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Everything posted by EdwardHimself
[quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1385150318' post='2285142'] Dewd! I really like it. Very good songs and I like your voice a lot, I presume it's you. It's a very bass-light mix though. You might be able to fix that reasonably quickly. I think I would prefer a slightly expanded vocal sound if I was mixing it, maybe a bit of stereo widening. The balance of everything is very good, just needs more low frequency, get it pumping man! Overall I think it's a ace effort, easily enough emotional drive in there. I really feel immersed in it, I believe you. Totally credible in all respects except the mix. Top work, old egg. [/quote] I appreciate your feedback. What I would say is that it's really difficult to get the bass heard without either drowning out the kick drum or having a really boomy sounding mix. I worked on boosting the frequencies on the bass guitar round the 150-200Hz range rather than the fundamentals to give it enough bass but also give the kick drum some room and keep the whole thing sounding tight. As far as I'm concerned, the bass is definitely there, you just have to listen out for it. I'm glad you liked the songs though.
Hi guys, I know it's been a long time, but I've just released a new EP I thought you may want to listen to. [url="https://soundcloud.com/eddiehimself/sets/ehep"]https://soundcloud.c...mself/sets/ehep[/url] Obviously not the most pristine sounding, but f*** it: I did it in my bedroom, not some multi-million-dollar recording studio! If you like it, feel free to throw us a like on fb. If you have a band page, send us a message and I will do a like for like [url="http://facebook.com/EddieHimselfMusic"]http://facebook.com/EddieHimselfMusic[/url]
I really quite like this bass but sadly university has once again decided to get in the way of my life and I need some money so it has do go I am afraid. Apologies for the fact that it is an ebay link but I really didn't know where else I could post it, since the ebay forum is not for posting our own for sale links, apparently. I just wanted people on this forum to be aware of it, since there might be someone on here who wants it and wouldn't have otherwise known about it. Alternatively, if you can't wait a whole 7 days in order to purchase it, then I am looking for offers in the region of £800. Edd. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/271083883492?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1586.l2649
[quote name='Archetype' timestamp='1347192694' post='1797833'] Yea, Like I said I know plenty of guys that do that - if not much more. I have seen some awful sounding singers live that in the studio when they can hear everything properly suddenly sound good. but never in a case where I've not need some auto tune tweaks. [/quote] Well I just don't know what to think any more really. I've pretty much given up on speculating whether this was auto-tuned or not. I suppose we will never know really. They're convinced that he really is just a fantastic singer though.
[quote name='Archetype' timestamp='1347190676' post='1797792'] Did the band do the mix? I know a lot of guys who auto tune vocals without telling the band so the singer thinks he's amazing. [/quote] No they didn't, it was the so-called "producer." That was my suspicion as well at first to be honest.
[quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1346235985' post='1786747'] Yes, well there is the diplomacy thing isnt there, did you post openly in a very public facing way, or did you gove them a private PM? If the former then they are really smarting to have the world told that the realisty is they arent nearly as good as they thought, and that the money they've spent has bought them a bit of a lemon, and they dont wont the truth 'out there'.. If the latter, then they are smarting at getting something honest that disagrees with their world view, its childish, it wont help them improve, but its their reaction. Whenever I offer a critique of a mix to someone (and who am I to critique anyone's effort really) I always remember to load it with caveats about how harsh it may seem. Mainly because I really don't want to upset people. I thne try to give as much positive feedback as possible whilst pointing out things I think could be changed for the better, and things that maybe need to be changed to make the result of a more prfessional quality. Its sometimes very hard to come across as someone trying to help rather than someone just letting off a broadside of 'that in fact sucks'.... Sounds like from their perspective, rightly or wrongly, you let off a broadside of criticism that they don't think is justified. That is probably their loss in this case, since I think that the mix is very poor too. You may just have hit a very raw nerve internally regarding the possibility of the singer being tuned, very difficult to broach that one! [/quote] Yes you're right. The annoying thing is that if I hadn't accused the singer of being auto-tuned, I would have had lots of ammo to hit back at them with! Oh well, you live and learn I suppose... [quote name='Rimskidog' timestamp='1346353641' post='1788282'] how did I get dragged into this??? [/quote] It's your fault for buying such expensive monitors
[quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1346160184' post='1785907'] Dont worry about that! It still could have been. Modern pitch shifting algorithms are total black magic mate But they tend to fall flat on the breaths, they go very weird trying to autocorrect intakes of breath, leaving horrible artifcats, and the only way around that is to do all the shifting (ie when to start and stop) by hand. Now given the state of the rest of the mix I really dont believe that this chap has spent the time on a per syllable level sorting out the tuning. So I dont think this has been autocorrected (but still I'm listening on an old pair of cans at work and could easily be missing some artifacts). I still think the vocal is the least of their issues! [/quote] Yeah, I know what you're saying. I think the breath is the biggest give-away and even then, it's not exactly helped by the heaps of treble and compression added in the mastering stage. Of course I thought I was hearing artefacts caused by using the "quick-mode" on the auto-tune. As you may or may not know already, I was listening to it on my KRK rokit 8 monitors which probably aren't as good as your headphones. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1346160309' post='1785908'] Probalby wasnt worth falling out over, yes they are loving hearing a 'proper' job done on their music now. Just wait until they've played it right next to a bunch of their favourite commercial releases, the doubt will start to creep in, and no doubt this fella will say they need to get it mastered by himself or his mate Trev GoldenEars with the 20k monitors.... The mix is poor, the playing (esp the drums) is ropey, no amount of mastering is going to fix these issues! [/quote] Well at least they can't blame me for not telling them. Maybe it was a bit trivial but I just think it is a bit ridiculous really. They ask for feedback on their recordings, they get feedback, they block me from posting on the page. What did they expect? Also the drummer has not been in the band for very long and doesn't really have a lot of confidence, but I used his snare drum at a show and it is very well tuned up, so he obviously cares about his drums, he just needs a bit of practice really.
Hopefully I am not breaching the forum's "libel" policy but really, this guy has produced the work for public release and the link is there for you to make up your own mind as to whether you think he is a good producer or not so I don't think it should be an issue. The producers name is [url="http://www.facebook.com/davidelf"]Dave Williamson[/url] and he is from Hull (not to be confused with producers with the same or similar names in other parts of the country.) This was really what led to the falling out, they really took against me criticising him and the sound of the recordings, not just the auto-tune. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way. I guess if you're in a band that is new to recording, it's probably pretty "cool" to hear yourselves recorded "properly" for the first time but yeah, the production is terrible. Oh well, too late now. They're not going to listen to me (and why should they?) But I kind of feel sorry for them if they actually paid for it.
[quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1346150869' post='1785770'] Its totally valid. I've seen Plux's band a few times live and the singer was pretty shocking at pitching. I tracked him a few weeks ago tihnkg "This is going to take all day" and he nailed it, repeatedly. I was super pleased! When singers aren't trying to belt it out, just to be able to hear themselves (very badly) with all the attendant mush of high volume noise at a gig - blowing their voice in the process by the second song - they can usually do a far better job with pitch. Saw him since at a venue with better monitors and stage volumes and he was bang on.., The fact it was recorded live is irrelevant, that mix sounds like a**e. [/quote] I suppose yeah. I must say he has improved a hell of a lot over the years. A lot better than he was 5 or 6 years ago anyway. And yeah, the mix is terrible. I did offer to record them myself, but they wanted a "proper" producer to do it. Then again, what do I know? I can't even tell whether or not it has been pitch corrected, apparently
I've not been on here in a while, but I have been receiving all the updates via e-mail. It's looking great, mate.
[quote name='jaydentaku' timestamp='1346147782' post='1785718'] He might not have been able to hear himself as clearly as in a studio environment. [/quote] An interesting hypothesis. Do you think maybe his lack of self-perception led his musical instincts take over into delivering some kind of pitch-perfect performance? Maybe I should tell him to turn the monitors off next time they play at Hollywood and Vine...
Well there you go; I've gone completely mad! now to play my drums with a hammer. Oh wait, I did that yesterday. Guess I'll have to find something else to do
[quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1346146929' post='1785701'] Hmmmm. I dont think he's been pitch shifted, he does have a tendency to slide into notes in a lot of phrases. Which is fine, seems like a perfectly good effort, if thats what you want to sound like. I'd be more concerned about the drum sound, which is rather errr lacking. And the almost total lack of bass (its in there as a bit of grind off the pick, but has no real oomph IMO and is completely drowned by the guitar - sounds a bit "And Justice" in terms of balance). The drum playing definitely seems a bit hit and miss too, which may explain the lacklustre sound, making the drums far more in your face would only make the issues with the playing way more obvious. [/quote] Right ok. I suppose I'll have to take your word for it. I thought it had, I must be going deaf or something! It's just I have seen this guy live and he is not anywhere near as in tune as this. Plus they said that they had it all recorded in a few hours. I just can't believe that he managed to get it all as pitched as good as that in that amount of time. Plus I could swear I could hear some kind of artefacts in there, but you might be right in saying it was just the way he was singing it. I don't know. You are entirely right about the mixing though, shocking job. Apparently the instruments were all done live but I don't really think that is an excuse for a supposedly "experienced" studio producer to not make some effort into making it sound at least half decent.
This has been really bugging me for the last couple of days. My friends have just done some recording in their band and are convinced this is what the singer sounds like naturally. However, to me it sounds like there is definitely some sort of pitch correction going on here. [url="http://www.facebook.com/measureofdisorder/app_2405167945"]http://www.facebook..../app_2405167945[/url] So, what do you reckon? Auto-tuned? Or have I just gone completely mental? I think it is too late to salvage the relationship between me and these people, but really I just need to be put out of my misery of not knowing.
[quote name='billyapple' timestamp='1344693282' post='1768074'] I've only ever had 4 strings, I don't know what I'd do with an extra one. Probably hang my washing on it or something. [/quote]
[quote name='stoker' timestamp='1344613736' post='1767191'] That is a lovely looking bit of wood! [/quote] Thanks! Yeah can't beat a bit of grain-filled ash lol. [quote name='billyapple' timestamp='1344675797' post='1767792'] PHWOOR! Lovely!. You know, my guilty secret is I've always fancied one of those Vipers, in cherry red too. Enjoy [/quote] The trouble with the viper and eclipse basses is that they look great, but you can only get them in 4 string. I really have to have a 5 string bass as my main bass. The 4 strings are really just bits on the side. Sadly, I am still having a bit of trouble with the neck. I have managed to get it to stop bending back but I am still having issues with some of the lower frets and buzzing. I might just see if the neck needs some time to sort itself out. If I can't get it sorted in the next couple of weeks or so I might take it to a proper guitar tech or something.
I've no idea but there is no reason to think it is not the real thing; I mean this would have been a top of the line bass in its day.
Well it's pretty plain to see that no-one on here really gives a sh*t about this build but here are a few more pictures at any rate: spraying the black into the porting. starting on the fabric upholstery Everything mounted and fitted. The only thing that is needed now is a... grille. I was slightly disappointed that it was only 4 mm hole size, especially compared to the eden which looks about twice that but what can you do? The sound is ok, really though I think I need to break the speakers in before I can comment on the sound. Here's a video anyway: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejvgao7_LUE&feature=plcp
Hello there. Not really been here in a while but I just thought I would indulge myself slightly in showing off my new bass. I got it for my 21st birthday, so I wanted to make it something special. Looks great. Unfortunately, the truss rod is one of the 8 mm bullet type ones that require a special spanner in order to adjust so until I get that, I can't really play it as the neck is slightly over tightened for the strings I've put on it. So yeah, that's my bass. Hope you like it and thanks for reading
I'm tempted by that musicman pickup; probably shouldn't be spending any more money though...
Done a bit of work today. Got the last 2 of the supporting battens cut out. Also cut out the hole for the crossover: As I said before, this is intended for vertical mounting, hence why it is the orientation that it is. I then put the panel in and drew round it. Tomorrow, I am going to put a 2 mm recess in around the line so it will sit flush with the back once everything is done. There was a small bit of wood that was designed to stiffen the speaker cabinet. I was going to cut it out separately, but I decided the scrap bit of wood from the crossover cutout would do the job . So now I've not just the speaker panel and another supporting piece to cut out and we're done with the cutting out of parts.
[quote name='charic' timestamp='1342249993' post='1732244'] [url="http://media.firebox.com/pic/p4791_big.jpg"]http://media.firebox...c/p4791_big.jpg[/url] [/quote] epic sofa, probably not very comfortable though.
Ok so I got a shipment of parts today: This is basically everything else I didn't already have that I needed to finish the cab: handles, cable, tweeter and crossover. Also in a seperate shipment I got myself another router bit since the other one snapped. A close up of the tweeter and crossover unit.
Pair of 1st series Fender JV Basses (P&J) Uber rare!
EdwardHimself replied to Rick's Fine '52's topic in Basses For Sale
[quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1342101823' post='1729616'] Not likely, there's nowt nice or rare about a 90's Squier. These are that price because there's hardly any made, especially in this original condition, they are highly sought after, and are the most accurate reissues ever made. Price is reasonable, I've seen these go for 31400 each, and not as early as mine either. You're right though, it is alot of money. value for money is a different thing though, and they are worth every penny. [/quote] Don't get me wrong, obviously if that is the type of money they are selling for then no reason you shouldn't try to get what they are worth. Just not sure I would pay that much for one.