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Terry M.

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Everything posted by Terry M.

  1. Absolutely true 👍
  2. Hahaha some of the Ampeg B15s I've seen for sale look ready for the scrap heap. Not all of them to be fair 😂
  3. I'll go as far to suggest that the fascination of old beaten up gear has given rise to the relicing fad we're currently witnessing. A brand new (expensive) bass made to look battered also escapes my understanding.
  4. This is why I can't understand the prices of old Fenders. I've played a few in shops and it didn't help to clarify things for me at all. Everything definitely isn't for everyone.
  5. Which is why I bought the Squier Affinty Active Jazz V. I almost feel like I'm being pranked. It's that good. Good choice on your part.
  6. My unscientific theory is that this "fuller and rounder" sound with high action is achievable with a low action and a turn of the volume knob. I've never noticed a difference in tone before and after a set up where the action has been significantly lowered.
  7. I'm right with you on this.
  8. Just to flog the high/low action a little more,I've literally pulled Fenders from shop walls and returned them back after less than a minute due to the high action from I presume the factory. Both American and Mexican. I'm not the only one who's mentioned this and I wonder why they're shipped like that. Tonal reasons? Some say it hides less than perfect fretwork. I've no idea but don't like it so much.
  9. That's actually an excellent point. Really is good to talk 😂🤔 So you're saying the Fender S-1 is technically possible on a Lakland? That would be my preferred choice.
  10. Also loving the 3+2 headstock design keeping it looking real neat.
  11. Very interesting. One day I'd like to understand the science of this a bit more. I'm now a die hard low action slinger and enjoy my tone but it's good you're also happy with yours.
  12. It really is an excellent feature for Jazzes. Is your switch a mini toggle or? The Fender S-1 switch I particularly liked due to the unobtrusive nature of it.
  13. Could this be because playing with a higher action facilitates digging in which will affect dynamics leading to fuller sounding notes as opposed to the opposite? I'm more inclined to suggest that tone is affected more by dynamics rather than string action but I don't claim to be an expert on the topic.
  14. Do you mean it was noisy and clanky? I forgot to add that I like my action as low as it can go BEFORE it enters Clanksville Central.
  15. Thinking of adding a series/parallel switch however 🤔
  16. I don't know how I forgot to mention my recently acquired DJ5 has the Aeros fitted. I was contemplating the possibility of adding an East preamp until I plugged it in. No way am I messing with this factory formula. The Aeros are serious pickups!!!
  17. Okay cool this is interesting. The reason I like a low action is based on my attack.I barely graze the strings and therefore turn the amp up a bit more to compensate. Also facilitates slap and pop techniques. I've honestly never considered how my tone may be affected but I've definitely heard this before 👍
  18. Please elaborate on string height. I've heard this before and would genuinely like to know more. For reference I like my action super low.
  19. You'll be happy with either one I'm sure 👍
  20. Absolutely mate and I wasn't trying to misquote you 👍 I once had a from new American Standard Jazz Bass V and really liked it. However I find the DJ5 better in every aspect apart from maybe the weight of my particular example will bother some.
  21. I've tried one of those fine models but in my opinion the B string would lose in a battle with a Lakland one. Only my experience however. Lakland is also hard to take out the equation if low action is your thing and prefer the J sound over a P. Personally I would stick with the DJ5.
  22. There's nothing wrong with either of these two choices. It might come down to whether you have a P or a J preference and/or are bothered by the longer scale Lakland. Big Yamaha fan here also. As you already know the Lakland will have a fraction more in the bridge string spacing.
  23. Just nabbed a used 2006 Skyline DJ5 from Guitar Guitar,Korean built. I can't praise it enough. How they get the necks to play and feel like that is beyond my limited scope of understanding 🤔 She's not light though at over 11Ibs but balances excellently on a strap. The best B string I've ever owned on an all passive bass.
  24. It could be because their two most famous designs look virtually the same since inception. A 2025 Volkswagen Golf looks very different from the version released in the 70s to use a motoring analogy. It's interesting that builders such as Sadowsky and Mike Lull don't appear to catch any heat from copying those same designs however and Fender got it in the neck when the Dimension was released for copying the Stingray concept.
  25. That had nothing to do with your original question so fair enough. Not sure why I mentioned it 👍
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