@agedhorse - this is so true! “Bass amps generally last 10+ years without attention but I am now seeing bass amps in after 15-20 years of hard use that need refurbishment. It's not the SMPS and Class D part that needs work, it's everything else that suffers the wear, tear and handling accidents”
My guitarist’s Nomad 55 combo is basically trashed… because front panel not covered and many whacks taken. My old Ampeg SVT 3 had dry joints and blown MOSFETs and a smoked transformer at different times… strongly suspect because it lived in a crappy plastic 2U rack and kept getting knocked over on to concrete by… guitarists 🤣
My current GK is in a 3U full fat flight case - more chance of breaking your shin than knocking that over. I’m still very much a large transformer sort of boy