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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. Damn I'm only 22 years and 359 days old. Guess you'll have to find someone else then
  2. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1317998090' post='1397118']Lol, EH, have you ever been in a band you actually just enjoyed playing in? I'm in a band at the moment which I enjoy so much i'd happily just jam for hours on end with no gigs.[/quote] Not really no.
  3. Bands unfortunately are never straightforward. You have to endure many many hours of musician searching, auditions, dreary boring practices which you just wish would end so you can sit down, lugging your gear about, arguments with members over what songs to play, all that kind of sh*t, just so you can enjoy that few seconds of those few gigs where the crowd is cheering you on. Hardly seems worth it sometimes.
  4. "let's do a cover version of this band that no-one has ever heard of before but they're my favourite band"
  5. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1317982571' post='1396863']"going forward" or any other kind of corporate w@nk speak of a similar ilk.[/quote] +1, It's like when they start going "we're not sure you can be part of this process any more" as if they're alan f***ing sugar or something.
  6. [quote name='burno70' timestamp='1317978898' post='1396801']If you're not on the same page then your best offing the individuals concerned or offing yourself - and the sooner the better.[/quote] what about my best offing the individuals?
  7. v. Shiny. I should imagine chrome bass and silk glvoes are quite a combination lol.
  8. It's something to do I suppose. I must say I think the best bass related moment I ever had was when I played the only 2 "gigs" (so to speak) in the same month in 2007. Not played any shows since and as such i've pretty much lost interest in it since then. Hardly seems much point in just playing to myself.
  9. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1317886847' post='1395700']Not sure anyone is upset/toys out of the pram.... we are just piling into a thread to make the place look active. If we don't have activity and opinions..the place will get pretty boring and deserted soon.[/quote] I usually just post because i'm desperate to not have more posts in off topic than anywhere else on the site.
  10. to be fair, why bother putting an e-mail if you're not going to reply to it? Seems pretty daft to me.
  11. In the words of Arnie: "GET OUT- NOOOOOWWWW!"
  12. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1317824304' post='1395008'] Edward 'Hard as Fackin Nails' Himself. [/quote] oh yeah well 'ard me. Seriously though, I used to get seriously bullied at school. These days if anyone says anything to me I just ignore them. Unfortunately it's a part of life, not saying it's right, but that's just the way life is- if you're putting yourself out there, you've got to take the bad along with the good.
  13. Looks nice- I think you should have gone with chrome corners though to complete the look.
  14. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1317666220' post='1393031'] Gareth, watch how she will get slagged off on here now she has some success. Once success is achieved, regardless of talent and credibility or whether she is a very nice person, the artist is a machine immune to hurtful comments and criticism, and the fact her bassist is a respected bass chat member don't mean sh*t. [/quote] It's part of the job- you can't just expect as a famous artist or indeed any famous person to be universally adored. But if you can't stand the heat... [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1317807339' post='1394704'] People wrote Adele off a couple of years ago as a one dimensional Duffy/Winehouse wannabe. I think it`s safe to say they were wrong. [/quote] Can't stand her either- I mean in an interview she was whining on about how she has to pay £4 million in tax. Sorry, but if you're earning enough money to have that kind of tax bill then you have NOTHING to complain about. Especially since now you have enough money to go record your next album in a place that doesn't have those kind of tax bills and make a hell of a lot more profit.
  15. I would so totally do it if i lived near brighton and was interested in working in a shop.
  16. I thought that bass only needed 4 strings though?
  17. Can't stand her. Or Katy B for that matter. Give me a singer with a full word for a last name any day.
  18. I used to have the WTX500. It was a pretty good amp, very nice and light and everything. I've not tried the 405 so I can't comment on it.
  19. looks quite interesting, it looks almost more like a control room monitor than a bass cab although that's probably just the lack of carpet lol.
  20. lookin' good mate. Is it a flat finish or something?
  21. Sounds like a pretty happening gig to me. At least it will be one to remember as others have said lol.
  22. [quote name='Protium' timestamp='1317558255' post='1391729']Punctuate! For the love of God, punctuate![/quote] +1 reminds me of that video of the bill they had on room 101...
  23. It might be just the photos, but it does just seem to look round the edges as if it's not quite as smooth as it could be?
  24. looks like not a bad bit of grain on there.
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