WOW! they look so much better with the scratch plates switched!!!
Sorry to hi-jack this post but I thought it would be suitable to get involved here instead of starting a new one.
Thinking of doing a similar thing. Mine is CIJ 2006-2008. She's a bit beat (like that when I got her, but i like that worn look)
However, I want to get a black scratchplate but can only find these -
Which if you read the spec it for American & Mexican bass's really so I am a bit miffed on how to get one that will fit correctly? Does anyone know where you can pick up one that will fit?
Also a slightly different note, I didn't realise it until looking online at other mustang's but it looks as if the tone/volume knobs have been changed from the original ones also.. maybe strat ones?
I would like to change these to these -;56375;6335&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIrpeRg_HW4QIVqLDtCh2SBQ17EAQYASABEgL6dPD_BwE
Does anyone know if they will fit - I am probably answering my own question here considering it looks like they are already on it.
Thanks for any help with this guys and as I said sorry to the Original Poster for hi-jacking!