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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. [quote name='paulconnolly' timestamp='1338241948' post='1671615'] Slash just bugs the tits off me. [/quote] +1. Also has no-one told him about the indoor smoking ban!?! [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1338285889' post='1672015'] Yeah, thanks for reinvigorating rock and roll, Jimi - since you've been dead for a while, we didn't think you'd mind if we kept the fuss to minimum... and, besides, we're not getting any younger. Yeah, made my balls ache. In a bad way. The same kind of way airport scanners do, which makes me wonder. Still, the bassist in me managed to find time during the performance to wonder how Slash is allowed to smoke within the workplace - or is it not lit? The human in me didn't care enough to find out, however. [/quote] Beat me to it! Anyway, I agree that it was a pretty dull performance. Really dull. You do feel sorry for poor old Jimi, he is probably rolling in his grave right now...
  2. I don't get it. Was this supposed to be one of those videos where someone makes a band sound really sh*t? Didn't sound very sh*t to me.
  3. It doesn't mention anywhere whether it is RMS and Behringer are pretty notorious for fiddling with the numbers in terms of power ratings.
  4. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1338113441' post='1669681'] I could try that. My amp has a dual tube valve pre-amp in it so I'm not sure if that would be bad for it though? [/quote] I'm pretty sure it is only the power stage you need to worry about in terms of tubes. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1338112291' post='1669655'] Sounds like poor amp design. The DI output should be pre-master volume (irrespective of whether it is pre or post EQ), so that adjusting your amp volume on-stage doesn't change the level of the feed to the PA. [/quote] certainly is. My amp has a line level pot on the DI output which is a much more sensible idea for getting the level right.
  5. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1338070092' post='1669372'] Ah ok, then I suspect it's volume related and I just need to turn the amp up to get a good clean signal from it. Bye-bye neighbours! [/quote] could you not just unplug your speaker and monitor using the monitor out of your audio interface? Solid state heads are ok with that sort of thing.
  6. [quote name='Teobass88' timestamp='1337931432' post='1667482'] What a Piece of wood!! I'm thinking about the possible structural problems in these early basses. 6 Strings and more-stringed basses are quite difficult to build! [/quote] Not really. Just shove a couple of bits of carbon fibre in the neck, or 2 truss rods, and a couple of extra bolts in the neck pocket (although that is just to make you feel better as much as anything) and hey presto. A structurally sound 6 stringed bass. It's not as if you're trying to hold up the eiffel tower or anything...
  7. That was marginally fun.
  8. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1338049112' post='1669033'] I don't have a passive bass so can't try that one. I'll test it again but the hiss is more to do with how much I turn up the input knob on the interface rather than the amount of treble on there. When i tried earlier the changes I made to the eq didn't seem to affect the amount of hiss. I still think it's either lack of ground lift or I'm just upping the volume too far on the interface to make up for the low volume that I had the amp on. Might take the macbook and interface to band practice to test out the volume theory. [/quote] Ok. I don't think it is a grounding issue, since that would most likely cause 50-cycle hum rather than hissing.
  9. I don't want to sound like I am stating the obvious, but if the issue comes post EQ, could you try turning the treble down? Or using a passive bass?
  10. Why is it that the chorus to this song sounds so "familiar"? Pretty sure I didn't listen to this song during my childhood but the melody sounds so familiar. Did All Saints do a cover version of it or something?
  11. You are certainly right in saying it will work. The magnetic field created by the polepieces is larger than the size of the polepieces themselves so it will pick it up. I should imagine that depending on which strings you align the polepieces with, they will have a bit of a stronger signal. I'm sure you're aware of the fact that you will have to route out a space for the pickup since they are a different size to the 4 string version.
  12. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1337935866' post='1667539'] Nah..! I give it a fortnight... [/quote] +1. I suggest for him: http://www.vicfirth.com/product/buynow/product.php?button=SIH1 and for you: http://www.boots.com/en/Boots-Pharmaceuticals-Foam-Earplugs-3-Pairs-with-Carry-Case-_1129528/
  13. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1337807358' post='1665900'] We really are a nation of f*cking moaners aren't we. [/quote] Stop moaning!
  14. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1337857570' post='1666399'] None it's within the EU. [/quote] Can we be sure of that? After all, the user Warwick_Official lists his location as California. In which case you would have to pay about 25% on top of the original price in order to pay for import charges and VAT.
  15. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1337805619' post='1665863'] Incorrect, but i'm really not having that discussion in this thread... [/quote] I think you'll find it is correct actually but no you're right, I am not going to have a discussion about grammar with someone who doesn't know the difference between your and you're anyway... [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1337805756' post='1665867'] And capital letters are used as the first letter of a sentence! BAM! I OWN YOU! I f***ing OWN YOU! AWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOGA! [i][b]YOUR [/b][/i]ASS IS MINE! Nah, I'm just f***ing with you [/quote] Sorry, corrected. (Although strictly speaking, you shouldn't start a sentence with the word 'And' )
  16. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1337804945' post='1665849'] [/quote] Well actually semicolons are for making opposing statements.
  17. [quote name='blackmn90' timestamp='1337802568' post='1665790'] You just don't help yourself, let the mods deal with mod stuff. If they need to they will. Why is there a debate about this? [i]Your[/i] being offered the chance to win a free new bass! If the guy at Warwick hadn't posted it up someone else hopefully would have anyway, and again, [i]your[/i] in with a chance of a free bass! [/quote] *You're and *you're. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1337801615' post='1665767'] Have ran two internet forums in the past, owning domains and renting server space . [i]Your[/i] entitled to your opinion, and i am entitled to mine, let's leave it at that for our discussion, shall we? Apologies for arguing in this thread and derailing, back on topic for a great competition! [/quote] *YOU'RE. Listen mate, I am happy to cease this discussion whenever you want, you're the one who brought it up.
  18. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1337798220' post='1665686'] Do you get out much? It's a facebook page, and the guy is offering members the chance to win a bass. Chances are alot of people on here would never have seen the competition to enter without this thread. Yes, it helps advertise Warwick's, but i really don't get the problem. Don't enter and succumb to the ruthless advertising regime! [/quote] 3 posts into this debate and you have already descended into personal attacks. Congrats. Listen, this is about the interests of the people who run basschat. The reason people don't like advertising on their websites is that they are hijacking their audience for their own personal gain without permission. I'm sure if they did ask them it would be fine but just sticking this advert up without any permission is like stealing advertising space from the banners. Obviously you don't own a website so this is not a concern for you but that doesn't mean it is ok. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1337801087' post='1665759'] Just having somebody from Warwick with the username Warwick_Official could be seen as advertising though surely [/quote] Certainly is.
  19. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1337796076' post='1665629'] What exactly needs to be cleared?? I'd understand if he was trying to sell Warwick goods (would need to be in Affiliates forum) but i don't feel merely offering a link where members have the chance of winning a free bass is too much of a crime [/quote] Because, mods on forums aren't generally keen on people advertising without their permission. This is a form of advertising, as it will involve you "liking" their page and adding an app which will be used to... advertise their products. That's kind of how these things work.
  20. Have you cleared this with the mods? At any rate, I don't think a lot of people on this forum are going to add a facebook app just for a (non) chance of winning a bass that probably won't be delivered over here anyway...
  21. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1337711690' post='1664422'] Just to jolly things along, I thought I'd start posting some nature pictures. To start with here's an ostrich: [/quote] I see what you did there
  22. I see you're new here. There is a feedback forum in the marketplace for posts like this.
  23. Saw this this morning on facebook. Sorry to hear it, hopefully you will get it back soon.
  24. What a sh*t looking guitar. Why he couldn't have just been happy with the les paul buzzsaw, I don't know.
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