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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. [quote name='Sharkfinger' post='34142' date='Jul 19 2007, 02:36 PM']That's an excellent suggestion! Might be a bit confusing at first but I'm sure I'll get my head around it. Thanks. My only concern would be if the distance between the frets would be different on an actual medium scale length bass.[/quote] no it will be the same, otherwise the intonation would be out. And i actually think those daisy rock basses look quite nice, not the weird 70's shaped ones, the "normal" ones i think look quite good.
  2. [quote name='The Burpster' post='34124' date='Jul 19 2007, 02:15 PM']Check this puppy out......! Yuuuuummmmmeeeeee! [url="http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/page/shop/flypage/product_id/17913"]http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/page/shop/fl...roduct_id/17913[/url][/quote] i don't care what anyone else says, THAT'S NOT A BLOODY BASS!!! It's still quite nice tho.
  3. [quote name='paul, the' post='32575' date='Jul 16 2007, 04:24 PM']What make is it? I've been considering going down the copy route for the vintage mojo and..well.. the hunt. I know Ibanez did one - although I don't like the finish. Pan did one (who's Pan?). Greco did one - I think, and is the one I'm most hankering for, although I haven't seen one in the finish I'm after. Also Aria Pro did one, which I quite fancy also.[/quote] it's made by "cloumbus." no i haven't heard of them either. it was made in the 1970's
  4. well you can buy stock pickups that deliver 25k like the SD hot stack jazz bass pickups, if you wanted custom, you could probably get a very high output pickup, but it will be muddy, and there won't be any EQ to clear it up, but if it's close enough to the bridge it should be fine.
  5. if you just want to try it out, everyone (apart from neephied) i've heard from who owns an eb-0 or 3 absolutely hates them. So if you just want to try one out, the ibanez is probz ur best bet, if you did want something more expensive, you could just scroll down a bit and you would have seen this: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_65_mustang_bass_fr.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_65_mustang_bass_fr.htm[/url] also in white. By the way, the epi's scale is 30"
  6. i think i might be a repressed lefty, brought up as a right handed person, i was forced to do stuff like write, hold a knife and fork and use a computer right-handed so it's what i got used to- it would at least explain my crappy writing. But i play right handed, also if you play a classical instrument like a violin you have to learn right handed because they don't make left handed models. A lot of left handed people also buy right handed guitars anyway just b/c they can't be arsed to trawl through websites hoping to at last find a decent quality left handed 6 string bass.
  7. ^yes i remember we once spent about an hour trawling through edinburugh just to find a single music shop.
  8. sorry mate, yes they're very nice, i really do want to get my hands on a stingray 5 again. Also in my town their opening up a lakeland shop and i was just thinking "why can't it be lakland"
  9. [quote name='ARGH' post='33901' date='Jul 18 2007, 11:11 PM']Try using your fingers. Seriously,when you see the rollcall of lines...complex lines played on P-Bass's,usually by ex-Uprightists,with skyhigh action and flats on them or total zoom about the fingerboard work of people like Entwistle or Steve Harris,I must ask are people copping out or what? The only thing a stock P cant do is be slapped,its tone is kak unless you change the P/U....dosent mean you cant play funk on one (George Porter jr).[/quote] yeah man, if your gonna be so wimpy, you may aswell be a guitarrist
  10. very lovely dunno why but there's something about the back of basses that really does it for me.
  11. [quote name='RichBowman' post='33660' date='Jul 18 2007, 02:48 PM']Also as Mr Dontcarebear beat me to it - How about on the 12th fret? (if it can fit) - In the fingerboard, or is the logo too big?[/quote] I think that would be ruled out on the same grounds as the ramp idea, the strings cover it up and it's asymetrical so it doesn't look as good.
  12. [quote name='lukeward2004' post='33639' date='Jul 18 2007, 02:19 PM']If its any concelation, I constantly get told by BT/Cable that I cant have broadband because my street isnt "broadband enabled" yet - my neighbour (just round the corner as I live in a corner house) has an 8mb link via BT! Ive done all the searching online and postcode checks you like, and they all say we should be able to get it via the lines we have, and we are only 2 miles from our exchange. So im stuck with crappy 1MB wireless broadband that drops out at random and requires a reboot of the router to sort. Great.[/quote] yeah we had to pay £80 for our modem, not even wirless or anything, and it also cuts out at random, sometimes buggering up my worms game. Add to that KC, being the only communications company in the area have the monopoly so they can charge us pretty much whatever they like- in our case, £27.99 a month. For 2mb broadband Get with the f***ing times you w***ers. No-one pays that much for any broadband anymore!
  13. ^they have 20mb broadband now? bugger and i'm still stuck with this 2mb sh*t, bloody Kingston f***ing Communications. SAVE US BT!!!!
  14. you could try putting it next to the fingerboard like on those crappy cheap shine basses u see on ebay. But better.
  15. yeah i was thinking about that, the strings must defy the laws of physics or summt! Hah nah bet it's expensive tho, even without all that enqineering it's still a very finely crafted instriment made out of some very nice woods.
  16. I would say Thomman: stock, 9 prices, 9 service, 10 Music store: stock, 8 prices, 10 service, 8 Station-Music: stock, 10 prices, 9 service, 7 (for no prices in £)
  17. [quote name='paul, the' post='31812' date='Jul 14 2007, 04:29 PM']You've got me worried, I'm after a copy of one of those; maybe a Greco, Pan or Aria Pro. Although I do like the Ric neck.[/quote] Get a columbus!
  18. WHEY!!!! I hope that white "primer" wasn't actually the pain underneath tho. Haha i'm sure it wasn't.
  19. ^seymour duncan MM p/u? I dunno what they're called but aparently they sound gr8.
  20. [quote name='Toasted' post='32253' date='Jul 15 2007, 10:38 PM']Don't take a thunderbird on your travels. 1) They're massive 2) They're heavy 3) They're massive 4) They're heavy[/quote] being the owner of a dean Z and maverick X-1 short guitar, reverse body shapes are generally massive.
  21. NICE!
  22. I dunno if this counts 'cos unless ur going to germany on holiday you can't exactly just try them out, but they do have a MASSIVE range of stock to choose from at very good prices. [url="http://www.thomann.de"]http://www.thomann.de[/url] [url="http://www.station-music.de"] www.station-music.de [/url] [url="http://www.musicstore.de"]www.musicstore.de[/url] Despite their location they all deliver to UK at rates that frankly put UK dealers to shame, infact 2 of them offer free delivery for any bass worth getting, to put it in simple terms. Station music probably has the widest selection of basses, it pretty much specialises in basses actually. However it is the only one out of the three where you have to calculate currency and VAT- but unlike the US, it actually makes the price cheaper, given that German VAT is 19% compared to our 17.5%
  23. [quote name='bassboy115' post='32570' date='Jul 16 2007, 04:15 PM']^^its usually our drummer...[/quote] Yeah it's strange- me, the bassist and jack, the drummer, are always telling the guitarrist what to do not only that but i'm always saying to him "YOU'RE SUCH AN IDIOT!!!!" We have another guitarrist aswell now but he's not exactly stalin either.
  24. ^defo was martin on bass, it said on top gear.
  25. ^ the usual approach in our band is "sod what jonny thinks" (the guitarrist)
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