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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. This should be in the amps/cabs for sale section. I'll report it to be moved (oooh this is the second time today, i'm on a roll!). Nice amp btw, i'm sure if you've got any swedish ancestors they would be proud of a rig like that.
  2. [quote name='lojo' post='1348289' date='Aug 22 2011, 07:26 PM']In answer to the thread title, "not while im still alive"[/quote] That's a fair point. At least it's not darwin award worthy or anything lol
  3. [quote name='Linus27' post='1348932' date='Aug 23 2011, 12:49 PM']WARNING: Do not waste your time adjusting this peg to tune the string, the string is only used for resting your thumb on and not actually played [/quote] ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? It's clearly useful for setting the tension of your finger-rest
  4. [quote name='dc2009' post='1348902' date='Aug 23 2011, 12:28 PM']You sir, are a genius - it looks great! I smell a very distant project of my own coming on....[/quote] Not with the warwick presumably?
  5. I think i know what you're referring to- the "pop" bass sound. I think the producers of these pop albums want the bass to fill in the low end and very much sit in it's own place in the mix, rather than interfering with any of the rest of the instruments. That's why they tend to have a lot in the way of that low mid sound with almost no treble or attack sound at all. Obviously as a bass player it's not a particularly appealing sound but if you view it in terms of how it works with the song as a whole, i think it's pretty good really. And it certainly does allow you to be heard in the mix.
  6. V. nice bass GW. Then again, i suppose something like a precision would have to be pretty special to please fanned-fret man
  7. [quote name='fretmeister' post='1348120' date='Aug 22 2011, 04:15 PM']I was aiming for a clear uncoloured signal so the amps record as they sound in the room. It was methodical. Hours and hours with stands, measuring distances etc to record 5 bass lines! One of the tunes: [url="http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=3919041&q=hi&newref=1"]http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_pl...hi&newref=1[/url] Was all recorded as a band, only the guitar solos were re-done. Vocal is a bit ropy in places. Bass is pretty clean there, I'll see if I can find one of the proper dirt / clean split ones too.[/quote] It certainly sounds like it came straight out of the practice room, so in that respect you got what you wanted. Personally not a fan of that sort of sound at all but there you go.
  8. [quote name='cheddatom' post='1348033' date='Aug 22 2011, 02:23 PM']I wasn't criticising! It's just that we were talking about using guitar amps to create dirt for the top end only and it doesn't look like you're using a guitar amp? IME they're very different voiced to bass amps giving you much more high mids.[/quote] Have you by any chance got this thread mixed up with the following?: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=150527"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=150527[/url]
  9. [quote name='fretmeister' post='1347919' date='Aug 22 2011, 12:41 PM']Actually, that was after a day of arsing about trying to record. That worked excellently - much better than the "accepted knowledge" approach. Best recorded bass tone I've ever got. I'll find a clip.[/quote] Well suit yourself. All i would say is that it's quite interesting how you take such a methodical approach to making sure you get 2 distinct tones from each bass amp, and yet you're recording them in exactly the same way?
  10. [quote name='Wooks79' post='1347942' date='Aug 22 2011, 12:58 PM']Really like it, I've been after joining a band like that for years, but everyone I know is mostly only into indie Good stuff![/quote] Whereabouts are you in manchester?
  11. [quote name='Veils' post='1347815' date='Aug 22 2011, 10:18 AM']As for the music being typical, I'd disagree, but then I would, wouldn't I? I'd say we've definitely got more of our own sound. Whether people like it or not is a totally different thing, but I'm not expecting we'll be to everyones taste![/quote] No well don't get me wrong, i mean it's great if you like that sort of thing
  12. [url="http://www.banzaimusic.com/Taiwan-Green-4PDT-switch.html"]4PDT switches![/url] epic. Dunno what the hell you would need one for though.
  13. I wanted to do music tech as an A-level but there weren't enough people doing it so i couldn't The first one I think really sounded as if you didn't do much to it. I think the recording needed a bit more of an atmosphere, which could have been achieved by dual tracking the guitar and having it in stereo and adding a bit of reverb. I think the echo at the end on the vocals was probably overdoing it a bit though, the feedback could have been reduced. Also i like to make echoes a bit more interesting by utilizing alternating stereo tails and the "megaphone" eq effect. I thought the oasis sounded a bit better though. As someone mentioned on the website, the vocals were possibly a bit too loud. It's a bit ridiculous that there is no drum kit at the school. It's something they should invest in. Or maybe you should have just bought your own
  14. [quote name='Paul S' post='1346922' date='Aug 21 2011, 09:29 AM']Appreciate the input, chaps. So just to confirm : EH - do you mean [url="http://www.maplin.co.uk/equipment-wire-7-0.2-6192"]this smaller gauge[/url]? And Mr F do you mean [url="http://www.maplin.co.uk/single-core-lapped-screen-120"]this stuff?[/url][/quote] Yes that's the stuff i mean. The shielded is a pretty good idea, unless you want the hot and ground wires to diverge at any point, such as when hooking up the ground to the bridge. Maybe it might be an idea if you order say a couple of metres of the shielded stuff and maybe a further metre of the 0.25 mm[sup]2[/sup] wire, just to make things a bit neater.
  15. [quote name='Doctor J' post='1345964' date='Aug 19 2011, 11:34 PM']Good stuff. Personally, I'd prefer a bit less of a triggered drum sound but that's definitely quality tunage.[/quote] There isn't much point in using live drums if you end up having to compress them to the point where all the dynamics are lost anyway. I've heard of last chance to dance. I think they were supported by plagues at one point. As for the songs, yeah it's your typical sort of technical metal/deathcore screamo sh*t really isn't it? It's ok for what it is really but not my sort of thing i don't think. Especially not the titles, how do people think of that stuff?
  16. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1346798' date='Aug 20 2011, 11:13 PM']I would have kept my other 2 Rays, stupidly sold them. Saying that thought, the new Rays I have are stunning. I should have never doubted the Ray.[/quote] you should have listened to your username
  17. [quote name='paulmcnamara' post='1346642' date='Aug 20 2011, 07:34 PM']I've heard they get to sound quite brittle with age. Has anyone else experienced that?[/quote] Apparently with some the toffee goes a bit stale and has to be re-filled by a culinary technician.
  18. If you can't slap, tap or use a pick then maybe it's time to relax a bit on the scales and finger speed front and start practicing that. The other thing i would say is that you've been playing 2 years; honestly, it's not very long at all. You can't expect to be perfect after that short amount of time. One thing that i find helps me with my music playing is just taking a break. If you stop pressurising yourself to be as good as you possibly can in the shortest time possible, once you come back to it you'll find that you've somehow improved and more importantly you'll enjoy it a lot more without that pressure.
  19. I think what i would have done would have been to demand a better deal for my first 5 string and sell my peavey millenium BXP 5 for a bit more money, I wouldn't have sold my SWR for next to nothing and I would also have had a look at thomann prices before i bought that eden WTX 500 for £400 last year. The worst thing I did though was in 2009 when i ploughed all my money into a project bass when i could have bought a 5 string stingray in natural/black pg with the amount of money i wasted. Oh yeah, and not bass related, but i would never have let this go:
  20. The status is my favourite out of the 3.
  21. Any amp will work with any rated cab (impedances matching) with no problems as long as you're sensible and avoid any sort of noticeable distortion resulting from turning it up too loud!
  22. It looks fantastic. I can't believe it's your first build.
  23. the currents contained within guitar circuitry are tiny so there isn't really a lower limit to what size wire you can use. In fact i would say that you should go for a smaller type of wire so that it's more flexible, takes up less space and is easier to feed into the soldering contacts. I've been using 0.25 mm[sup]2[/sup] which is very nice and flexible and fine for guitar/fx pedal wiring.
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