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Everything posted by Spoombung

  1. [quote name='alexclaber' post='433603' date='Mar 13 2009, 01:25 PM']Is is a whizzer cone design like this? Alex[/quote] Yes, it looks a bit like that. I used to have a cab with a speaker in like that and it sounded great - all the frequencies plus some high end. Can't remember what I did with it. I reckon that's what I want
  2. The arguments for giving up are so compelling it's a good reason for cheerfully ignoring them.
  3. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='432932' date='Mar 12 2009, 09:47 PM']They are everywhere. Might hwant to whip that speaker out and see if its made by someone else, and see if you can find it from that, its is a bit specialist.[/quote] [i]Whip it out?[/i] You've got to be joking. I just don't do that sort of thing....
  4. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='432815' date='Mar 12 2009, 08:04 PM']No sorry Kev just posting irrelevant and irreverent nonsense really [/quote] Where are all the muso/tech nerds on this forum?
  5. [quote name='Spoombung' post='432813' date='Mar 12 2009, 08:01 PM']Huh?[/quote] Oh I see... HH. Have you got an answer to the question, Peter?
  6. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='432811' date='Mar 12 2009, 08:00 PM']Helly Hanson made amps - wow [/quote] Huh?
  7. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='432776' date='Mar 12 2009, 07:11 PM']I think its 2 speakers, a smaller one pokes out the middle of the big one. Would figure there is a crossover so its just like a woofer tweeter arrangement. If the Cube100 has the same deal, then there is your answer.[/quote] Well, I thought of that, but I'd like to use this kind of speaker with the HH amp I've already got.
  8. Hi I've got one of these - a Roland cube 30: It's a great little amp and I'm particularly fond of the 10" speaker. It's described as [i]"10-inch coaxial 2-way speaker design"[/i]. I looks like a normal speaker with a slightly elevated centre piece. I know nothing about speakers but it has a broad frequency range. My question is does anybody make a more powerful version of this speaker (say 100watt) in a smallish cabinet that I could use with my old HH amp? Or is there a company that sells this type of speaker? A Google search hasn't revealed much...
  9. [quote name='Seb_C' post='432527' date='Mar 12 2009, 03:14 PM']A valve power stage makes a huge difference to tone. Solid state amps with a valve in the pre tend to sound like solid state amps. I'd rather run a solid state pre and valve power than vice versa (but i'd prefer all valve over either).[/quote] Who makes valve power amps?
  10. It's the way you play'em.
  11. [i]Prosebass[/i] treated me to a deft melody of Pino Palladino basslines at the Harrowgate Bash and I even recognized 'April' by John Giblin. It was like the eighties all over again...
  12. [quote name='escholl' post='427412' date='Mar 6 2009, 06:03 PM']Always good to meet a like-minded individual. I cannot say enough good things about HH, I wouldn't even know where to start. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtopic=10285&view=findpost&p=321291"]This[/url] may interest you along with [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtopic=43079&view=findpost&p=427405"]this[/url]. Also, I may be able to help you with your pre-amp situation, PM me if you're interested.[/quote] Oh, terrific stuff, H&H brother! I'll PM you either Sat or Mon...
  13. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='427348' date='Mar 6 2009, 04:50 PM']I bet there were no queues going into Essex [/quote] I couldn't possibly comment, Peter!
  14. [quote name='josh3184' post='427285' date='Mar 6 2009, 04:03 PM']I really like the black pinstripes on the back of the neck, yum![/quote] ... the gentleman's bass guitar. I just need a suit to go with it now.
  15. Of course, I now include my customary photo, from behind the wheel, of the diabolical queue for the Blackwall Tunnel on the way back from Essex. Feck.
  16. Okay then, lets have a look at the results: Well, if I'm honest, I'm left with the strange impression that the neck still seems quite chunky to me, maybe because it hasn't been radiused yet and the large volute is quite prominent (which I like). Mike tells me the neck has been shaved down as far as possible - he didn't recommend any more. The other thing that adds to this sensation is the fairly thick fingerboard. This is how Mike likes to make his basses but it tends to create an optical illusion of chunkiness especially with the veneer underneath. Out of curiosity we measured the thickness of the neck compared to another neck that I liked in the workshop - and even though mine looked chunky and the other looked slender (it did not feature the same woods or a thick fingerboard) they were the same width. So it's not actually chunky even though it might look that way. I kind of think it's impossible to judge the final 'effect' of the instrument at this stage - there's still too many unfinished factors - the final neck shaping, (there's more finishing to be done) the fingerboard radius and slope to the headstock, the frets etc, etc. I'm pleased with the progress so far and I'm glad I could specify my preferences but obviously have no feeling of a complete instrument as yet.
  17. Next we move to an old luthiers trick. Lots of pencil scribble on the neck, then a big flat sanding block. The idea is the dips will show as untouched until the whole thing is level. Let the sanding begin:
  18. I've asked Mike for a flattened 'D' profile neck. He says in 18 years of building basses he has rarely had this request - perhaps 3 or 4 times only. I've always liked necks that are flat at the back - Status basses, etc. His chosen method is to carve the neck dead flat between the two veneer lines then proceed to softening the profile on the outer parts of the neck later. His weapon of choice is a roughed-up old file - which looked like a a piece of shrapnel to me -rather than the spokeshave Steve prefers.
  19. I went up to Witham today to check on the progress. The body is still a big slab of wood but here are some pictures of how Steve left the neck; roughly contoured but bulky enough to make adjustments. It feels solid and Mike describes the maple as "particularly fine". It was a funny day. We discussed [i]Golden Sections [/i]quite a bit. Unfortunately, the limits of Mike's classical knowledge on the subject stretched inexorably towards Naomi Campbell and her perfect proportions rather than anything practicable to do with my bass. Anyway, after the usual (and hugely enjoyable) barrage of anecdotes we moved on to the neck profiling...
  20. [quote name='steve-soar' post='425622' date='Mar 4 2009, 11:14 PM']Hi Kev, I took an old Ampeg preamp to him as it was very poorly. He took over an hour to tell me what was wrong, using oscilloscopes, computers and general chjuzzyness. I'm playing through it now and it sounds lovely. He is obsessed with sound, so, he may be a candidate.[/quote] I'd better call him some time!
  21. [quote name='josh3184' post='425602' date='Mar 4 2009, 10:42 PM']one way to find out![/quote] Quite! Cor... I stumbled on this: A great website about H&H amps [url="http://www.hhamplification.co.uk/tech.asp"]http://www.hhamplification.co.uk/tech.asp[/url] I remember lusting after this stuff.
  22. [quote name='steve-soar' post='425500' date='Mar 4 2009, 08:17 PM']Preamp woes, try Dave Lunt, Stockport.[/quote] Thanks for the tip, Steve. I'd like someone to take the bass head apart, extract the pre amp (the tone controls and compressor) and put it in a box for me. I'm not clear how the compressor works with the gain - there is a relationship between them -but it makes sense there will be a power amp in there that can be disconnected. Do you reckon he can do this?
  23. I can't believe I've still got exactly the same gear as I had in 1985. It was old then! Still, [i]I thoroughly[/i] endorse H&H products - the finest bass amps ever made. Before that I had a Selmer Treble 'n'Bass valve amp which had more warmth and depth but didn't suit the Wal so much. Most modern amps sound rubbish to my ears. You've probably noticed my 100 watt amp head has seen better days - it's missing knobs and buttons and even survived a fire in a studio. I've lost the 4 x12 cab from the band days (can't remember what I did with it) so I've used the 15" combo for the gigs ever since. It's a little erratic to say the least, surging up and down in volume of its own accord. I've tried to have it fixed but many engineers have tried and failed. It's the pre amp part of the H&H I really like. It's a perfect marriage for the Wal (which tends to be very dynamic and I think really needs a compressor. The H&H compressor does the job. The H&H Studio 60 (to give it its full title) is a big fruity amp that weighs a ton. I wrote [i]"this speaker talks bullshit"[/i] on it when I was drunk and I'm still looking for the right cleaning product to remove the offensive lettering. I tried for years to find an engineer willing to extract the pre amp from the main amp head ... to no avail. It would have been really handy to take it in a little box with me when I was doing loads of foreign gigs in the 90's. If anybody knows someone who can do this let me know. In the meantime I should try and find a small 12" cab to go with the amp head...so if anybody has one for sale let me know.
  24. [quote name='Prosebass' post='424198' date='Mar 3 2009, 03:19 PM']No video of the Notts bash ? they were clanking Fenders and videoing it at the North East bash though ![/quote] Yes, you're right - I've got my Bass Bashes mixed up [i]again[/i]!
  25. U2 are one of those bands that won't go away - a bit like REM or heart disease. The Irish boys in Stump loathed them and when we released our first indie album they insisted on the catalogue number '[b]STUFF U2'[/b] (a little joke, y'know). Unfortunately, the band (or someone representing the band) noticed this and it had a somewhat detrimental effect on out Irish press because unknown to Mick and Rob, U2 held some sort of vested interest in [i]Hot Press[/i], (the main Irish music mag), and their publishing - and we didn't get the usual double page spreads. It didn't matter, though, as we still sold bucket loads.
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