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Terry M.

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Everything posted by Terry M.

  1. Hi there again. I'm just curious to see if you ever sold your Sadowsky.
  2. Is this the same as the used one just popped up on Bass Direct's website? The grain looks very similar to me.
  3. Definitely not active/passive switchable via pulling on the volume pot?
  4. Would you believe it was 10:30 this morning I acquired a Japanese 1995 Bass Collection SB315 in unmarked condition that plays like a dream for £270? I couldn't walk away from that so for now I have a 5 string "jazz" bass. Appreciate the heads up regardless ☺️👍
  5. That one is a 60s 605 as opposed to the 70s 705 the same colour as this 704 for sale but thanks anyway 👍
  6. Thank you. Does it ever end though 😆
  7. Sorry what I should have specified was is if this was a Proto J 705(70s) I would have mauled it. Same colour scheme as this 4 string 704. The listing you quoted is for a 605(60s) but appreciate this all the same ☺️
  8. I would have pounced on this like a hungry lion had it been the 5 string version.
  9. Thanks buddy. So is the last knob a mid switch as you've stated previously or a tone control that works in both active and passive modes? The John East website claims it's the latter 👍
  10. Hi mate. Any word on this please? Also according to the John East website the last knob is a passive tone control that's active passive switchable. Is your one definitely for the mids?
  11. You didn't think I meant 5 pounds did you? That's hilarious 😆 I'm waiting patiently for the right Japanese 5 string Sadowsky to turn up 👍
  12. I would have bitten your hand off had this been a fiver.
  13. The seller mentioned the preamp specs a few posts back and it's active/passive switchable. Also the bass in the video isn't the actual bass for sale.
  14. I had a white one but had to let it go. The bridge string spacing ultimately wasn't for me,real shame that. I prefer wider spacing 😢
  15. I hear that buddy 👍
  16. Do you mind if I ask why you prefer the black one of the two?
  17. The bass is in Lincolnshire on Ebay. The thread is still open as the seller (Glasgow) hasn't closed it yet.
  18. No worries dude. Hope things work out 😉👍
  19. If you look for it on E-Bay you'll see the weight. It's gone from this platform and now for sale in the Lincolnshire area.
  20. P.Retro preamp mentioned here is the same as the John East P mentioned on the bay 😉
  21. No worries mate but definitely the same bass. I was chatting with the e-bayer in November about it. Sold from Glasgow and now for sale on the bay in the Lincs area. MJJS here has spotted the identical grain from the photos. Contact the current owner on E-Bay,very friendly guy. John East P mentioned on both listings but no mention of scale length on E-Bay. All the best 😎👍
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