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Everything posted by tubbybloke68

  1. hi all,im after a a shaped hardcase for my alembic stanley bass.does anyone know if it would fit in a gibson sg bass case? i want a nice snug fit ,dont want her flopping around inside.or is there a specialist case company that do one?the standard case gets on my wick,being too big and heavy.i would consider a gig bag too if theres one out there thats not too big and long.any advice/ideas would be greatly appreciated.regards jeff
  2. thanks for the info,never heard of this guy before,theres a few options i want to explore and i will certainly check him out.best regards,jeff
  3. hi all ! just wondering has anyone out there got or has played a birdsong hy5 shorty? very intrigued by their method of getting more tension on the b string with the through body 'wrap round' system they do.alot of people say you really need a 35' neck,but do you? i love short scales and the thought of a short 5 gets me going somewhat.anat
  4. hi all,i phoned paul regarding him making me a lined fretless neck for my wal 5,seems a very nice fella.i mailed him some pics of the bass and he said he'd get back to us with a more accurate price and a rough date as to when he could fit me in.guess the guy must be very busy cos i never got a reply.must have been a good 6 weeks ago now.anat
  5. [quote name='Linus27' post='558094' date='Aug 1 2009, 09:48 PM']I think your right and in a few weeks time, I'll get to find out as I do my first gig with it. Really can't wait. Oh and I see you have an Ibanex Musician. Very yummy bass. So, are you drunk yet?? [/quote] im sober again now but yeah i was 'away with the fairys' last night.paying the price today though! rough as a badgers a***hole.i never learn.yeah ive had an ibanez musician since 82 or 83 cant remember exactly when.it was my main bass for 20 years!bit battered now but still an absolutely amazing bass.very very well built and lovely tones.actually when using that with the shuttle i find i have to boost the highs to 3'0clock whereas with the alembic i take em down to 9.best of luck when you gig your shuttle,let us know how you get on and stuff regards jeff
  6. [quote name='Linus27' post='558057' date='Aug 1 2009, 08:17 PM']The problem I am having is I am getting to much mids but can't seem to work out how to dial it out. Probably sound great live [/quote] well this is the thing! i thought the same when i first got mine,that prehaps it had too much of a mid 'hump' but that changed when i got to gigging with it.to my ears it cuts through the mix better that way.sometimes you have to sacrifice a little something.like when i had my old trace ah300,the 'famous' pre set sounds were beautiful to behold when it was just you playing, but to my ears useless with the rest of the band,just getting lost in the mix.im not slagging t elliot by the way,because it done stirling service for 18 years without so much as a blip!just what i found with it.the shuttle certainly has that mid 'hump'i think most people would agree,whether its the right sound for you time will tell.im going to get drunk now cos its sat night and just sometimes its nice not to have a gig! all the best,jeff
  7. [quote name='Linus27' post='557420' date='Jul 31 2009, 08:45 PM']So thats basically everything running flat apart from the high at 9 o' Clock which is just adding some treble right??[/quote] yeah thats what i like about the shuttle,the fact that i think it sounds good with everything set basically flat apart from the odd tweek here and there...simple..like me! i have used a single 112x cab for small pubs which sounds suprisingly good too.i have the tweeters set at 25%.i think its very true that what sounds like a good bass sound when you,re right in front of the amp playing to yourself is not nescessarly the right tone to cut through the mix and be heard at the gig!
  8. [quote name='Linus27' post='555617' date='Jul 29 2009, 09:34 PM']I have just bought a Shuttle 6 and I love it. I first played it through a borrowed Epifani 310 and it sounded amazing. I then bought the Genz Benz NEO 212 cab and this also sounds great. However, I feel the Epifani with the Shuttle 6 sounded better. Much crisper and precise sounding. However, I will add that I have not really had much chance to fiddle with the Shuttle 6 and NEO 212 together so in time, I may say this setup sounds better. Either way, the Shuttle 6 is awsome.[/quote] hi mike, in answer to you're question of my amp settings,i tend to run the shuttle 6,starting left to right;tube preamp at 1'o clock.volume 12'o clock.low 12.o5.mid at 12.o5.mid freq at12 and high at 9'oclock.as you can tell im not the technical sort but this gives me a nice what i term 'rich smooth non boxy 'tone.thats with an alembic stanley bass.think the whole set up is quite middly anyway but i dont like a boomy sound anyway.ive never heard a neox212 i must admit.jeff genzler said 2 x 112 neoxs would give a fuller sound than a single 212 he reckoned so i trusted his judgement and got em.one persons idea of a good tone may not be anothers i guess but im pleased with things.sorry i cant give you a more technical assessment.all the best of luck,regards jeff
  9. hi all,ive got a shuttle 6 and 2 neox112's.very easy to lug and very versatile having the two seperate cabs.deep,rich,yet fairly punchy still.done the big trace thing for 18 years but i think this current set up is actually better sounding anyway.after a gig i can be away in 5 mins if i want to.no more waiting for someone else to give me a lift!plenty bloody loud too.very pleased...though i'd like to try some bergantino 210's to see if they live up to the hype,but hey,thats another story...
  10. hi all,275 sounds pretty good to me,obviously it depends on the state of the repair,but having had one since 1981 i can certainly sing its praises.top quality construction and sound .believe me she looks a bit battered these days but its always been my old faithful. these basses deserve more mention than they generally get.all hail the ibanez musician!!!
  11. hi all, yeah i`d like some veiws on the rebelstack too,though its more the cabs that interest me as i got a shuttle not so long ago that ireally like.just wondering what a couple of them 2x10 cabs would sound like through her?
  12. ) hi all,have to say since getting my alembic stanley bass...well shortys are the way ta go! superb bit of kit
  13. hi folks,ive seen reveiws of the rebel 450 amp and stuff but im more interested on what the cabs sound like.ive already got a shuttle 6 and am over the moon with it,i run it through two gb's neox 112 cabs which gives me a great 'old school' sound.im just thinking of investing in a couple of 2x10 cabs for when things need a little exta punch.think the rs210's are 8 ohms so two of em should be ok with the shuttle being 4 omh.also i cant believe the price increases on the gb 2x10 cabs.crazy.i could get two rs210's for just over the price of one.but!and this is the question, are they any good?any feedback would be appreciated
  14. [quote name='chris_b' post='324456' date='Nov 7 2008, 08:15 PM']Check out Schroeder cabs at SHX Music in Lewes, [url="http://www.shxmusic.com"]http://www.shxmusic.com[/url]. They will sound great with an LM11.[/quote] ok chris i'll try to do that as soon as i get the time.its only an hour from me to get down there.thanx 4 the input
  15. [quote name='Mike' post='324382' date='Nov 7 2008, 06:12 PM']I'm in Chelmsford, Essex, and have a Markbass traveler 12" combo, with a traveler 2x10 - you're welcome to come over and try them out if you fancy it![/quote] thanks mike thats a really kind offer but i want to try them together if u know what i mean so as to have that immediate comparison so i guess it'll have to be a shop.many thanks once again,nice one
  16. [quote name='MythSte' post='324372' date='Nov 7 2008, 05:55 PM']If it was me, I'd use the Markbass LittleMark 2 head with Genz cabs!! The heads are down to personal preference, I prefere the "edginess" of the LM2, You may prefere the tube in the pre section of the shuttle. Cabs wise, Markbass cabs seem to get very mixed reviews. Personally i dont think they do the LM2 Justice, Ive tried the 410. The Genz Cabs are pretty unanimously awsome Good luck![/quote] thanks 4 the input guess its down to personal preference really.cant wait to try em
  17. what set up would give me the most usable stage power? can u run the gb with the 2x12neo and single 12 cab together? are the rear tilt castors good.do they work well in reality? i need a pretty powerful setup as i dont go thru the pa much,i have to play anythng from hard rock to slap/funk fingerstyle and like a fat sound and after 20 yrs of lugging my ah300 series + cabs its got to be well portable! this is my first post(im new here) and any answers/advice would be greatly appriciated as im going mad with this! also can anyone recommend a shop where i can take my time and try all these rigs at the same time i live in w.sussex so in the south so anywhere as far north as brum would be better for me many thanks for reading this folks,hope u can help me out here bye 4 now
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