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Terry M.

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Everything posted by Terry M.

  1. Of the CV 60's P Bass?
  2. Not boring at all. It's where I want to be one day.
  3. Active for me. Why? Totally addicted to the sound of my Warwicks and the Marcus Miller hifi Jazz bass tone. I don't "dislike" the passive sound but play active 100 percent of the time. I've owned Sires in the past and NEVER flipped them into passive mode ever unless it was to test the bass the first time.
  4. Never use a back up bass. Batteries however...
  5. I have a broadneck Warwick Thumb 5 string and a broadneck Streamer Stage One 5 string that ain't going nowhere. Everything else seems to come and go. Also I factor in their rarity on the used market so that plays a small part. They hardly turn up!
  6. Call him. Sometimes they get busy and don't always answer my emails either I've noticed.
  7. Ah yes then definitely not the same bass mate 😊
  8. Ah fair enough. I thought I read that all Sire 5 string bridge spacing was 18mm. I didn't measure it so I can't say I'm sure 👍
  9. Squier Affinity Active Jazz Bass V. Fender MUST be shooting themselves in the foot even a little bit with these. How an entry level Squier feels, sounds and plays like these is genuinely beyond me. For reference my main basses are German Warwicks. I only tried one because it was the only 5 string PMT Romford had on the wall that day.I was NOT shopping for one 🤷‍♂️ On went the obligatory DR Sunbeams and a tort pickguard. Very happy 😊 And the B string feels and sounds like a B string should.
  10. Oh you won't like this then: 18mm to the 17.5mm of the SR5 🤣
  11. Wow I had no idea. I'll watch the clip later on today 👍
  12. Good to know but they use different body woods with the Z3 (which I tried) using mahogany and the Z7 ash or alder.
  13. I'm so glad someone has said this,especially the bit about 4 versus 5 string songs. I say respectfully that I've never understood that. Does that mean there are frets 1 to 5 songs versus frets 12 to 20? 😆
  14. The best one is honestly the one that feels the best in your hands and resonates the most with you. Try them and you'll get your answer.
  15. This isn't the same bass that was on sale recently in Fair Deal Music in Birmingham is it by any chance? If so I tried it 👍 Actually probably not because that one was super light. Not quite 10 pounds. Awesome looking things these are 😎
  16. Thanks for confirming this Graham. Well done on the sale mate 👏
  17. Check it out. Figures can mean very little in the real world once you get your hands on a bass. Go with an open mind mate 👍
  18. Not a Sei owner but I'm a regular visitor to the Gallery and John is indeed an undercover comedian 😂
  19. Awesome basses. 22 frets if I remember correctly 👍
  20. I might be up for a set of these. Where in London are you?
  21. Was it the "downsized" body style before the American Deluxe with the full sized body and active passive switch? I've always liked those if so.
  22. As I mentioned previously Phil,try a Squier Affinty Active Jazz Bass V. You don't like it fine,back on the shelf it goes. Like it and your wallet will only be £279 lighter. I have one on my lap right now wondering if it's some elaborate hoax and is actually an expensive bass in disguise,a social experiment if you will 😂
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