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Terry M.

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Everything posted by Terry M.

  1. This is why I think trying before buying is the best option. I tried a Cort Modern 5 in a store and the B string IMO was awful on it,and that's a 35" scale bass!
  2. Squier and Fender B strings whether Mexican or American are hit and miss. Some American B strings are worse than some Mexican ones. I've proven this in stores. I would advise to try one of any and then deciding based on end result. Good ones definitely exist.
  3. I'm personally useless with electronics but you're right,it shouldn't be too complicated or expensive.
  4. Really decent basses these. I tried one in Andertons and really dug the sound. Just a shame I'm not really a fan of separate volume controls 😉
  5. I definitely hear you with regards to weight,choice of strings and even choice of bass. The five string marketplace is smaller compared than the four string market for sure. Good to hear other views 👍
  6. You say your 6 string does all. Why do you need a 4 string then out of curiosity and not a 5?
  7. Not really the look I'd go for but I'm sure they are excellent machines.
  8. Incidentally the closest 6 string I came to buying was an Anaconda Ultra J Essence. I think the 19mm bridge spacing was making it feel as familiar as my wide necked Warwicks. I appreciate that's just too wide for some hands though. I was flying around on it but again,the high C string didn't suit my ear or feel.
  9. That explanation makes a lot of sense to me. No 6 string fan fretted active basses for you for Christmas then 😆
  10. Very good point sir. My personal reason to stop at 5 is I want the lower notes afforded by the B instead of the higher ones by the C. I neither enjoy the feel or the sound of the high C string on any 6 string I've tried,therefore it would be pointless me owning one. I want more bass not more treble.
  11. Ha ha yes you called yourself out indeed to be fair 😂 I know the op can speak for themselves but I'm sure no harm was intended. I think from the point of view that on a 5 you can do everything you can on a 4 and a bit more but not vice versa makes the topic valid and responses will vary. I find I learn a lot from these discussions. There's really no right or wrong 😁
  12. Did you feel the op was being judgemental and claiming superiority? I didn't get that vibe personally.
  13. Fair play if that works best for you 👍 Simple for me is viewing anything with a minor 3rd as some type of minor scale with whatever alteration is required. So the Locrian as I've explained then comes with only two alterations as opposed to five when viewed as a variation of the major scale. Interesting.
  14. Dedicated 5 string player here. One advantage is on the second hand market where loads of bassists try one and don't get along with it and can't wait to get rid of the thing. I've nabbed a few bargains based on that alone. To each their own which has been said before. Play what makes you happy.
  15. Just Googled Gus basses as I've never heard of them. They remind me of Danelectro basses.
  16. I learned them by thinking of the 2nd Dorian mode as minor scale with raised 6th,3rd Phrygian scale as minor scale with lowered 2nd,4th Lydian mode as major scale with raised 4th,5th Mixolydian mode as major scale with lowered 7th,6 Aoelian mode as natural minor scale and 7th Locrian mode as minor scale with lowered 2nd and 5th degrees. I find them useful when working with composers who write modally as the notes to "avoid" become obvious.
  17. Would thinking of the Dorian as a minor scale with a raised 6th been any easier?
  18. Tried both in a store. Loved the 19mm bridge spacing of the Lakland. Loved the 48mm nut width of the Cort. If either one had both features I'd have gone with it. If they both did I'd pick the Cort. Active basses are more my thing and I like the 24 fret symmetry of the fingerboard.
  19. Learned the expensive way that flats aren't for me. Tried a few different sets and then bit the bullet on the most costly set of them all,TI Jazz Flats. Rounds all the way for me now going forward. As said before play whatever resonates with you and makes you happy.
  20. I soooo badly want to try out one of these. I'm a fan of wide necked five string basses with minimum 19mm bridge spacing 🤩
  21. Tried a 5 string version in Andertons that sounded decent but I couldn't get past the weight. Total deal breaker.
  22. Despite owning a few in the past I'm not a Fender guy at the end of the day. However I owned an Elite Jazz V that was probably the finest of the bunch.
  23. This is why I could never own an Alembic. I know and understand their pedigree but boy do I find them hard to look at 🙈
  24. 6 string is one too many for me. I CAN play them but the novelty along with the extended higher register eventually gets old for me. However the 5 string active version blew me away so I ended up buying one. For dedicated 6 string players I would say if you can,at least try one.
  25. I recently bought a brand new Squier Affinity Active Jazz Bass V for £279 and can't find a single thing wrong with it. For reference my main basses are German Warwicks. If you're not a gear snob you'll find Squier are giving these away at that price. It even has the audacity to have a decent B string. Your money your choice 😊
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