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Everything posted by rze99

  1. Thank you very much for checking it out and especially for the feedback. CHeers R
  2. That is EXACTLY the replica I am working on. Please please can I see more pictures details close ups. With and without the Old hub caps. Thank you.
  3. Sweet Lord that’s a wonderful pair.
  4. That’s spectacular! Mine is going to be already already made parts I’m afraid with a body sprayed for my by Jon at Rexter Guitars. nothing as ambitious as yours. The Jazz bass tone I like is simpler the two pickups together tone up full so I’m happy with the old stack layout plus I think looks more rock n roll somehow. I’m not a bass player but love to noodle and record bass. I’ll post pics of mine. Just waiting delivery of the final parts. R
  5. I’m working on a ‘61 stack knob jazz bass replica. Please us your stack knob pics especially if you own one go into detail about it please
  6. Here's a new lockdown svid track, "Sink". Pounding Precision (a parts build by me, played by John) and resonating Rickenbackers (played by me) abound... Social distancing and minumum use of loo paper rules were carefully observed. Hope you're being creative too...
  7. yeah it would alongside a Jazzmaster same colour scheme and matching surf shirts
  8. Better find my tape measure at some point. It’s wider than my jazz but not as wide And flat as some Precisions are.
  9. Lovely - pretty sort of medium all round nothing out of the ordinary easy peasey playing. Very low action
  10. This is a touch unusual being white blonde ash with rosewood. You can just see the grain in some lights. These pics make it a little lighter than it is in the flesh. Very few of these made as far as I can tell. I just play bass for fun and on recordings. This has some old flats on it and it does that deep warm Motown thump and bump wonderfully. Lovely smooth very dark chocolate rosewood with hints of chestnut. Ebony wood pull bar. Very nice pickups and has a sort of vintage vibe look without being vintage or a reissue. Anyone else have one?
  11. Stunning.
  12. What about splitting the signal and having two amps. One set cleaner and a little scooped the other with a more muddy thump with a little grit.
  13. Not surprising but not very open. Lots of guitarists expect a Precision type sound to play off
  14. I'll check 'em out. New one on me.
  15. Many thanks yes that’s been mentioned to us. California meets Sarf Landan
  16. thanks for the feedback appreciated
  17. Re the cost. That's simple. All the parts are used. I mainly build with used parts. Keeps the cost low and - if required - resale isn't too painful; The P bass has so few components and is so easy to put together. It's a doddle. And a classic of course. Good call re Bruce the Ric. Yes. He used an Ibanez Rickenbacker ("lawsuite") copy initially before they got their 6k advance from Polydor.... then Rickenbackers, but changed around 1978/79 for All Mod Cons. They used the same studios as Thin Lizzy and Phil Lynott told Bruce that he would cut through and have more weight with a Precision (that's what I heard). He was right! That said, I'd love a JetGlo 4001. But that's just silly. I'm a guitarist and just play bass for recording and fun. Anyway I saw the Jam on the All Mod Cos tour a couple of times and I most closely associate Bruce withe the Black and maple P bass.
  18. Cheers Dave- glad you were entertained. here's the Bruce build thread
  19. and the newly built "Bruce Foxton" bass gets a video debut..
  20. and on that point, is the "long reach" one "the one to get". Not sure why i mean the access to the headstock is easy is it not?
  21. I've had one help correspondence with Andertons and never again. Total dimwit.
  22. Hmm thank you maybe that's it .. because I have loads of allen keys. Is that the tool? I'll check your thread. The Fendertool says 3/16 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-American-Professional-P-Jazz-Bass-TRUSS-ROD-ADUSTMENT-Precision-SHORT/282477505503
  23. Many thanks indeed that explains it R
  24. Hi all I need a truss rod allen key for MIM Precision bass neck headstock end adjustment. Just needs a tweak so not desperate. I've got a whole bunch of allen keys and none seem to fit. Is it imperial measurements? Any kind forum member please post me a link to the right one to by - or measurement - or if you have more than a couple hanging around sell me one directly? I'm in London. thanks R
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