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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. That's a f***ing amazing rig. Wish i had something like that for my recordings. PLEASE post soundclips/myspace linkie so we can perhaps hear some of these recordings
  2. [quote name='Eight' post='417877' date='Feb 23 2009, 09:21 PM']Did you post about this bass previously? And I said not to remove the scratchplate? If so, I can't believe you've got your hands on this thing and are still going to take the very essence of it away. Without the major cheese & sleeze, it's just a Thunderbird. If it wasn't you then that's even worse, that means there's two heretics on BassChat. [/quote] That's what i'm thinking, if you don't like the scratchplate then what makes it different from a normal thunderbird which is probably a lot cheaper?
  3. [quote name='Josh' post='416739' date='Feb 22 2009, 05:22 PM']Well just the one now, Molans got the other one. And thanks for reminding to buy it again when the Metallica version comes out![/quote] bugger
  4. [quote name='Geek99' post='416828' date='Feb 22 2009, 07:20 PM']yes, learn to read the notes too. Tabs are useful for confidence, but they can be wrong, or show you a fingering which is not the true one used in the recording, or even the most efficient. I learned notation; it isnt that hard. nice looking bass though, good choice.[/quote] Yeah that's exactly right. I remember 2 people i had in my band must have by their own accord read exactly the same tab for hand of blood by bullet for my valentine. In the verse there is a phrase that if they'd just listened to it you can clearly hear is fret 3-7 but they played it 3-5. This is the trap i'm on about, the fact that they seem completely unable to notice even where the tab is very obviously wrong just from giving the song a quick listen. [quote name='fekalizatorius' post='416835' date='Feb 22 2009, 07:25 PM']Congrats! Those sneeky vocalists will have to go through +1 of us, before they exterminate us bassists, just like they did with drummers. About the tab thingy... Yeah. It's a cheap trick at the start and learning by ear is the best, but tabs help. Sadly, I dindn't have the pleasure of learning by ear, just because most of the songs I like are in different tunings (1/2 down 5string, drop D, C#, A) and it can be hard to learn by ear, not knowing exactly what tuning is being used.[/quote] No excuse i'm afraid, really it's not difficult to hear what tuning it's in and besides if you're a 5 string player you should be able to play most songs without having to even change tunings at all. I can accept that tunings play a big part in the guitar but on the bass as long as you can actually play the notes then a good bass player can play the song!
  5. The username isn't a big issue, the mods are so nice on here they'll actually change your username, should you so desire . As for tab, definetly start out on it but to become good you will have to start learning songs by ear, just listen out to the basslines in the songs and it becomes easier and easier. I rarely ever use tabs, there are some people i know however who completely rely on tabs to learn anything. This is a really bad trap to get into so please, don't. As for the amp, which plug is bent- the cable or the input jack on the amp? Either way you should take it back to the shop. There's no way something like that should happen to a piece of new equipment.
  6. I must ask, how could you possibly ever find time to play on guitar hero when you've got those 2 beauties?!
  7. [quote name='SisterAbdullahX' post='416396' date='Feb 21 2009, 10:08 PM']I have 3 basses, one of which I use all the time, one which is half built and one which was my #1 for fifteen years but needs TLC. Like any of us, I would spend all of my disposable income (which ain't much!) on more basses/amps/cabs/effects. However, we've just booked our wedding day for next year. Even if we're really careful it'll cost us 10 grand FOR ONE DAY! And no matter how careful we start out, it won't be long before she tells me that she MUST have a chocolate fountain, cos her best mate had one at her wedding. So we need to start saving. She's just told me she will spend the 500 quid I need to finish off the half built one, then every penny after that goes to the wedding. Should I still marry her!?[/quote] Hey i was looking around hull uni yesterday, apparently they do weddings! Very romantic
  8. okay. Couple of things though. One is that usually you would have the mixing desk, speakers and pc monitors on the side which faces the live room, with a corner like that used for rackmounted FX, preamps, the computer and stuff like that. The other issue is that usually recording setups have more than one PC monitor, the purpose being that you can have the arrangement on one side and a virtual control surface such as the frontend on your audio interface, midi noteroll, FX windows, stuff like that. Very useful. I'm just wondering from like curiosity and stuff, how much previous recording experience do you have? You'll definetly have to post soundclips, wave please
  9. hang on, you didn't glue the rack units in did you? Do you mean the actual rack space itself was glued in? Looks great though. What are you gonna put in the middle shelves?
  10. [quote name='neepheid' post='415673' date='Feb 20 2009, 06:50 PM']It's the "I'm not good enough" attitude that's the problem. Life has many ingenious ways of kicking you in the balls, no need for you to help it with unnecessary self-deprecation [/quote] That's pretty much spot on what my mate told me as well The problem round here is that there just are no bands to join. I'm gonna audition for this one but after that, that's it- no more bands in the area to audition for. Sucks but there y'go. I'm not even auditioning to play the bass. Ooh no, it's death metal style vocals!
  11. That's nice of you mate. I've already got a 5 string but good idea. I hope it helps some BCers make up their mind as to wether to join the world of the 5 string bass
  12. [quote name='OldGit' post='415573' date='Feb 20 2009, 05:10 PM']Which one?[/quote] The spear. If i had £400 i'd totally buy it right now! OH and dood's not so bad either
  13. [quote name='neepheid' post='415375' date='Feb 20 2009, 02:50 PM']You say that, but you'd be wrong. I used to think that. Then I joined a band. Who knows where it will lead?[/quote] I DID join a band but sadly we actually disbanded 2 days ago due to not being able to find ANY members! I've got a couple of bands that i'm gonna audition for but i doubt i'll get in, i'm not really the most amazing singer in the world.
  14. I can't BELIEVE how much i like that bass! I usually hate singlecuts but that is just so nice.
  15. [quote name='51m0n' post='415196' date='Feb 20 2009, 12:35 PM']Course you can Mildred. Like a sandwich shop buys bread and gets the VAT back off it. You can if you are a professional musician type person claw back the tax off fuel, stage clothes (need to have proof), any and all equipment (including basses, amps, cabs, covers & racks, leads, fx, batteries, strings, notepads and pens - everything you use in a professional context), food whilst working - you need to keep all your receipts etc etc and do it all above board but yes its a legitimate profession after all.....[/quote] Yeah okay i get what you mean. That's pretty good stuff. I'd really like to be a pro musician but i don't think i'll ever manage to get in a band and i'm certainly not good enough to be a hired musician. "Oh, and don't call me mildred!"
  16. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='415082' date='Feb 20 2009, 10:46 AM']As long as I can pay the bills, I just buy what I want. After all, they are working tools for me, not a hobby. And I write the cost off against tax, too! Rich.[/quote] hang on, are you saying you can you actually buy music stuff tax free if you're a working musician?
  17. [quote name='Andyalfa' post='415051' date='Feb 20 2009, 10:02 AM']I did send the email and the effect was as I hoped. We are now booked into a decent studio, fairly local for 14th – 15th March. Not only that, but the chap who does our live PA, is known there and will help out with the engineering, which will save us a few bob too. Result. As for sound quality, yes. But my thoughts are that getting something down on CD as long as it sounds OK, is good enough for a demo. Most pub/venue owners aren't going to bang it on £10k's worth of hifi and comment about the production. Horses for courses. Our last demo consited of 6 songs done and mixed in a day. Virtually recorded as live with just a few overdubs. It was a good demo, but as the lineup has changed, we can't really use it any more, hence the need for a new one. Anyway, sometimes it seems a rant is all thats needed to kickstart things in the right direction.[/quote] Good stuff! As i said, it doesn't need to be perfect and if your playing is good enough for live, it's good enough for a demo.
  18. Hey if you're paying the studio to record then that's a criminal offence on their part if people are smoking. I dunno how that helps but maybe you could convince them to stop so you can feel better doing the recordings. I say go for it i mean if they're really interested in the band they should have the thing spot on by now. If it's just a demo it doesn't have to be completely perfect, does it? Plus there are tools to make you sound better, if it really comes down to it!
  19. You have a job right? Therefore just say to her that it's your job and your money and if she wants to tell you what to buy then she should get her own job which is better paying than your job so you're constantly begging her for money then she'll know how you feel when she does the same and then has the NERVE to tell you what you should and should not buy (within reason that is) also the builder and the trowel thing, you could use that analogy to justify buying other gear such as amps and fx. After all "a builder can't build a house with just a trowel!" btw anyone remember the guy with 40 basses?
  20. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='414034' date='Feb 19 2009, 11:21 AM']Thumbs are a 26 fretter, right? Even if they're a 24, try playing closer (or even on) the base of the neck. Sure, you'll lose a bit of top-end, but you can replace that with a bit of judicious tinkering with the treble control or edging the pan control towards the bridge pick-up a little bit... Worth a go. Doesn't cost a penny. Worth a go! Credit Crunch Bass Playing ahoy![/quote] Hmm that sounds like it'll just sound muddy and as i've said you want the top end clarity as well as the low end.
  21. Yeah i agree with what people have said get a bass with a huge humbucker and 18v active curcitry for added beef, a bass amp with more power and get another cab, i'd go with a 4x10. This way you still get a lot of low end beef but with added clarity, that high end is what makes the bass stand out against the guitars in the recording, especially if you add a bit of distortion or compression.
  22. looks pretty good.
  23. [quote name='silddx' post='412498' date='Feb 17 2009, 09:59 PM']Rats!Rats!Rats! Probably the most awe-inspiring heavy number I have ever laid ears on.[/quote] I must say i was very dissapointed when i heard that album expecting it to be good.
  24. [quote name='saibuster' post='412394' date='Feb 17 2009, 08:03 PM']I love them. I'd guess that in order to properly cover them, you'll have to get an additional technition that will trigger loops and synths. This also means that everyone will have to have in ear headphones running synchronised click. I cant see how you can REALLY cover them without the electronic touch.[/quote] It would be like trying to cover foo fighters without the guitars or drums. Or dave grohl.
  25. [quote name='Clive Thorne' post='411838' date='Feb 17 2009, 11:56 AM']Perhaps I'm being silly, but one of the knobs on my bass is called volume, and its right there just below my right hand. Alternatively just pull the strings harder.[/quote] The problem with this arguments (and similar ones) is the guy said he uses DISTORTION. This cancels out the dynamic range so these don't work. Same with the guitars, too.
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