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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. I think you've pretty much made up your mind on the subject already. Might as well go for it.
  2. [quote name='MikeBass' post='1335707' date='Aug 10 2011, 09:08 PM']PS: i was a Worry Bead for about a week! (left when Dean did)[/quote] What is a worry bead? Nice bass anyway, i was 10 years from buying my first bass back in 1995...
  3. Good luck mate. Just take whatever bass feels best and you'll want to roll back on the tone, and have plenty of lows and low mids.
  4. This is my latest rig update: Ooh exciting. It is on the heavy side though.
  5. Great to deal with, really helpful. Thanks EH.
  6. Yeah it's a shame you can't get decent black strings.
  7. I always got the impression that a variax could do a lot of sounds and was great if you needed versatility but for me I only need 1 or 2 really good sounds so it's not something i'm interested in.
  8. [quote name='mcnach' post='1333272' date='Aug 9 2011, 10:00 AM']When things are bad, people revolt. We have seen it in history countless times. When people just take the opportunity to loot shops, that's not a revolution, it's something else. The "poor" in this country are still living in substantially better conditions than a lot of people in many other countries. But we've grown too accustomed to a "good life" and there seems to be a general sense of entitlement to things without putting the effort to earn them. Yes, I agree, the banking issues etc are a disgrace. But in no way any sane person living in this country can see that as a justification to go out, rob, and destroy. The question is, what is everyone else going to do about it? Precious little nothing, it seems [/quote] +1. This is not some sort of revolution, it's just a bunch of pathetic chavs who want to nick stuff and generally cause disorder. These people are pathetic. They need to be stopped some time or another. I just don't even know what else to say. Countless shops and businesses and liveliehoods have been ruined by these pathetic little sad twats who just don't give a sh*t about anyone else but themselves.
  9. [quote name='bongo61' post='1332478' date='Aug 8 2011, 06:00 PM']Hi, I know I might be a little late but I just came across this: is the SWR still around ? Thanks Sven [email protected][/quote] I wouldn't hold your breath: he was last seen august 22nd 2009 and said he was moving to the states in august 2009 which is why he was selling some of his stuff.
  10. [quote name='Charlie1990' post='1332365' date='Aug 8 2011, 04:48 PM']Succeed or die and if you don't like it go and f*** yourself.[/quote] Nice, that's going to get people to like you. You say image is essential- maybe you ought to sort out your own personal image to people who may potentially want you in their band.
  11. Up for sale is a very nice eden wtx500. At under 2 kg (just over 4 lb) and at 20 x 6.4 x 23 cm (8 x 2.5 x 9 in) you can fit it in your backpack with the cables to take to gigs and it's one less thing to worry about having to carry around. At 500 W @ 4 ohm or 300 W @ 8 ohm it should be plenty of power paired up with some decent speakers for most gigs. Comes with the manual and a power cable. I'm looking for £300 + £10 p&p or feel free to make me an offer but i'm not in a desperate hurry to sell. Thanks for looking, EH.
  12. Not to mention it looks epic, which let's face it is the only thing most people give a sh*t about lol. It looks like it's laughing in the face of all the inferior PA speakers.
  13. When you say the "hump" you mean the neck volute right? Well it's looking pretty good now, still a bit of sanding work to be done to get it really smooth but looking good so far.
  14. [quote name='RhysP' post='1329759' date='Aug 6 2011, 11:53 AM']You'll need a hi-viz jacket & steel toecap boots.[/quote] Wrong actually, what you're describing is a member of "men at work"
  15. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1330135' date='Aug 6 2011, 06:04 PM']Why bass? Well I'd sooner play bass than French Horn, and I don't like a French Horn, come to think of it... I don't like nothing French, me!. [/quote] What about the Cor Anglais? An english instrument if ever i heard one
  16. [quote name='3V17C' post='1328394' date='Aug 5 2011, 10:34 AM']hmmm.... pretty dull most of 'em i thought! i was expecting some proper amusing tall tales not.. 'once we did a gig and there weren't many people there'.. oh well.[/quote] I know what you mean, i think almost all bands that have actually worked from the bottom up have experienced shows where no-one turned up. I went to one in may (it was run, WALK! actually)- there were more people in the other bands in the audience then the audience itself.
  17. [quote name='neepheid' post='1328650' date='Aug 5 2011, 01:03 PM']I'm sure it's lovely if everything's the same. I'm just bitter because I've been sold cosmo black stuff on the basis that it's proper black before and got an unpleasant surprise [/quote] That's a shame. I remember the WD music website at least does state under it's gotoh hardware page that it is not actually black hardware.
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