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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. [quote name='mart' post='1345491' date='Aug 19 2011, 02:39 PM']Of course it'll make a difference: it'll transpose your bass into a different key. [/quote] The only difference is that if you get any humming/buzzing on your bass amp it'll be more of a Bb rather than the G it is in this country. Seriously though, there isn't a problem with using uk voltage equipment in EU plugs, in fact we even exchange a small amount of electricity in this country with france. The only thing that's different are the plugs. As has already been mentioned though, make sure you get a socket converter with a ground pin
  2. [quote name='Evil Undead' post='1273548' date='Jun 18 2011, 10:45 AM']However, I guess it's along similar lines. Please don't bite me! Anyway, I'm curious. If you went to see a metal band, and the bassist was playing a white Squier P bass, would you think (s)he was any less metal? Also, if you were auditioning a bassist, would you turn them down for playing the above bass? I'm talking more death metal, black metal or thrash, rather than nwobhm or hair metal.[/quote] Nothing more metal than a lady with a white squier p bass
  3. I've done this in my room before, since there is a lot of room on top of the bass amp and not a lot at the side. It's fine really.
  4. EdwardHimself

    Bass DI

    How much money do you have? If you've got a bit more cash, then you can also have a look at the EBS microbass. It's basically a 2 channel bass preamp on the floor.
  5. [quote name='Johnston' post='1345392' date='Aug 19 2011, 01:07 PM']p.s. I am most disappoint. You look nothing like your avatar [/quote] Right because you of course look like Abby . I must admit i would have liked to see a turnip head too though. The bass looks good. Don't give up on it just yet, that is what i always end up doing lol.
  6. [quote name='cheddatom' post='1345199' date='Aug 19 2011, 10:33 AM']At the same time? Nice![/quote] Well funny enough i was playing around with guitar rig today where i used a virtual splitter to get a mix of clean low end and some nice distortion from a guitar amp sim. Sounded great. The other option is to hook up my guitar amp to one of the speaker cabinets, but that would just defeat the purpose. It's a shame it's not got an fx loop blend or something really.
  7. It'll be plenty loud enough for anything you need. Tube amps are LOUD. As for blowing up speakers, there is a simple method to avoid it; don't turn your amp up too loud. Speakers can either be blown by having too much power shoved through them, or by amps that are not as powerful as the power rating of the cabs being cranked, which creates damaging distortion. So leave it under about halfway and you should be fine. I don't reckon you'll be needing to go over that anyway lol.
  8. pretty good head. What i liked about it was the light weight and the use of push-pull pots to facilitate a compact design, also there was the bass boost which gave you a nice amount of low end. I possibly could have done with some more equalisation options though, it was possibly a bit difficult to dial in just what you wanted.
  9. I would have jumped on this if it was a 5 string. £200 really is a steal.
  10. [quote name='blind pilot' post='1344491' date='Aug 18 2011, 03:16 PM']Justin Bieber.......Er no the other one, Chancellor thats it - Tools Bass player![/quote] I thought that would be who it was, he's the only bass player i've heard of called justin anyway lol. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1345071' date='Aug 19 2011, 08:04 AM']Mmmm, 3 2001rbs. The best and fattest bass distortion money can buy IMO, using separate heads for clean and distortion would be great. I may have to invest in another...[/quote] My bass amp has 2 channels so i don't need 2 seperate heads for clean and distortion
  11. [quote name='risingson' post='1344794' date='Aug 18 2011, 08:12 PM']Life goes on eh. I've got the WT800 and no option to swap channels so I suppose having two lots of choices is a plus in some way.[/quote] Having 2 channels is great. Even though neither channel has any built in effects, because it's got 2 effects loops you can hook up your own effects and switch multiple effects on and off with one switch. I was even playing around with GR4 and everything. I don't know why you don't see it on more bass amps really. [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1344798' date='Aug 18 2011, 08:14 PM'] This made me chuckle. Not an idiot, just a bloke! Don't read the manual or inventory after purchase You can always sell the real footswitch [/quote] probably something like that lol. I'm not sure i can get rid of the eden footswitch because of the strangeness of the wiring, i don't know if it will work with any other amps.
  12. When i took delivery of my Eden Metro combo i decided i didn't need to use the castors so i left them wrapped up in the bubble wrap. I noticed that it was possible to change the channels and mute the amp by using a footswitch. I decided to then build a nice shiny new one. £30 quid, several hours and metres of electrical wire wasted later, it's finished and it's fantastic. It's even got a little flashing LED to indicate when the output has been muted. Very exciting. Just for a laugh anyway i decided to open up the 2 packages of "castors" only to find a black object with the word "EDEN" written on it inside one of them. Yep, it's a footswitch . Well done me. It gave me something to do i suppose, but I could have spent the money on a distortion pedal oh well, c'est la vie i suppose. But it just goes to show, you need to count all your chickens before you get some more, or something like that anyway.
  13. As long as you keep them clean then you should only need to replace them if/when they start going faulty.
  14. From what i've read, the actual amount of speakers and volume of cabinetry is more important to how much sound you actually get put out rather than just having as many watts as possible being put out. If you want loudness, you're better off getting an 8 ohm 4x10 and another 8 ohm cab rather than a 4 ohm 4x10. Of course that is a bit more difficult to lug about.
  15. [quote name='crez5150' post='1344446' date='Aug 18 2011, 02:50 PM']Really...... the timing is all over the place.... unless its just not synced up right on Utoob[/quote] I thought it was fine.
  16. It's quite interesting the way that he has a custom bass and is actually a decent player. The first one i thought was just the sort of playing that has put me off from going to bass day ever again. I thought the second one fitted in a lot better with the music which is good.
  17. is this the type with the tabs on the bottom and top like on the cirrus models or is it more of a soapbar shape?
  18. I stopped updating cakewalk after 8.5, purely because i just hated the new cakewalk user interface, they tried to make it "simpler" or whatever, but i just can't seem to find anything!
  19. [quote name='funkgod' post='1343204' date='Aug 17 2011, 02:57 PM']sounds perfect as an extension, as i dont think the workingman 2x10 goes well with the red head ( hence the speaker change) as the speakers are not powerfull enough, i dont think they are the same quality drivers as in the redhead. ( thoughts anyone ?)[/quote] I don't think they are, given that the workingman's cabinets are the cheaper end of the spectrum with the redhead being a bit more high quality.
  20. Not sure if this is an "effect" but it is a stompbox. I'm building a footswitch for my eden metro combo. It's got 2 switches, channel 1/2 and mute for tuning. I've ordered a couple of LEDs and a resistor for it including a flashing one for the mute and whenever they get here i should be able to get on with it.
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