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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. [quote name='Blademan_98' timestamp='1327149627' post='1506985'] There is around 70 feet from studio to nearest house. I live in a town that is fairly built up but not to London standards [/quote] 70 feet doesn't sound very built up to me anyway, surely a single skin brick building wouldn't have passed building regs?
  2. [quote name='Blademan_98' timestamp='1327098004' post='1506556'] All you chaps go on about sound proofing I built my studio (30 square metres) at the bottom of my garden. No sound proofing and just a single skin brick shell. We play with the full band and by the time you get to the house, you can't really hear much. My misses says that you can't hear it in the house at all. Just lucky I guess? [attachment=97835:Studio.jpg] This is it [/quote] Well if you live somewhere where there aren't many houses around then you can just take full advantage of the inverse square law and not have to worry about noise leakage, but being in London is a different matter...
  3. Here is EH's SC: http://soundcloud.com/eddiehimself/control
  4. [url="http://soundcloud.com/eddiehimself/control"]http://soundcloud.co...himself/control[/url] Here is a song I have just recently finished. I would be most appreciative if you would give it a listen some of you may remember it from earlier, I posted it about a year ago without any vocals and I wasn't really feeling it until now when I decided to finish it. Guitars, bass, drums, vocals, recording by EH. No stock sounds or anything, everything you hear on this track was either recorded or synthesized by me, apart from the strings at the beginning which were made using a VST synth. Extensive editing was required to get it to sound like this, as my musicianship leaves a lot to be desired lol.
  5. [quote name='ojplaysbass' timestamp='1327065382' post='1505918'] i can't see many drummers going for this over roland v-drums [/quote] +1, not unless it's significantly less money...
  6. He's pretty good, but can he hold down a 4 to the floor beat for 5 minutes?
  7. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1327059496' post='1505771'] Something like this:- [/quote] That is what I'm talking about! You'll also need one of these:
  8. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1327012470' post='1505365'] Technique is everything in every instrument. [/quote] Technique can help avoid the onset of fatigue, but with drumming a LOT of it comes down to physical conditioning as well. There are just some things you can not physically do without a lot of practice just to get your arms to co-operate, I'm not talking playing fills or any fancy crap like that, I mean something as simple as playing 8th notes on the hihat for a number of minutes at a reasonable tempo.
  9. I was bawn wivvin th' saaand of bow bews y'knaw me ol' china. (naaah joking lol) Mate, this is looking pretty good so far. The space doesn't sound too bad really. I assume though that you're going to have to sacrifice a bit of that space in order to set up nonparallel walls within to reduce standing wave build up and all that jazz? Is it going to be just the one room or 2?
  10. That's really annoying. I mean what a joke. You should have said to him, why the hell should I pay you for a service that you have failed to provide? You wouldn't pay a builder if he didn't build what you asked him to build.
  11. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1327011157' post='1505325'] That's not a fair comparison. More like if the original song is just roots you wouln't fill it full of runs you couldn't manage. But then there are a fair few who do that too.... [/quote] No, well that is right. But that is kind of like the opposite of what I was saying.
  12. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' timestamp='1327001928' post='1505117'] December 30th at the Adelphi Club Hull. [/quote] Nice. My friend is buying one of those Barefaced cabs. He's getting a 1 kW hartke head to go with it. It will probably sound a hell of a lot better than my crappy old rig lol.
  13. [quote name='guildbass' timestamp='1326840684' post='1502792'] Perhaps you are right, I took what you said to mean that a drummer's timing might suffer because they were too busy and the effort of being so busy was too great. My point being that being busy is less important than the timing. [/quote] Well I think it is fair to say that you should be capable of playing the song you are given to play without playing out of time. If you couldn't play a particular run on the bass to a decent standard for a song then you wouldn't just give up and play roots instead, for example.
  14. Go for it. If you can afford a nice guitar to start on, don't see why you shouldn't really. I personally think having at least a reasonable knowledge of another instrument is an important thing for any musician playing in a band.
  15. It won't do anything bad to your amp, but it doesn't sound particularly great.
  16. [quote name='guildbass' timestamp='1326751911' post='1501634'] i disagree. One of the best drummers I played with was a guitarist. He could use a simple 4 piece kit. nothing fancy, no histrionics, he simply provided a decent back beat...But because he was a musician first, he had good timing. if you are working so hard you can't keep time, you're doing to much. timing first, paradiddles second....Your audience will love you for it! [/quote] I think you have got the wrong end of what I said. Of course timing is the most important thing, but even seemingly simple beats can be hard to get right, and can be extremely physically demanding if you have to play for a long time.
  17. [quote name='Davo-London' timestamp='1326665767' post='1500304']So folks, there's a lot of superior beings on this forum doing a lot of drummer-bashing. Try it yourself if you think it's easy. I'm telling you from the heart it isn't. There is so much to learn. So, I always have time for musicians that practice and are serious about there instrument as you know in time they will probably get there. If they don't practice then I lose interest. That's my arbiter. Peace Davo [/quote] This. As someone who plays the drums and is not a complete idiot I accept that there is bound to be a bit of banter about drummers with this being a bass forum but I think some people are taking it a bit far some times. It is extremely difficult to get yourself through a full set of music with the stress it puts on your forearms but you're also using all 4 limbs that you have to co-ordinate and you have to keep time as well. It's certainly far from easy. It's something that takes years of practice before you can even play to a reasonable level. That is why decent drummers are so difficult to find unfortunately. Most people just give up after not very long.
  18. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1326123020' post='1492558'] This my rig for acoustic and electric guitar, and bass. That's it. Nothing else except a cable and a guitar. DI straight to desk, PA, etc. [/quote] I was thinking about getting one of these, I've never really been into using a lot of different tones. Plus I've got a "guitar rig" now so I could just take that to gigs if I was feeling particularly lazy at some point lol. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1326642472' post='1499834'] Well gang, At the moment, it feels like I'm the luckiest bloke alive. It's my birthday today (60) and last night we had a party. My guitarist turned up with our friend who built his (and my) guitar heads. He knew that I'd been hankering after a head like mine but in combo format ( which he does not make) for some time and had always said that if I hit the lottery, I'd commission one. It seems that there is now a "Keith" (yeah I know) combo in the range as my wife had done just that and had one built for me. 40 watts, reverb that is progressive with the gain control. Celestion G12 Rock driver and an impedance control to match the amp with pickup output. Got to bed at 6 am so gonna plug in and give it a blast later tonight. I seriously don't deserve my wife. [/quote] Epic, what a nice present.
  19. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1326592389' post='1499386'] Just saw this on eBay: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/20x-58g-Mars-Bars-rrp-75p-/320827004176?pt=UK_Sweets_Chocolate&hash=item4ab2c79510#ht_500wt_1203"]http://www.ebay.co.u...0#ht_500wt_1203[/url] The logo doesn't look quite right to me. Can anyone tell me if this is a fake? Thanks. . [/quote] They changed the logo in about 2006 to this new one.
  20. [quote name='Doctor J' timestamp='1326624680' post='1499557'] Had some mates over to Debt Valley last night. Nice. [/quote] I bet you're in debt after getting that lot . Some really nice stuff there, a haul worthy of any Italian music shop-job.
  21. We all say stupid things to our friends from time to time. I thought my friend had spelt a word wrong when I was FBMing him yesterday and I corrected him but then he hadn't lol.
  22. [quote name='mrdreadful' timestamp='1326574479' post='1499127'] Oi! Keep your bass stuff out of here, there's a place for that kind of thing. [/quote] This.
  23. Sounded pretty good. Well played on the bass. It was possibly a bit difficult to hear but I think that was the tone of the double bass more than anything. The singer was great as well, although I'm not sure about texting during a recording lol.
  24. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1326544810' post='1498614'] Don't why I'm posting this cause its awful!! I've only been 'playing' guitar since July, and 'singing' the same. It only started as a joke! This was recorded by accident, we were just trying to catch the audio cause we needed to learn the song, this was literally, and I mean that - LITERALLY the 2nd time we'd attempted this song. I'd just talked them through the chords, and as you can see from the arm waving, still working out the structure. My first and indeed only ever attempt at a guitar solo. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvF6b4QMovQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player[/media] It's just me and my mates messing about really. That's basschatter Davemuadib on my 'Bassmaster Funk' bass. We were playing at sub talking volume with electric drums and vocals through a hi-fi in my cellar. I was reading the lyrics off a sheet. [/quote] It's not as bad as you make it out to be. I must say I am getting sick of all the covers of that song. I mean seriously, it's like Wicked Game or something...
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