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Bassy Bass

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  1. Nice, yeh, I'm a big fan of Stevie and some of the wonderful bassists he worked with. Nice that you personally haven't had any bad experiences in that regard. I spent a few month last year in New Orleans and although the local musicians are a beautiful community some of the musicians just passing through don't seem to come from the same mold! But in general, I would say you're right, most musicians tend to have an appreciation for some things that other folks overlook.
  2. Don't like how some people react to that type of info. Some people seem to think blindness makes a person totally incapable which is not the case. Admittedly there are a few things one needs help with though. Could be worse!
  3. I can't see the video, I'm blind, also makes the tabbing difficult, thanks to technology I can use the internet though, but thanks for the suggestion I will pass it on to the kid who first asked me did I have a copy.
  4. Not sure why everybody is taking so much offence at my comment. I simply stated that if someone asks for a tab on something and the answer is basically just listen to it and learn it then that doesn't really help in achieving the objective of having a specific tune put in tab form., does it? If you stick with that one point and don't wander off, in politician style, into running down other bass players or other websites or any other topic for that matter, then you might see my point. Try that, think about that question, and try answer it without insulting anyone else or any other website etc. The request wasn't for advice on how to develop as a bass player, I am a very accomplished reggae bass player and as explained in earlier parts of this thread I simply didn't have time to do it myself & thought someone might have a copy. The original bassline is written by Dennis Bovell, an amazing bass player, musician, producer etc. so I ended up just going back to someone I did a few reggae tours with in the 80s who knows Dennis quite well, should have thought of that earlier. Thanks for those who tried to impart some knowledge. I won't be coming back here though. Maybe if some of you who took offence at my simple, accurate, statement are administrators of this site you can take down my response and save the embarrassment of looking in the mirror.
  5. Thanks Tim, yeh I'm not a stickler for exact notes when it comes to my own playing, I'd much prefer to feel the groove and understand where I am in the structure of the tune and obviously in the right key/on top of the right chords but I did/do want to get my hands on this one, on paper, note for note if possible.
  6. that cover solutions channel is pretty cool, thanks
  7. Thanks for the tips. I'm not starting to play bass, I've been playing bass for 30 years. The timing is not an issue. I have played reggae for most of those 30 years. I have toured with some reggae/ska legends playing both drums & bass. I just thought somebody might have been playing this specific bassline for some time and therefore captured the 7ths, 11ths etc., which are not as easily caught with a poor quality recording, that's all. A friend's very young son requested the tabs and I didn't want to do a rush job and miss anything for him. When /if I have time I can sit down and do it myself, no problem, I just thought maybe some helpful individual might already have it there or possibly even have software that would do it quickly.
  8. I agree the word "please" never goes astray, strongly agree in fact, I will edit and add. (Now that I know where the edit button is LOL). At the same time it really is a waste of space and vey non helpful to post a reply to a request for tabs to tell someone just go listen to it and do it yourself.
  9. That reply doesn't help at all & I think I saw something somewhere on this site saying don't bother replying to someone with this type of reply, i.e. If someone asks can you help with this bassline don't bother replying if your reply simply states, listen to it and learn it yourself!!! I assume you can't do it, but thanks for looking anyway.
  10. just found it, thanks again!!
  11. Thanks, I'm trying to do that but can't find the "edit" button!!
  12. So if anyone here has not heard of Dennis Bovell ( Dennis Bovell - Wikipedia ) I would recommend talking a look at him and his music. However, I'm reaching out to all you bass players for some help. Specifically anyone who is good at scoring sheet music, or better again, tabs. Would anyone be able, or willing, to put one of Bovell's hit tunes into tabs for me please? The tune is Silly Games and was sung by Janet Kay (#2 in the British singles charts in 1979). I have this youtube link showing a bass player playing the bassline along to the original recording …
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