico New Yorker with original alligator case and valued at $150,000. Japanese people. They are very nice, respectful, clean, fun-loving people who buy my records by the truckload and like to give gifts to artists, usually bottles of deceptively clear fluid containing near-toxic levels of alcohol. Any jazz critic who has consistently given me undeserved bad reviews and has written personally offensive and untruthful things about me in the press, is very welcome backstage to share a glass or two of wine with me until Dwayne, Wayne, Shane, Darren and Dino show up to beat the crap out of him. ---------------------------------------------------------- NOTES FOR CAB AND LIMO DRIVERS If you are sending a driver to pick me up at the airport, it will save everybody time if I submit the following answers to the following questions that I know from years of experience he will inevitably ask me. To save me going through this tedious process every day of my life I enclose the full set of questions and answers. I would appreciate it if you could print out a copy of these answers and give them to the driver in advance. This should save me having to speak to him. Instead I will be pretending to be asleep in the back seat while listening to the BBC World Service on large industrial-strength headphones. The questions and answers vary slightly from country to country, so I enclose a few typical examples. Should your country not be included here, please contact my management, who will be happy to send you the relevant Q&A for your country. Please clearly state your country, airport of arrival, time of year, and whether the country happens to be hosting the World Cup or any other boring sporting event at the time. Please note that any attempt by the driver to engage me in a conversation about football or any other kind of sport, apart from horse racing, will be met with total silence. DRIVERS IN THE USA Driver: Hey, where ya from, buddy? Martin: England. Driver: Wow, you speak pretty good English. Martin: Yes. Amazing, isn't it? Driver: I just love your Benny Hill, he cracks me up, totally kills me, man! I bet you're a big fan too. Martin: No, actually. Driver: Ha! Ha! Ha! Your British humour just cracks me up. Ha! Ha! Ha! How come all you British guys are so funny? Martin: Perhaps because we live in a country where the food's crap and it rains all the time. Driver: Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Stop it! Stop it! You're killin' me here! Wait 'til I tell the guys down at the bowling alley tonight the food's crap and it... uh, what was the other part? Martin: It rains all the time. Driver: Yeah, that's it. Ha! Ha! Ha! I see from the nametags on your bags you're a doctor, right? Dr. Taylor? A doctor of medicine, right? Martin: No, Islamic Fundamentalism, Third World Guerilla Warfare, Cuban Communism, and 21st Century Urban Terrorism. I graduated at the University of Tripoli last September. Driver: Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Stop it you're crackin' me up. Ha! Ha! Ha! I see you got a guitar there Doc, what kind of guitar is it, six string? 12-string? Electric? Acoustic? Martin: I don't know. All I know is, some guy I never met before called Mohammed gave it to me at the JFK airport baggage claim. I have no idea what's in it. Driver: Uh-huh. (short pause) I bet they were celebrating in the streets of England when the Yankees won the World Series this year? Martin: (Total silence). DRIVERS IN ENGLAND Driver: Go on, give us a tune, mate! Go on! Martin: Certainly not. Driver: Oh go on! Tell me, straight up, are you any good? Martin: No. Driver: My bruvver's boy's f***in' brilliant, could turn pro if he wanted. You should hear 'im on that f***in' 'lectric guitar of 'is, 'e can make it f***in' talk, 'e can. Can you make it f***in' talk? Can ya, can ya? Martin: No. Driver: What kind of music d'ya play then? Rock? Country? Blues? Middle of the road? Martin: Jazz. Driver: Argh! f*** me bandy, I can't stand jazz. No offence like, but it's just a f***in' racket innit? Martin: Yes. Driver: Ever met anyone famous? Martin: Yes, Ronnie and Reggie Kray. They were my uncles. Driver: (after short silence) Did you watch the Arsenal play Spurs on Saturday? Martin: (Total silence). DRIVERS IN SCOTLAND Driver: 'Ey pal, gi' us a wee tune! Martin: No. Driver: Go on, gi' us Ten Guitars! (Starts singing and dancing to hopefully encourage me) Martin: No. Driver: Did ya no see the Rangers-Celtic game on Saturday? Martin: No, I'm Jewish and I can't find a team to support in Glasgow. Driver: (Total silence from driver, who thinks I must be gay). DRIVERS IN HOLLAND Driver: I think maybe you would like very much to vishit a shmoking café for de cannabish shigarettes, no? Den go on to a whorehoush for shum shex wid our big Dutch gurlsh? Martin: No thanks. Driver: But you are a guitarisht no? Martin: No. Driver: Den what is in de guitar caysh? Martin: Canadian soft porn. Driver: Argh! Dishgushting! Canadian shoft porn, it should be banned! Martin: Yeah, you can't see any action at all, it's all censored out. Driver: Shtop dish or I call de poleesh. I feel shick. Did you watch de shocker on TV lasht night? It vosh Ajaksh againsht Inter Milan. Martin: (Total silence). DRIVERS IN ITALY No Q&A necessary here as I never have time to speak in Italy, being too busy soiling my pants in sheer terror in the back seat while the driver hurls us along narrow roads and overhanging cliff-tops while telling me how many women he shagged last night. Driver: Hey, you watcha the footaballa lasta night? You-vay versus Napoli? What wassa da score? I-a meese evrytheeng as I wassa beezy shagging. Martin: (Total silence, teeth clenched). DRIVERS IN AUSTRALIA This is never a problem, since for some reason no driver in Australia speaks any English and I do not speak Greek or Vietnamese. ------------------------------------------------------------ REQUESTS FOR TUNES As a professional musician for nearly 30 years I have worked very hard on building up a list of great tunes written by the finest composers in the world. I have also learnt how to make up a varied and well balanced programme by playing these tunes in a running order that is both interesting and entertaining for the listener. Please therefore note that I do not play any of the following tunes: SUMMERTIME (with or without local female singer) LADY IS A TRAMP (with or without local male singer) TEN GUITARS STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN CAVATINA Any songs by CHRIS deBURGH or RICHARD CLAYDERMAN. Please do not screw up my gig by making me play any of these. I will however be happy to play any composition by Andrew Lloyd Webber with a running time not exceeding 1 min 15 sec on the condition that the person requesting it wires 25 million dollars directly into my Swiss bank account. This will (only partially) compensate for the emotional stress and loss of street-cred I will suffer from playing such tripe. -------------------------------------------------- LATE-NIGHT JAMS Please do not under any circumstances ask me to bring my guitar along to a late-night jam session after my concert, as I do not enjoy backing the bar owner's wife while she sings SUMMERTIME at 3 o'clock in the morning. Thanks for your cooperation. I look forward to a great gig.[/i]
  16. Oh, fantastic stuff! There are a lot of Eddie Gomez stories, funnily enough.
  17. Ooooooo... that's a blast from the past. Pity there's no film of them, though.
  18. It is quite useful. add £316 to $2200 bass. Jesus.
  19. Impressive. Where do you keep all those basses? Do you live in a warehouse?
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