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Everything posted by rze99

  1. Hi I acted as an intermediary for a friend who bought a bass from @itsmedunc and everything was easy with happy patied all round. Thank you for being such a good member here
  2. Sorry missed that point. As a guitarist. when I play bass I find I just do this automatically on both guitar and bass, playing with a plectrum. Wen playing bass with finger I do what Sting does - use my thumb and mute with my palm. I'm playfully imagining some form of G bender -like contraption that automatically lifts a mute under the strings when you pull down on the strap....
  3. John Deacon used foam up against the bridge which works well.
  4. superb gig. top band and I like em heavy before the pop and drum machines
  5. I'm excited to announce the launch of our new album, Few Who Stop, by Scoorieboy, my recording band project with John Mackie, ex-Scars. Recorded and mixed over the last few months, it’s launching today. Check it now out now on Bandlab where it is immediately available to stream and buy. https://scoorieboy.bandcamp.com/album/few-who-stop. Also coming available on iTunes/Apple Music: (1-7 days), Spotify (5 days) Google Play (3 days). Amazon (4 days), Pandora: (2 weeks), Deezer: (2 weeks). Most tracks also have vids available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/scoorieboy/videos
  6. Band just cut this while distancing.
  7. Just wow.
  8. Here's my '99 USA P white blonde ash with rosewood. You can just see the grain in some lights. These pics make it a little lighter than it is in the flesh. Very nice pickups and has a sort of vintage vibe look.
  9. Stunning! Is that an LPB refin?
  10. Stunning! Is that an LPB refin?
  11. I like the Tort. 500 bases? Wow. You’ve spent more time trading than playing them.
  12. thank you @Rick's Fine '52 That'd be great. Wait until the rain comes next week! I'd especially love to see a few more detailed shots of the 1961 Jazz Olympic White Also your '53 Precision blonde, blackguard, and 1966 Precision white blonde if you have an easy link to them. That's a spectacular collection and great taste. R
  13. For me there’s a little extra woody clunk less present on other bass designs. That’s the best I can do!
  14. That's beautiful! Right choice to swap out the natural rest I think. Here's a really nice 54 tribute parts build I bought from @Sparky Mark
  15. Interesting the Road Worn finish painted areas feels like it is not nitro but it doesn’t look like it would be as trivial as you’ve heard to remove. I considered this with the Flea Body but I’m sure Someone out there wants it and I didn’t want the messy work of stripping and refin myself. I don’t really have the Right kit for one thing.
  16. Yeah it sort of feels plastic. Like a transfer. It doesn’t feel like realnnitro. Jon’s does of course and it smells lovely too.
  17. So here is my parts stack knob replica. I tried the Fender Flea bass - essentially a '61 replica relic and I thought it was absolutely perfect for me... apart from the mechanical relic work and rather grey faded pink which I know some love, it's fantastic. It has a really wonderful aged neck, great Fender '64 Pure Vintage pickups and proper USA CTS Stack pots. So I waited to find one, and I bought one used last year from a West End theatre musician locally for a very good price with hard shell case - to then customise it to my needs. To be frank, once I'd got the Flea used it for some recording and it is was so good I was in two minds about breaking it up. But I didn't like the finish much and I really wanted it to be aged Oly white! Rexter Guitars https://rexterguitars.co.uk/ I have worked with a few times and Jon there does lovely thin nitro finishes the way I like them to my specs. Plus he's a lovely guy to work with. (no affil). So I did a bunch of research on the early '60s stack knobs and sent him some sample Oly White pics I liked and described the way I wanted it aged. So I commissioned a replacement body from him (the original Flea I will sell - ping me if you want it). I really think he did a great job (as usual), a hit of yellowing, fine checking, light distressing... so this build is a Fender-Rexter bass. The body, and hand made made tort guard are Rexter Guitars, Fender Pure vintage cover parts, aged wood pull bar, natural bone nut cut cut are by my me. It plays and sounds great. Link to a set of pics https://imgur.com/gallery/GFXN9FU
  18. Sweet. Very cool. Thanks for sharing. And got mine finished last night. Earlier than I thought. I’ll post some pics and details when I get some time later.
  19. That’s a mighty fine specimen you have there. Lovely.
  20. Its not the traditional stack knob I was thinking of in my OP but yeah that's a very cool bass.
  21. thanks. To gig would be....F****g great. I so miss it. But... complicated. We have (had) a gigging band called Bittermoon playing sort of 70s, 80s, and 90s Alt pop rock/Americana covers (yes including REM) + our tracks, but the wonderful drummer and has a very young family and very ill Mum & Dad AND runs his own business AND lives in Oxfordshire - he would do a gig at a push but he's got his hands very full and so he's "not playing much right now". The other guitar player has a critically sick wife and is dealing with that dreadful stuff. The "drumming" on this stuff is me programming patterns with some live playing percussion. I started off on drums when I was 9 and I still play a bit. I'm very fussy about drummers. I've played with fantastic drummers and I'm spoiled. Which explains why we don't have one. So the band is resting restlessly and just John "Scoorieboy" and me going a bit lockdown mad... But yeah I'd love to be playing live. When / if we get it back going I'll shout out here.
  22. Thank you so much @Rick's Fine '52I really can't wait to see them. That is my perfect bass!
  23. ...cheap as chips stuff to be honest. The bass is parts build and the pickups in it are Fender MIM Player from 2018. The bass "amp" is simply and old Line6 X3 Pod. I have a tone that I set there years ago and tweak it. It is basically the stock Ampeg tone with some compressor. I think it is great. You gan get them dirt cheap now. Basically for this kind of track I aim for Bruce Foxton tone and then tweak it. I don't have a bass amp at all! The other thing I use (but not on this track) is a Sansamp Leeds pedal - also not expensive and works brilliantly into a desk. You can get the Ox tone - if you can play well enough. The guitar was recorded using the Yamaha THR100HD Vox AC30 tone with a Wampler Ego Comp compressor for squish and boost. That head is amazing - not a bad sound in there and it records perfectly with zero set up. Out the back into the desk done deal. The recording was done with Reason 11.
  24. Thank you for the encouragement I'm glad you like the tones. I just use the tones I like.
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