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Terry M.

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Everything posted by Terry M.

  1. I'm sooooo pleased I'm not the only one who feels this way 🤣
  2. And then there's Charlie Hunter who can play guitar and bass parts simultaneously and extremely competently. I learned about him through the D'Angelo album Voodoo. How he does that is beyond me.
  3. Warwick Streamer and Thumb owner here. The Streamer hangs more "traditionally" for want of a better word. The Thumb was a bass I had to get to know. We're now so well acquainted that all other basses to me almost feel like the first fret is now right under my nose! It's what you play repeatedly and get used to in my opinion. I'd never get rid of it as that tone seems unavailable anywhere else.
  4. No I'm very strict with unplugging them in between uses. I do practice more than 3 hours daily so that might play a part.
  5. That's impressive. I also have a couple of Warwick basses but I've never had a battery even last a year on either of them.
  6. Agreed. It does require a particular skill which as stated previously won't be for everybody. Calling it stupid however...well...
  7. This is a fair analysis. I liked the 3rd YouTube link but can objectively see how it won't appeal to everybody. It's number 2 for me of the 3 and your take on it is pretty accurate to me. Number 1,while it appealed to several individuals on here and was played well,just didn't excite me. And yes ironically there is a slap/pop section on the original 😊
  8. Wow has that been your experience? You got me 🤣
  9. I liked them all but found the 2nd link a little more exciting than the others. I appreciate thumpin and plucking (the original term for the technique) isn't for everybody but I'm not sure it's fair to call it stupid.
  10. When I had my EBMM SR5 I actually wondered why their way wasn't an industry standard 🤔
  11. I had a black one of these and loved it dearly. I say had because the bridge string spacing eventually wore me down,got big hands. This will make someone very happy. I preferred the ceramic pickup to the alnico sometimes found on the Stingray 5,loved my ceramic era Stingray 5 but again these bear paws of mine 🐾
  12. Very disappointing from such an established brand.
  13. Beautiful. What's the nut width please?
  14. To be fair I thought his signature Fender sounded and played well when I tried one in Guitar Guitar but I couldn't really get past that colour scheme and thought it was pricey for a Mexican made 😎
  15. Can now see where you said you watched a few clips. My mistake.
  16. I thought you only saw one clip. I totally get your point however. As much as I admire his skills I personally have no desire to play like that,same with Jaco 👍
  17. Btw I really like Nubiyan Twist 👍
  18. Maybe try a few different clips? I personally think he's amazing but of course he can't possibly appeal to all. I'm equally fascinated by the fact that even though he's right handed he plays left handed on a right handed bass flipped upside down. Just typing that has given me a mild headache 🤣
  19. This might be because of the record industry's over-saturation of the word to sell their products regardless of whether it was funky or not. Now the word can be used to describe even a floor rug! It's such a pervasive term that to now agree on the definition is almost impossible.
  20. You nailed it. It's frightening to see how marketing affects our decisions and subsequently our spending habits.
  21. The latest Squier Affinty range of basses will shock some people. I nabbed an Affinty Active Jazz Bass V and can't see where the fit and finish is any worse than the Classic Vibe 70s Jazz Bass V that I used to own.In fact the gloss finish on the back of the CV neck really wasn't for me. I think these are being given away as no doubt many individuals see "Affinty" and assume the worst. Again I'm referring to the latest batch which includes a passive 6 string Jazz as well as an active 4 string Jazz in blue I think. They need to be tried before judgment is passed.
  22. That would make sense seeing as Pee Wee had a jazz background. A few of his musicians weren't impressed at the time with the "correctness" of the structure but we all saw what followed shortly after 😊 I've also heard him cite the So What reference 👍
  23. He also had a song called Get up off offa That Thing? Just wanted to know which one. It wasn't obvious from your post.
  24. You mean Sex Machine?
  25. Technically Fender by Cort 🤣
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