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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. [quote name='Protium' timestamp='1317506003' post='1391464']All the pubs round ours still have their vending machines on tonight...[/quote] rebels. Maybe they're just for show?
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1317458298' post='1390847']Good! I used the one in my local during the riots, as all the local shops were closed. £7.50 for SIXTEEN tiny fags which were dry and crumbly and tasted like they'd been in the machine for ten years. Which they probably had. No loss! PS: Don't do drugs, kids.[/quote] I thought that's just what fags in general tasted like?
  3. harley benton is definetely much better than Behringer. I wouldn't go with either for a bass amp though, especially not at £400. Surely you can do better?
  4. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1317402217' post='1390468']I have never really understood why anyone plays left handed you know? If no one had ever made one or played one upside down and for devils advocates if they were the other way round in the first place we would all just be the same way up. Can you get a left handed piano with the low notes up the other end? Any item that can has to be operated with similar levels of skill from both hands should just be one way round IMO. I will grab my own coat......[/quote] There have actually been pianos that were made left handed. I get your point though, you don't get left handed cellos or violins (that's because they all play in a row in an orchestra so you would have someones elbow hitting your face if they were playing the other way round) and plenty of left handed people are fantastic at playing them. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1317412593' post='1390600'] That'd work for linear pots but how about log pots?[/quote] I should imagine they're still going to be symmetrical since you are still in effect taking a signal from one input and putting it out to one of 2 places.
  5. i doubt you're going to notice a couple of cents difference. My guess is that speaking of intonation, it might be the guitarists intonation that is out.
  6. [quote name='Linus27' timestamp='1317218852' post='1388260'] and no pants [/quote] Oh you'll need pants alright, unless you're the sort who wears your long johns with nothing underneath.
  7. I can see why he went for 10,000 year old ivory; you wouldn't want to risk it being too close to 1947, might get a bit contentious.
  8. What you'll need is a good book, a big container of horlick's and a nice mug as well.
  9. anyone who has an NTLWORLD email probably doesn't go on email very much.
  10. just goes to show how cheap you can get things for if the seller gets the name wrong and isn't willing to offer postage despite living in the middle of nowhere.
  11. I for one don't tend to buy guitars unless i really like them but y'know that's just me.
  12. just sounds like a muse rip-off to me. Not my sort of thing.
  13. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1316986678' post='1385287'] It is a great little guitar actually, I've posted a pic of it on FB and had a few comments that I know I wouldn't have got if I had mentioned it was a squier, weird what a label can do. [/quote] Yep that's just how shallow some people are...
  14. if they're all for sale then why isn't it 3 basses for sale?
  15. Not my sort of thing. Also yeah too expensive. If i was spending that much on a bass, i would get an actual custom made one and not just a pretend custom made one from fender (tm) corp ®
  16. This re-finish is not going to be before time.
  17. wow. A bass amp with bass controls. Who would have thought it?
  18. a strap button on the back of the head? Fine for an acoustic but sounds like a recipie for buggering up your neck on a much heavier and longer necked bass.
  19. looks fantastic. How many neck bolts do you need lol.
  20. [quote name='algmusic' timestamp='1316773200' post='1382597'] There is much much worse out there [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rjar21N8-iQ[/media] Good job he actually has a day job 'MD of Orange???' [/quote] That's quite an interesting technique there, sort of slapping but with a pick at the same time. Probably a guitarist.
  21. I don't think you can really substitue a proper low note with an octaver or playing up an octave. I say go with 2 basses.
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