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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' timestamp='1327843516' post='1517505'] Do you mean [url="http://www.ampeg.com/products/diamondbluebass/b200r/index.html"]this one[/url] Wayne? If so that is just exquisite. Zero degrees Kelvin cool that is. [/quote] the "degree" was abolished from the kelvin in 1967. Lol I love how you've not even opened the last one and already you're getting more stuff. Ah well, if you can afford it why not eh?
  2. In soviet russia, fx pedal stomps on YOU! Sorry couldn't resist lol. Coat...
  3. That sounds fantastic. You've pretty much nailed it, in terms of timing and tone as well. You could pretty much replace the original bass track in the song with that and I doubt almost anyone would notice the difference. Great stuff mate
  4. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1327794160' post='1517011'] Following from Mcgraham's topic, and my interest in electro and dance such as Daft Punk, I'd like to know about Synth's, and what type of Synth I need. It's mainly for basslines, or the odd catchy melody line. Anything from what you hear in The Killers all the way to filthy bass lines you hear in Daft Punk. The Korg Microkorg seems like a good bet. What amp would it need? How do I create 'loops'? What do I need to add drums? I'm thinking of finding like-minded musicians to create some stuff like The Rapture/Daft Punk, after all, I've wanted to for years. [/quote] I think if you want to make songs, what you should be thinking of is getting a MIDI keyboard which you can plug into an audio interface for your computer. There is an abundance of high quality software synths that can be downloaded for free or a small cost. Get yourself some sequencing software such as cakewalk or I think MAGIX is quite good for synth type stuff, then you can input your parts, loop them etc and hopefully make some bangin' tunes.
  5. Haha that vest should be in the bad jokes thread lol.
  6. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1327664498' post='1514931'] Struggling to see why you need to be able to play and instrument let alone to a grade 8 standard for a Engineering course. Some of the best engineers i've worked with don't play a note, they're passionate about sound & how to make it sound great, not how to play the stuff. [/quote] This. I for one am a lot better at producing a recording than playing anyway lol. Completely different set of skills.
  7. Ok it's not really me playing as such but here is a picture of me trying out my new home made bell chime: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o87AS6NdKfY
  8. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1327656490' post='1514736'] The Tonmeister course at the University of Surrey is probably the best in the country, although the jobs market at which it is aimed (big studios, places like the BBC) seems to be shrinking faster than a fast thing. It's a proper engineering course, so you'll need good A levels in Maths, Physics and Music Tech plus a Grade 8 standard on your main instrument. [/quote] A BEng?
  9. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1327579821' post='1513578'] Yeah the money put me off too! I'm now a code monkey although I plan to combine the two skills in the future. [/quote] Cool stuff. I'm probably going to keep recording and producing my own songs as a hobby. Maybe one day I will get "discovered" and become really rich and famous but I'm not holding my breath [quote] And you say "well I never" but the amount of people who didn't realise this really reflected in the pass rates. Out of the 120 to start my course I was 1 of 9 to graduate.. [/quote] Yeah, not surprised really. The problem with a lot of unis (including mine) is they're more bothered about getting butts on seats rather than people assesing whether they are making the right decision and what exactly the course involves. A lot of people generally fail the first year of engineering degrees at our "university" (if you can call it that lol) because they don't realise how much maths and science there is in an engineering degree. I think they just expected to be fixing up cars all year or something. In fact our year did a lot better than they were expecting last year, so now they've made the second year harder to try and get rid of a few more of us! Maybe they should have thought of that before they decided to accept way more students then they were supposed to. I guess they'll have to forget about the improvements they made to teaching standards last year . I'm not complaining though, I like actually having challenging work.
  10. [quote name='BabuHS' timestamp='1327415222' post='1510832'] I have an Edwards Les Paul which I play a lot through my Hartke HyDrive combo, actually sounds great! Has a really dark sound to it, and distortion works very nicely through it. Best not to try playing a bass through a guitar amp though, I've seen damage done that way and it isn't pretty... [/quote] It's ok as long as you don't play it too loud. I used to practice with bass on a guitar amp, you could get some pretty nice distortion out of it.
  11. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1327321488' post='1509190'] Subscribed! One day I'll be doing this myself (need a house first ) and I've got a few nifty ideas to go along with it [/quote] +1. Home studios ftw.
  12. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1327535497' post='1513197'] You could still weigh it in for scrap and turn a profit. [/quote] It's made out of sheet steel.
  13. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1327494387' post='1512171'] I suppose it depends what you actually WANT to do? At the time when I went to uni to do Audio and Music Tech Anglia Ruskin (cambridge) was apparently one of the best for it, with the added perk of getting a BSc instead of a BA. Big difference was it was VERY heavily based in science (acoustics, psycho-acoustics, Analog and Digital electronics, digital signal processing etc...) as well as the usual "record and mix music". I will honestly tell you that I don't feel I learned a great deal about how to record or mix music. It may not be the same case for you but it is quite possible and worth bearing in mind with the extortionate rates uni's are charging at the moment. Also a degree stands for nothing in the sound engineer world, it's all about experience so get out there and do it really. Best of luck and if you have any more questions feel free to ask here or via PM Rik [/quote] You mean a BSc was more science based than a BA? Well I never! Lol jk but I agree. I don't think you really [i]need [/i]to do a degree to get a job as a sound engineer. I wouldn't worry about tuition fees though; you're very unlikely to be earning more than £21k a year from any job as a sound engineer. It will more likely be something like 12-13. That's one of the things that put me off becoming one tbh. I think if I had gone down that road though I personally would have done a music tech course at 6th form or college and then tried getting onto the jobs ladder from there, starting out at clubs and such.
  14. I'm guessing he just wants a head right? I normally quite like peavey but I'm not massively keen on the valveking myself. Don't think it really works for metal. If he could stretch to about 600 then he might be able to get himself a used peavey 6505+ head. That would be a pretty good bet for metal I would say.
  15. http://www.metalhammer.co.uk/news/ridiculous-mash-up-of-the-week-lamb-of-god-vs-keha/ Lol just what?
  16. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1327524742' post='1512985'] ah but that's what's the acoustic is for I've also got an amazing acoustic that I picked up, again not going anywhere as you couldn't get anywhere near for the amount it would get from selling. [/quote] Acoustic and electric guitars are 2 very different beasts. It would be a good idea to practise on both of them to increase your versatility.
  17. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1327522723' post='1512947'] playing with selling this (as I can't play it) to buy a jazz bass on here. But pretty sure that if I did and later wanted to play electric I wouldn't find a better guitar in my budget..... should it go? It just seems daft daft daft having 2 guitars, which I currently can't play, and 2 basses. But man is this fun to play! any thoughts? and any idea of where I should price this? [/quote] If you want to learn and you like this guitar I would say stick with it, at least for a few months until you've decided whether you want to continue learning guitar or not.
  18. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1327515666' post='1512763'] Looks like it was made by someone who had no understanding of the actual function of various things on a bass. The intonation in the bridge for a start. [/quote] That's how Leo Fender started out, didn't stop him from making a decent job of it. This looks like something made by a year 7 "technology" class student who was told one day by his teacher to make a bass guitar, having never heard of or seen one before.
  19. Hello there from nearby Beverley. We've got a few from round these parts on here
  20. Quite interesting yes. Obviously it just goes to show that this software can't be entirely sure of whether or not it is a machine simply from doing the test. It may just be a highly competent drummer. (they're rare, I know, but they do exist lol). Also I'm not sure how well it deals with alternative time signatures. I had a look at "Times Like These" by foo fighters and it seems to think it is very far out in places but it may just be because of the parts in 7/4 timing. I think if I uploaded some of my playing to there I would probably score a 0 or 1 lol.
  21. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1327234208' post='1508020'] Not my favourite type of metal (melodic bit followed by shouty etc, a la Trivium) but you've done a pretty good job there EH. Wouldn't have surprised me if I had heard that on MTV. Good effort [/quote] It's what is generally known as "metalcore". Bands like Trivium, Killswitch Engage, 36 crazyfists etc. It's a fair cop I suppose. I never really intended for the song to be put into that sort of category when I first started writing it but yeah I guess that's just how it turned out. And I, for one would be very surprised to hear ANY music being played on MTV [quote] PS I would edit out the first 40 seconds before the track starts as it's pretty tasteless and may put people off listening to your music [/quote] Well, "tasteless" is an opinion, but I knew it was always going to divide opinions. It was more of a joke than anything really. I hasten to add that no people called "Sheila" were harmed in the making of this song . I decided to split the track up into 2 parts. If I put this on a CD I would probably have done that anyway, since people would probably get a bit bored of skipping the first 40 s of the song lol. [quote name='jackers' timestamp='1327235121' post='1508029'] me likey alot you have a great voice, and the song is very catchy. The only bit I didn't really like was the intro 40 seconds, but that's a very small gripe I would love to hear anything else you have recorded in this type of genre. [/quote] I am glad you like it. I don't think all of my songs sound like this. The one I am writing at the moment is in this kind of genre but there are others that are a different type of thing altogether. I think I'm going to try and start doing more recordings. I pretty much didn't bother for the whole of last year and there are new ideas that I have been going over since then. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' timestamp='1327245693' post='1508246'] Well actually........ this is rather good. Strong voice there Eddie, and I like the string parts as they provide a nice foil to the raucous parts. I'd have a tad more clarity and level in the drums but that's a minor quibble for me. I listened all the way though no problem, and would listen to some more. [/quote] It's interesting seeing to the difference of opinion. Some people on the guitar forum thought I wasn't aggressive enough, and I tend to agree with them. I think I need to practice my singing a bit more. The issue with the drums was that my "trusty" SM57 decided to stop working and because I didn't have much money I used completely the wrong type of microphone to record the snare drum with which left the top end sounding tinny. That's why I went for the deeper sort of sound. [quote]Hope the content doesn't give us too much of a glimpse inside your soul. [/quote] Well I can't say the lyrics aren't entirely based on my emotions but I don't think I'll be killing anyone any time soon lol.
  22. [quote name='the_krysh' timestamp='1327085763' post='1506337'] nice, me likes. [/quote] Thanks. Anyone else? I would like to hear people air their thoughts on it, even if you think it's rubbish
  23. [quote name='ChristopherGilbert' timestamp='1327227614' post='1507917'] Just curious, how much is this costing? [/quote] good question. My guess would be about £5-10 k sort of ballpark.
  24. I remember there was a website I saw a couple of years back that specialised in acoustic products. They had special acoustic dampeners for downlighters. Might be worth a look?
  25. [quote name='Blademan_98' timestamp='1327158273' post='1507183'] Planning permission only. No need for regs as not a habitable building and not bigger than 30 square metres. [/quote] ok, I thought you may say as much. Looks pretty good anyway.
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