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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. [quote name='dougal' post='412012' date='Feb 17 2009, 02:35 PM']My Carvin's XB75 is currently tuned F#-B-E-A-D. Has the advantage of a 35.25" scale length & a .175 Darklord F#. I've knackered one amp (an Ashdown 1x15) at a practice space with it so far (although I can't take all the credit...): my own gear appears to be able to handle it.[/quote] I reckon my SWR can handle it it's coped with the G rather well, what's one more semitone eh?
  2. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='411945' date='Feb 17 2009, 01:19 PM']That'd be the Warwick Vampyre Dark Lord. Designed for F#BEA, but only 35". It achieved the F# by using a string set running .085 to .175.[/quote] yeah i remember the hugeness of the strings. Where do you even get strings like that anyway?
  3. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='411732' date='Feb 17 2009, 09:46 AM']Why [u]shouldn't[/u] you tune this way... it will confuse the hell out of the lazy guitar player who has to rely on your fingerboard positioning so that he knows what he's supposed to be playing. Why [u]should[/u] you tune this way... it will confuse the hell out of the lazy guitar player who has to rely on your fingerboard positioning so that he knows what he's supposed to be playing.[/quote] with literally EVERYONE i've played with i've had to explain that my 2nd string corresponds to the lowest string on their guitar. I must definetly think about a 35" scale i find i don't get perhaps as much sustain as i'd like on some of the notes, especially with my very low tuning. Also anyone remember that warwick bass which was tuned C#F#BE or something? If that doesn't have a long scale then i guess i'm some sort of austrailian donkey.
  4. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='411659' date='Feb 17 2009, 01:50 AM']one more thing, that scares a lot of bands, or is just not considered - make up. I'm not talking about dolling yourself up with rouge and mascara (although that could be your look ) but a slight covering of foundation powder which you may not even notice, will help to stop you looking pastey and blotchey under lights and flash photography.[/quote] i remember my english teacher i think when i was doing my GCSEs was saying about how people at the theatre would wear loads of red foundation and if you saw them offstage they'd look like they'd spent a bit too much time in the sauna but the lights were so bright that onstage they looked normal.
  5. [quote name='Marky L' post='410973' date='Feb 16 2009, 12:41 PM']I'd possibly suggest not doing a slavish video based copy of Mann Gegen Mann though!! Volkerball is a great DVD to add to your collection. You'll soon be stomping around your neighbourhood grumbling along to German lyrics on your ipod.[/quote] That is one of my favourite rammstien songs, if i'd known there was a video for it i would have youtubed it! I must say actually i never even realised what it was about! I feel slightly embarrased now that i've told everyone about this song and didn't realise! It's sad to think how many people just decided they hated this song because of it's subject because musically it's just a great song. I guess people are just scared that they might find it sexy.
  6. [quote name='Josh' post='410562' date='Feb 15 2009, 10:37 PM']I'm an advocate for playing in lower tunings, since trying it propely almost over a year ago I have pretty much fully adjusted to it and I don't regret it all. Anyone who still thinks that tuning low is purely for metal truely need to pull their head out of their ass.[/quote] +1 I use a 5 string bass, i don't often use the higher string but i like to know it's there! It can be useful for the odd bass solo part or 2. As for tunings our band play songs in C tuning so i've actually started to tune GCGCF. It's great having that lower tuning because i've started writing songs in G tuning, believe it or not and also it's good for filling in the bass on Bb because the guitar doesn't go that low. The useful thing about BEAD and that i found with my 5 string would be that if you play songs in a lot of different tunings it's a lot more versitile because you can go from E standard right down to B or even A if you want to so no need to keep swapping basses.
  7. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='410737' date='Feb 16 2009, 09:16 AM']My Daisy Rock elite is the most Rock n Roll bass I have, slightly longer scale at 32". It sounds very agressive, but the looks aren't to everyone's taste. The Short scale heartbreaker bass 30" my daughter has sounds as good as my mustang and has a very playable neck, (not as slim as the mustang though) but its, er Heart shaped.[/quote] I must say i think you can get more for £500.
  8. hey there as for the body i don't think it's possible to get flame maple as a full body. I think it would be slight overkill to have a flame maple body and a spalted top as well anyway.
  9. Ask yourself this, do you play a lot of songs in lower tunings that might require that extra string for lower notes? Do you find yourself constantly looking for that lower note that never seems to be there? If yes then definetly buy a 5 string. Otherwise get the 4. The other thing is that you're obviously going to feel more comfortable on the 4. That's just because more strings always take some getting used to. If you really want to play a 5 then give it a bit of time playing it and trust me, you'll wonder why you didn't always play one.
  10. [quote name='PURPOLARIS' post='409690' date='Feb 14 2009, 08:34 PM']I tried 5 songs today at the audition. Sonne, Du hast, Links 2-3-4, Bestrafe Mich and Mein Herz Brennt. They all went down quite well once I got used to playing with the band. I was only introduced to the songs this week so I was quite pleased how it all went. The guitarist is going to send me a list of a few more songs, seemann being one of them.[/quote] Hmm if i'm not mistaken, at least 4/5 of those songs are from the "mutter" album. I'm not surprised, it is easily the most famous of all their work. I've got 2 of the albums on my PC aswell as a couple of songs of the mutter album. Very good band i reckon.
  11. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='409394' date='Feb 14 2009, 01:32 PM']I've never seen the point of doing that kind of music and having short hair [/quote] In general anyone with short hair in a metal band is usually a facist. [size=1](JOKING)[/size]
  12. Well that's the trouble with lefty basses i guess, they're more expensive to buy new and harder to sell on!
  13. [quote name='redzombie' post='409212' date='Feb 14 2009, 02:32 AM']Almost spot on... ... I say almost, since the bass on ...and Justice for All (as well played as it is) is almost inaudiable. So really it's more like 23 years, in which case I can't remember when Metallica weren't sh*te come to think of it. I did buy Master of Puppets in '88 or maybe it was '89 along with AJFA (two of my first ever records), but Cliff was long gone by then (not that Newsted is a bad bassist), and the other 3 had shown their disconcern for decent bass by then Then of course, by the time Newsted passed his initiation stage, the songwriting had gone down the sh*tt*r as far as I'm concerned.[/quote] To be fair in terms of bass, Rob Trujilo is very talented, easily the best musician in the band.
  14. [quote name='alexclaber' post='408410' date='Feb 13 2009, 11:46 AM']Wow, that has to be one of the oldest SWR rigs around. Cool! Alex[/quote] It's literally the first ever bass cab they made, the amp is the 3rd ever actual product they made. Also i just found out something very interesting, apparently SWR have started making neo cabs And yeah it is a goliath I although it wasn't called that at the time of course
  15. Interesting. Considering there is about 5 and a half thousand members on this 'ere website i would have thought that there would have been more than one person who owns an SWR amp!
  16. Hey mate the boardwalk is a pretty good venue, one of my friends (his dad is my godfather) played with his band there. As for sheffield, me plus my mum went to see my sister and she parked in a multi storey, then we got a taxi to my sister's house, then my mum thought "oh bugger, the car park might be closed". Turned out it was gonna close at six but after 6 all the car parks without gates (like the one right outside my sister's house) became free! So my mum basically wasted £10 on parking and taxis because she just ended up parking there. So good moral, if you're parking in sheffield on an evening then go to an open car park, they're free after car park closing time.
  17. Do you have the original pickups because you might get more money if you sell the emgs seperately.
  18. Well i figured since we have a thread for just about every other make of bass amplification in the world we might as well have one of these eh? Here's my "rig": [attachment=20152:newman.JPG] The cab [attachment=20153:P1000997.JPG] and the amplification head in it's current environment.
  19. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='407483' date='Feb 12 2009, 12:08 PM']James Vance is more metal than Tommy Vance[/quote] Nah, no1 is more metal than LANCE VANCE!!!
  20. [quote name='Linus27' post='407363' date='Feb 12 2009, 10:08 AM']Is there actually a dedicated metal music channel on TV?? I know Kerrang have gone softer and do more mainstrean these days. Just wondering if there is pure metal music TV station???[/quote] Not really, ROCKWORLD used to be pretty much pure metal but they have a lot of indie and acoustic stuff now. SCUZZ is still not really dedecated to metal or anything, although definetly an improvement on kerrap! Sadly since it's been snowing i've not been able to get a decent signal on scuzz, it's really affected by bad weather. Really the most metal thing you'll see on tv these days is probably headbanger's ball. If you can be arsed to stay up that late. In fact that's what got me into metal in the first place, when i was like 12 i stayed up and whatched HB on telly. 'Twas ace.
  21. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='406865' date='Feb 11 2009, 07:42 PM']Come on Joe!! has it arrived yet?? cant wait to see some pics!! [/quote] It'll be about 2 weeks probably, so that's a week tomorrow. By the way do you know how much you're going to be charged when it comes into the country?
  22. Saturday superhouse is pretty easy. So is RHCP as long as your right hand can widthstand playing at that speed constantly. As for muse and BRMC haven't really heard much of those songs so i can't say.
  23. I've not got one yet but i definetly want to buy some of these cabs just because they're so light, AND YELLOW!!!!
  24. [quote name='Eight' post='406773' date='Feb 11 2009, 06:28 PM']Old enough to remember when metal was metal; and you watched it on Headbangers Ball.[/quote] Headbanger's ball is still on. But i can see you must be pretty old if you can't stay up till midnight to watch it. Me, i'm 17.
  25. [quote name='josh3184' post='406670' date='Feb 11 2009, 05:22 PM']cloud-metal[/quote] Sounds a bit like these 2: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--6dJeakPh0"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--6dJeakPh0[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJP5MqniJZo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJP5MqniJZo[/url]
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