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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. [quote name='fiatcoupe432' post='1356615' date='Aug 30 2011, 05:59 PM']guys im interested to know about basses as well!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote] I would be really keen on an ESP or a peavey USA bass, 5 string.
  2. Not so keen on the look of it but it looks and sounds pretty good if that's your sort of thing.
  3. If i could be arsed to carry it, I would quite like to add a 6x10 cab like a markbass 610 HLF to my Eden Metro, more just for a laugh rather than for any actual real need.
  4. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1356267' date='Aug 30 2011, 01:46 PM'][url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/xgsjx/5840432981/"][/url] Still tempted to add some colour to it.[/quote] looks gr8 nice amp as well, i wanted one of those but i ended up having to make do with a sh*tty old eden metro it seems (understandably) that no-one wants to sell one. Anyway no amount of stickers could possibly make a bass look as bad as this monstrosity:
  5. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' post='1355721' date='Aug 29 2011, 09:32 PM']Yeah, it's relic'd and got mojo. It's there to give you an idea of the size in case YOU thought 3" was bigger than that.[/quote] Oh don't worry, if I needed to know how big 3" was, I've got a ruler on the table next to me
  6. Maybe you could consider building a bright box (a tweeter in a box) rather than cutting holes in your cab?
  7. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1354701' date='Aug 28 2011, 08:17 PM']Haha I bought it from him.[/quote] Well that explains it then
  8. I didn't enjoy last years' bass day at all.
  9. I can't tell from the picture whether it looks like a black primer or a topcoat but it does look like a very decent finish on top whoever did it.
  10. I love the job you did in the pic! As you say, the bass isn't worth masses of money anyway so it's not really a big deal what you did to it. As long as it's not particularly rare or vintage i'm not really fussed either way, people can do what they want. I suppose it really goes with the look, if you're into quite a punky man then you might want to go for the whole stickered look.
  11. [quote name='chrismuzz' post='1354355' date='Aug 28 2011, 02:43 PM']Nice! I'm liking the Sue Ryder with the MM bridge pickup too![/quote] +1 v nice and gafbassish.
  12. [quote name='LiamPodmore' post='1353895' date='Aug 27 2011, 09:37 PM']Just had a proper think about this, decided it'l be best to make myself up a small pedalboard with the VT, Tuner and another pedal or two on, and then just wrap all the cables in a shield-like thing i have to run out to the board and back. Thanks for the help anyway. Liam[/quote] Great idea
  13. Hmm interesting idea. I'm sure it can be done without too much hassle, as long as you know your way around a soldering iron. I'm not sure why you would want to though really. If you're getting a wireless system i'm assuming you're going to be hooking up the footswitch to your effects loop? In that case, you could just buy a dual jack to jack cable (not stereo, but 2 side by side) and it won't be any more unwieldy than just having one cable. In fact, you wouldn't even need a special cable really, you could just tie the 2 cables together with cable ties. Then you can just use batteries for the pedal.
  14. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1353862' date='Aug 27 2011, 08:16 PM']I think thats one of the strange things about bass amps. Get a great sound on it`s own, doesn`t seem to come through in the mix. I love the Ampeg sound, through seeing so many bassists sound awesome using it, yet when it`s played on it`s own, it sounds middly, twangy, and nasally, yet works soooo well in the mix. I now love the sound of Ampeg on it`s own (with a Precision, of course), but I was so disappointed the first time I used one. I`m also not keen on Markbass gear on it`s own, yet again, in the mix - superb. So maybe that`s why TE gear is so successful - and credit where credit is due, it does look good.[/quote] That's a good point, i think that's true about my bass amp.
  15. [quote name='Cantdosleepy' post='1352133' date='Aug 26 2011, 10:40 AM']Hello! Been busy. Playing bass again now, though! Hope all is still well in Basschat Towers – a quick read through the forum shows that you guys have finally agreed to agree to disagree on previously-contentious topics including jazz, picksnfingers, fendervsnotfender, other band members being irresponsible, fast slapping, bands that aren't yours being famous, underrated bassists, overrated bassists, Badass II bridges, awful venues, and whether you can teach groove. It's a regular bodhisattva moshpit in here.[/quote] And then there is off topic...
  16. [quote name='Kubs' post='1353710' date='Aug 27 2011, 04:52 PM']One question on stripped body photos. Its just picture distortion or Milestone body wood is made from Plywood???[/quote] yep, looks like plywood.
  17. It's practically the same weight as my old SWR goliath cab. Looks fantastic.
  18. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1353678' date='Aug 27 2011, 04:27 PM']Danish oil is easy and feels nice.[/quote] It's pretty good stuff but you have to remember that it will want re coating every once in a while.
  19. Happy birthday. If you've learned the major scale you can play "happy birthday" to yourself . The bass looks nice, hope you enjoy it.
  20. I think it sounds fine really, although maybe that's just it; they sound "fine". Not brilliant or fantastic, just fine. Good at their job which is being lugged around to gigs and filling in the low end of the frequency spectrum. I just tend to stay away from trace gear purely because they're not the lightest amps to chug around.
  21. You need to ignore the ground wire (the one from the top of the switch) and the wires hooked up to the bottom 3 terminals of the switch can simply be wired together.
  22. ahh well shows you how much i know eh I guess i need to keep up with the kids lol.
  23. [quote name='mrtcat' post='1353200' date='Aug 27 2011, 12:08 AM']Not an idiot at all. Now you have a pedal that no-one else has. Custom building is infinitely more satisfying than settling for "off the shelf mediocrity".[/quote] It truly is a dire pedal it gave me something to do though as i say. What it needs though is FEET. [quote name='mrtcat' post='1353203' date='Aug 27 2011, 12:11 AM']+1 many a jealous bass chatter would kill for an Eden Metro combo with custom channel switch pedal[/quote] If they took pleasure in killing people then very possibly
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