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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. [quote name='gadget' post='1359514' date='Sep 2 2011, 09:13 AM']If I was given the choice again nowadays, I'd get the SWR gear without a doubt. The horns are hot, but attenuable. So you can dial in the amount of high end snap, unlike the Edens.[/quote] What do you mean? there is a tweeter control on the back of my eden.
  2. It's not really a band yet if it's just you looking to lump together a bunch of musos?
  3. [quote]I do know how it works! My advice was no different to yours. Quote: Yes. You've already got 2 8 ohm speakers on a 4 ohm min load amp. Don't add any more speakers otherwise you'll bugger it up, in Layman's terms! I give up! Later grumpy people :/[/quote] The difference is that my advice wasn't misleading. I decided there was no point in quoting the old 1/r[sub]t[/sub]=1/r[sub]1[/sub]+1/r[sub]2[/sub]+... formula because someone else already had and the OP probably didn't need to know that. What I didn't do was make up some rule that only works in a small amount of cases that could lead to confusion in the future. If you do know how it works then you fooled me with what you said into thinking you didn't.
  4. [quote name='derrenleepoole' post='1359687' date='Sep 2 2011, 11:40 AM']Yes, but the guy wanted simple, layman's terms. You're clearly way more capable than me at grasping the full mathematics of what is required, but not everyone needs that. Start simple for now, get more complicated as your experience improves. Laying on a full barrage of mathematics is likely to be more confusing than helpful - even though it is helpful [/quote] To be honest, saying that you're halving the impedance each time which is only true if both speaker impedances match up, imo is more confusing than helpful. You shouldn't give advice about something if you don't know how it works.
  5. [quote name='bremen' post='1359679' date='Sep 2 2011, 11:36 AM']I read his sig, the OP and put two and two together.[/quote] Ahh yes well spotted. Well maybe he doesn't want that any more? We'll have to wait and see until he's next online so he can tell us.
  6. [quote name='Westie9' post='1359639' date='Sep 2 2011, 11:13 AM']Any ideas for a thicko ???[/quote] Yes. You've already got 2 8 ohm speakers on a 4 ohm min load amp. Don't add any more speakers otherwise you'll bugger it up, in Layman's terms.
  7. [quote name='bremen' post='1359604' date='Sep 2 2011, 10:49 AM']Don't butcher a Jazz. No need: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=125701"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=125701[/url][/quote] Nice try you've obviously not read the thread have you?
  8. I've got a keyboard that sits next to me in my room even though I never play it. My advice? Buy a portable metronome and keep the keyboard if you don't need the money. You never know when you might need it.
  9. Great pickups, nice low prices as well.
  10. [quote name='Soloshchenko' post='1358680' date='Sep 1 2011, 12:35 PM']I think Paul(Pow22 on here) said they were from a Squier. Quite hard to find ones that fit the 12mm holes. How's your Columbus doing mate? Still crazy dayglow coloured?[/quote] Still unchanged from last time yeah lol.
  11. It's looking pretty good. What sort of tuners did you stick in the headstock?
  12. Sounds good. I would say it is quite surprising the amount of punch and growl you can get from a passive MM pickup bass.
  13. [quote name='Clarky' post='1358221' date='Aug 31 2011, 10:50 PM']If money was no object then I would be going for this! [url="http://www.thebassgallery.com/product_details.cfm?ID=1129&type=Bass%20Guitar"]http://www.thebassgallery.com/product_deta...e=Bass%20Guitar[/url][/quote] that is nice. I would imagine that of the 2, a P bass would probably give you the best sound because of it's midrangey type sound but yeah maybe an acoustic bass would be the best idea.
  14. Also in reply to the OP, i don't think £31 is too much of a ridiculous price to pay at all for a high quality cable.
  15. [quote name='Musky' post='1357996' date='Aug 31 2011, 08:18 PM']You may scoff, but I remember a thread on some forum where a guy seemed determined to find out [i]exactly[/i] which pick Eric Clapton used in the 60's and get hold of one. Not an identical pick in the same gauge, made of the same material by the same maker, but an original vintage 60's one. Muppets, the lot of 'em. [/quote] Lol you mean a pick is made out of plastic that would no doubt have degraded over the last 50 years? Unless that is, he found one that was kept away from any source of daylight or oxygen.
  16. About 3.5423 kg. Seriously though, i don't know. I suppose i could take a bass strap and hang it on my shoulder with some weights and see at what point i would be unable to comfortably stand up with it for an extended period of time. But then again i don't really give enough of a sh*t to do that so i won't
  17. [quote name='Count Bassie' post='1357725' date='Aug 31 2011, 04:53 PM']Maybe I can clear up what I meant also- I didn't think I was looking at reflections anymore, after you explained it to me. But, I still think it's kind of cool-looking... I totally get why you think it's terrible, and I guess it kind of is! But still it's got a sort of ghostly effect, and if you could convey that effect so it didn't look 'terrible' up-close, you'd have something. And I suppose you need to get another knob on that control plate.[/quote] It is quite "interesting" i suppose. I remember the general consensus from the build thread was that it looked quite good apart from the bit i hacked out of the top horn! If I were to get another knob it would be for another pickup, should i decide to install one. The other 2 are actually a volume and rather than a tone (don't like tone controls) a variable coil-tap control.
  18. [quote name='Count Bassie' post='1357656' date='Aug 31 2011, 03:49 PM']Ah... I figured I was looking at reflections! Some features/details are hard to nail down with these digital cam pix. You can get some unexpected, odd distortions. So thanks for straightening me out! Bunch-a ball-busters... Anyway from here it looks pretty cool.[/quote] Hmm i'm really having trouble seeing what you mean. Here is another picture anyway which will hopefully clear away any confusion as to just how terrible this bass really is:
  19. [quote name='Count Bassie' post='1357556' date='Aug 31 2011, 02:12 PM']Love the chrome Jazz Bass![/quote] are you takadipiss? Seriously though, one of them is blue cyan with black hardware and the other one is erm hmm good question. Sort of a managerie of sunburst partially covered over by grey and white primer and glow in the dark paint lol. Also with "satin chrome" hardware. It's Great
  20. [quote name='apa' post='1357529' date='Aug 31 2011, 01:51 PM']Oh and working out the geometry for the perfect position of my Warfedale Speakers was not something a normal 17yo should be doing of an evening in his bedroom A[/quote] You should never underestimate some teenagers' capacity for boringness. I was an extremely boring teenager. Didn't do any drugs, had one puff of a cigarette (not a proper one either), drunk probably less than 3 or 4 litres of alcoholic drink in that entire 7 year period and spent the vast majority of nights at home sitting on my arse playing offline games or doing maths also i pulled out no maybe that's too much information. ERM ANYWAY back on topic, I agree with you on your previous point of: [quote name='apa' post='1357480' date='Aug 31 2011, 01:23 PM']Never under estimate the gulability of some Audiophiles.............. If it was made from 100% Oxygen free pure scotch mist someone would by it. What gets me is they boast about the delivery times......... 48Hrs, erm isnt that Economy Rate? So the 2m of cable between the 100m of cheap copper cable and RCD's and Fuses and screw terminals and weakened hard strand where the sparky has bent it a few times and lumps of mortar and switches which youve sparked a zillion times that makes up your house wiring and your super dooper amp/turntable/CD/DAB etc makes all the difference!! A[/quote] Exactly. Unless you hired mr. Audiophile to do your electrics for you when you built your house new and whilst you were at it put a letter in to the council asking if you could have all the electricity lines running from your house all the way back to the substation replaced with this fantastic 100% oxygen free pure bullshit then i really don't see how that 2 metres from the plug to the amp makes much difference. Apparently one magazine said that a £250 cable made the amp they were running possibly slightly louder but that was it.
  21. [quote name='BassBod' post='1357279' date='Aug 31 2011, 11:02 AM']Different flavours..but not that far apart. Just turn off the enhance knobs on both...they really don't need them....or maybe 10-15% of whatever they do. Same goes for the tweeters in the cabs - if they are turned full up it can sound pretty unpleasant. I think from memory the SWR power amp design seems to run hotter than the Eden, but they all get pretty hot at louder volumes.[/quote] I disagree. I've gt the enhance knob on about 2/3 on one of the channels on mine. It depends what voice you're going for really.
  22. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1357247' date='Aug 31 2011, 10:36 AM']Not at all. I play keyboards, although it's my weakest instrument, and unless I actually wanted to play a written score, reading is of no use to me at all.[/quote] And why is it your weakest instrument do you think?... [quote name='silddx' post='1357256' date='Aug 31 2011, 10:41 AM']I'm not so sure I would. To follow my usual cooking analogy .. I look at reading music as following a recipe and ending up with a plate of food. I see theory as much more important than reading, understanding how the ingredients work together, learning the intricacies of why established well known recipes work, why they are tasty and popular. Learning various cooking techniques - once you can make a roux, you can make all kinds of sauces etc. The theory will help you create your own recipes. There are occasions where theory and technique involve following recipies, but there are several ways of learning these recipies beyond reading from a book.[/quote] I don't think reading a recipie out of a book is something that has to be "learned". I think it's something that any old fool can do really. I think the piano is more of a theory based instrument than the guitar or the bass because of it's layout. If you want to play the occasional song on the piano that you learn just by listening to a song then fine but really if you want to become very good on the piano, it's more than just sitting down and playing it. I know this because i've never been able to get any good at the piano from just sitting down and playing songs.
  23. [quote name='silddx' post='1357234' date='Aug 31 2011, 10:23 AM']Absolutely mate. They feed eachother don't they. For me anyway, there is so much synergy to be had from playing bass, guitar, some drums, and singing. If I had enough time, I'd be learning piano.[/quote] I think you would have to learn to read music if you played the piano. But yeah i do notice that if i give playing a rest for a while (as if i ever actually play properly anyway lol) it seems to make me better as a bass player when i come back to it.
  24. I'm pretty sure you can just plug the eden head into the cabs just using standard ¼" jack plugs.
  25. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1356707' date='Aug 30 2011, 07:32 PM']The body of your bass looks like a drawing. Pretty cool if it looks like that normally. I thought the Eden Metro was a great combo? I've never tried one myself, but they appear to get a lot of love. I've had my combo for just over 3 years now & it's never let me down. There's one or two for sale on here for @ £650.[/quote] well it's maybe a bit darker than that normally but pretty much yeah. The problem with it is that it's bloody HEAVY! Unlike the Markbass which is much lighter.
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