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tubbybloke68 last won the day on September 7 2024

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About tubbybloke68

  • Birthday 26/03/1968

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  1. I must admit I’ve never used effects, when I did briefly experiment many many years ago i just found myself disappearing in the band mix .like someone else said, I’ve been to watch too many gigs where the bass sound has been one big inaudible mush/rumble with no definition. Therefore i always turn the bass control on my amp down to 10’o clock, and boost the mids on the bass itself.90% of the time I’m playing on the bridge pickup. Yes, it can sound a bit honky on stage i suppose but i do seem to get alot of positive comments about my sound WITH the band from out front, so im quite happy to pay that price.
  2. Here you go! Unfortunately one of its previous owners decided to put the strap holders in different positions, so it has a couple of excess screw holes in it. Shame but shit happens I suppose x
  3. ‘He’s bloody good with a plectrum that bugger! X
  4. Not really into fenders, but that is a looker Freddie! Glwts 😊
  5. My lot at the SE Bassbash a while ago . Love ‘em!! X
  6. Yes they are heavy basses,but personally it has never bothered me, and still doesn’t even now I’m a lot older. As long as you’ve a nice wide strap,no problem. They were just SO well made, quality indeed 😊
  7. Love the old Ibanez basses, still got my mc924 I’ve had new since ‘83 . She’s well battered , not through abuse, just general use and tonnes of gigs . Fantastic instruments and proper ‘80’s ! 😊x
  8. We all wonder if we’re doing the right thing sometimes.Did you voice your concerns about the ‘issues’ ? If they value you, then maybe they might bend a bit now, and compromise on certain aspects? If the situation is irreversible, then i wish you all the best in your future ventures, and never say never regarding getting involved with another band,something might just pop up! . All da best, Jeff
  9. Bass is off hold and available again!
  10. Brought my trace AH300, 4x10 + 1x18 stack in there, also my first wal which i still have today, Mach II 5 . Done an evening course up there too, used to drive up in my little minivan and you could literally park right outside, no restrictions. Bass heaven right there! Used to salivate over the Alembics and statii too. Great memories x
  11. Great gig at ‘The Brook’ Southampton last night, played there many times, fantastic venue and audience as usual. Never done this before but brought a bass on the way down in Havent, Pompey and decided to use it at the gig two hours later!🤣.Really nice GB Spitfire 5 . Sounded fab but definitely needs some work done to get it up to top notch. Very comfy and light too . Will take it down to Bernie when I get time, being fairly local . 😊x
  12. Likewise for me too.RIP Nick 😐
  13. Cherry oh baby, UB40 for me. I remember a feeling of bliss and anticipation.An all new experience at the time. It was wonderful 😊.
  14. Best thing on there i reckon, a lovely piece and a steal at that price …😉x
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