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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. [quote name='Lifer' post='476258' date='Apr 30 2009, 06:24 PM']Nimrod was the turning point, everything before then is awesome. So there. And it's not because they got successful, it's because their sound changed (as many bands do over the years, sometimes for the better, sometimes not)[/quote] That's what i f***ing meant. They do suck now obviously not just because they're sellouts but WHY they're sellouts which is the fact that they just pump out poppy sh*t to please the masses.
  2. Very nice, i do hope you're not a bass-beater though!
  3. I also think that drop d is nothing like having a 5 or 6 string. Basically my bass is in Drop C right now to play a lot of the modern sorts of rock and metal out there. The great thing about having a 5 string though is that i can do G tuning! Which is quite fun really.
  4. Actually, i thought the bass in the older songs like "longview" is pretty good. But really i think they've sucked since they became complete sell outs with bloody american idiot.
  5. [quote name='Bernmeister' post='469682' date='Apr 22 2009, 03:41 PM']I've managed to take some more pics of my Swr gear, hope you like it. First up my trusty SM400s a great tweekers amp, not a plug & play amp, some great sounds can be coaxed from these. [attachment=24227:400s_rack_1.jpg] Next up is my big gig rack, my Swr st800 poweramp & grand prix preamp. [attachment=24228:St800_rig_1.jpg] A beautiful sounding Baby baby blue combo, its so versatile & can be used with my goliath junior 2 x10 for a small gig rig. Cab in one hand, combo in the other. Can also be used as a standalone rig. [attachment=24229:Swrbbb_1.jpg] Some seem to forget back in the late 80's early nineties Swr was one of the few manufacturers making small lightweight bass cabs. Oh! A special mention should go to fellow basschatter (mrbassman) Keith. Cheers mate. [/quote] nice one, a real SWR enthusiast i must say. Nice gear as well ped.
  6. [quote name='Twigman' post='469570' date='Apr 22 2009, 01:19 PM']I bought some accessories for my RME soundcard from Thomann - paid by Visa Superb fast delivery Would recommend - although they are expensive (moreso now the £ is worth so little € )[/quote] It used to be the case that they were a lot cheaper than uk shops, including delivery! But yeah the €xhange rate has really meant their prices taking a big long hike upwards.
  7. Apparently mesa say that they actually started building bass amps before guitar amps.
  8. [quote name='ARGH' post='464662' date='Apr 17 2009, 08:11 AM']Why do you think I live 80 miles inland??...let Hull deal with my tunings![/quote] ahhh well jokes on you, we're not the ones with overactive thyroids!
  9. It's fine, bass amps can totally handle anything a guitar can throw at them. Not amazing sound but it'll do if you get a distortion pedal. The HB guitars are pretty good too. One word of advice though, don't bother with a line 6 as they're really not very good. It would also defeat the point of EMG pickups.
  10. 5 without a doubt. 4s just don't have enough notes for me anymore.
  11. It's funny because i was just on about this on another forum. Actually it was to do with that scottish woman on BGT. Basically what i was saying was that women can't make it in the music industry unless they're highly good looking (see i'm not the sexist pig you take me for ) because sex sells. The fact is that 90% of the general population only buy music that record companies give them because of how good looking the singer is. Due to the fact that sex and money is human nature i'm pretty sure that this has always been the case. Real bands are always going to struggle to get into the sort of mainstream market that most people get into so that means that they won't be very rich. Having said that, i think that the people who do buy proper music are less likely to download using limewire or similar. It's a nice idea to think perhaps that one day people will fail to make money out of manufactured bands simply because the people who listen to it don't care enough about music to pay for it. Then the only music on the market will be for people who actually appreciate music. Probably won't happen but it makes a nice thought.
  12. I find generally the websites don't work very well. Your best bet is to put an ad up in the local music shop, preferably one that sells rock orientated instruments.
  13. Nice bass, glad to see it's not all Grim in Grimsby!
  14. [quote name='geoffbyrne' post='462787' date='Apr 15 2009, 10:33 AM']Mmmm - I make that 54. I'm 62 in 'Scrooge' mode and about 25 when playing bass....................... G.[/quote] Well i guess it depends on which way round you read it?
  15. I don't deserve any of the gear i have. I'm a pretty crap musician.
  16. [quote name='RhysP' post='462054' date='Apr 14 2009, 12:54 PM']No they're not; they are Bass [u]GUITARS[/u], hence the EADG tuning.[/quote] As are double basses.
  17. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='461985' date='Apr 14 2009, 12:10 PM']Ha ha she'd be chuffed to hear that. [/quote] I thought this may be misconstrued. What i meant to say was did you mean to put 24 as opposed to 42, a common typing error?
  18. +1 for fibbers, it's one of the best live music venues that i've ever been to, plus you'll probably get to actually talk to the acts that are playing afterwards!
  19. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='461938' date='Apr 14 2009, 11:34 AM']I'm 42 years old.... the girl is 20 years old... this pic is 4 days old. I've still got it... it never left me. [/quote] Are you joking? Surely you've just mixed the numbers the wrong way round mate. [quote name='OldGit' post='461353' date='Apr 13 2009, 05:37 PM']ha ha yeah and I'm 110110[/quote] what you mean 27? I'm 17 but i do feel a lot older than i am, in a bad way.
  20. [quote name='wesfinn' post='461209' date='Apr 13 2009, 01:52 PM']Hello all. As chief in charge of the bass department here at GAK, I feel I have to stand up for my humble little shop. Also, it may have been myself who started this all off with the slighty off-the-cuff "conservative" remark! Sorry to anyone who feels offended by the comment, I assure you that no harm was meant. Here are my thoughts on the situation: Firstly, we stock what we stock here at GAK because we know what sells. We've been here 18 years and we'd like to think we've become fairly knowledgeable in terms our stocking profile. Yes, we have A LOT of Fender. This is because we sell A LOT of Fender. For example, we currently have 10 USA Standard Jazz Basses in stock. I can almost guarantee that we will have sold all of them before the month is over. I also currently have two absolutely stunning secondhand Moon JJ-4s. Both are fantastic and I have them up for a reasonable price but no-one seems to be interested. This what I think was meant by the "conservative" remark. The Moons are a blinding bass but because they lack the magical Fender logo, they are incredibly hard to sell. Having said that, one brand that has sold extremely well for us is Mark Bass. As I'm sure you're aware, they were fairly unknown in the UK 5 years ago but have now become one of our most successful lines. Proof that with the right support from the manufacturer, the UK distributor and the customer, new brands certainly can find their place in the larger retail stores. I think what I am trying to say is, yes, bigger independant shops and chain stores have to be very careful about what they stock. Fender, Ibanez, Yamaha, Warwick and MusicMan are always going to be great sellers and they are obviously going to remain in the list of brands we stock, but we are open to ideas and suggestions. If there is something you want me to try and get in, come and talk to me about it. We aren't a supermarket. We are still an independent shop with knowledgeable employees and control over our own ordering. Thanks for listening. I hope to speak to you guys a lot more in future and I hope we can try and accommodate some more of the basses that you want to see on the shop floor. Many thanks, Mark Packham GAK Bass Dept.[/quote] Good reply but too be honest i think one of the problems with GAK which has made me slightly weary about buying there is the fact that just because it says on the site that an item is in stock, there is no guarantee that it actually is in stock.
  21. [quote name='james' post='461110' date='Apr 13 2009, 11:52 AM']The last of my collection [attachment=23691:My_New_B...edited_1.jpg] Nat 1974 Jazz Bass, S/B 1974 Jazz Bass,Black 1975 Jazz Bass, MM StingRay, G&L Asat, GB, Sadowsky s/n 201[/quote] Nice to see a couple of non jazz basses there
  22. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='460847' date='Apr 12 2009, 10:48 PM']I use leaf drums. [url="http://www.leafdigital.com/software/leafdrums/"]http://www.leafdigital.com/software/leafdrums/[/url][/quote] I think he said "freeware" as opposed to "shareware".
  23. What i really don't like is people who actually seem to criticize me for having a bass with more than 4 strings. Just because you never stray from the same old 18 notes on the top bit of your 4 string fretboard doesn't mean others aren't allowed to do something a bit more interesting.
  24. It's not worth it. Trust me, i've been there.
  25. I've seen the first one before but they're both great.
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