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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. [quote name='neepheid' post='1328456' date='Aug 5 2011, 11:11 AM'](nice and proper black, none of this "cosmo" black rubbish, eh Gotoh?)[/quote] I like that colour. Of course the problem is that it does come off with repeated use. I like the look of that hardware anyway. Looks nice.
  2. Nice. Not a singlecut man myself but it does look very nicely made. I agree about the pegs though, there is all that space on the headstock, seems daft not to use more of it.
  3. I think my oldest guitar leads are some tiny patch leads which came in a set from thomann some time in 2005. In terms of actual proper long leads I think a 6 metre lead i've got is from 2006. I had to replace one of the plugs on it though. Really everything i bought before then was pretty low quality which is why it didn't last long (that's my excuse anyway). I've got a load of other leads from those 2 years in my box of cables underneath my bed which mostly have missing plugs.
  4. Well supposedly but what actual evidence do they base this on? My guess it that it's more a publicity stunt by these guitar companies to a) charge more for their guitars and b ) make them look like they're being "environmentally friendly" and all that.
  5. [quote name='Precision' post='1317632' date='Jul 26 2011, 08:59 PM']lol! I've had this username forever on another music site - can't believe nobody had it here.[/quote] +1
  6. [quote name='Truckstop' post='1324594' date='Aug 2 2011, 05:48 PM']The ones that end up in a band are those who are reliable, who a good laugh, who contribute to all aspects of being in a band and who have a small ego.[/quote] Which is funny, because usually that can't be said for the rest of the band. I suppose "opposites attract" and all that. Otherwise agreed. You've got to treat it like a job interview and try to be as enthusiastic and excited sounding as possible, hence why i've never managed to get into a band.
  7. What you need to get into a band, is a car. With a boot. That you can fit all yours and everybody's elses stuff in. Then you'll be a shoe-in.
  8. [quote name='thodrik' post='1322701' date='Aug 1 2011, 01:23 AM']Showed this to my my girlfriend and she said 'Wow, that is pretty'. Yet she describes my gear as 'that crap in hallway that takes up space where I want to put a shoe rack'. Congratulations, it really is stunning.[/quote] Well you know what to do then; I think a trip to halfords is in order
  9. [quote name='CyberBass' post='1321160' date='Jul 30 2011, 11:01 AM']It does surprise me a little that people are shocked at getting low offers for the items they sell. I think yes it is annoying, however it is the starting point of communication and negotiation, it is an opportunity to sell your item at a mutually acceptable amount. The key is not put your item too cheaply to begin with. In the Uk we seem to shun the bartering and get all offended. Most other countries embrace it, and expect it. Rightly or wrongly, we can all be offended by low offers, my recommendation is to put an opening price and use the low offer as an opening to negotiating a price you are happy with, that way you get what you want and the buyer feels he has made a saving. Win win all round.[/quote] Don't get me wrong, I love a bit of bartering and i don't like it when people refuse to take even a small amount off it. In fact I started off at about £1200, which then got negotiated down to £1100. Fine. But £500? That's just an insult.
  10. [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1321104' date='Jul 30 2011, 09:38 AM']I have to disagree on the car thing. I bought a car from a dealer. I paid cash (£3,500) and he put it through his books as £1000 less and we split the difference.[/quote] Not paying with cash but i remember buying a hipshot bridge from an online shop in the states and they put on the package that it was only worth $25 so i wouldn't have to pay import charges.
  11. It's all just a waste of TIM lol jk but yeah i hate getting stupid offers for things, some prick tried to offer me £500 for my bike. I told him where to shove it.
  12. I think they were about 250-300 nicker.
  13. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1318791' date='Jul 27 2011, 10:23 PM']Trace already did stuff with front resonant chamber: [/quote] I hope it looked a bit better than that when it was new.
  14. Ooooh it's very tempting. I would have to get rid of my current soundcard though.
  15. [quote name='woodyratm' post='1320311' date='Jul 29 2011, 12:11 PM']I thought as much - got 2 9volters in my car so will throw them in. But i've decided to provisional trade it, maybe the jazz 5 just isint for me.[/quote] You're probably right- I think the Jazz 5 does have very wide string spacing for a 5 string, whereas the peavey has a pretty narrow string spacing and the warwick is more of a medium. That might be where you've come unstuck.
  16. [quote name='woodyratm' post='1318755' date='Jul 27 2011, 09:58 PM']It appears to be really wild - like i'm wanting a clean passive sound but i'm getting insane distortion - I've got a thread on here with people suggesting what may be the cause. I've got a battery sitting here waiting to go in but not had time and the bands not practicing atm.[/quote] It'll be the battery. That's just what happens when the battery dies. Some boutique distortion pedals even have voltage controls on them so that you can make it sound like the battery is about to go flat.
  17. [quote name='Dropzone' post='1320163' date='Jul 29 2011, 10:37 AM']When i have recorded in a studio I have always recorded one vocal left then another right, same with guitars is this not usual practice?[/quote] It depends what sort of vocals you're doing really. Main vocals should be in the centre. Yes guitars should be done left/right but drums need to be in stereo as well.
  18. Looks like a really nice bass.
  19. [quote name='lanark' post='1319073' date='Jul 28 2011, 10:19 AM']There's no such thing as a daft question. The only daft thing is not asking if you don't know something.[/quote] +1. Knowledge is the lowest form of intellegence, being able to ask for help when you don't know something instead of just trying to fumble on through is much more intellegent
  20. What i would say is that you only need 1 channel for vox, but 2 for the drums.
  21. [quote name='LawrenceH' post='1317834' date='Jul 27 2011, 12:01 AM']That's because it is, the B&C drivers used are very capable indeed and the cab I've seen inside used decent wood. Some people don't seem to like the character of the sound but that's neither here nor there really.[/quote] Oh well that's a relief. I like the sound of it anyway, i think it's very clean and hifi sounding.
  22. [quote name='Marvin' post='1317700' date='Jul 26 2011, 10:02 PM']Stock repsonse. '.......I'd get yourself a MarkBass cab....'[/quote] They are light, and of course they have YELLOW SPEAKERS! After all, let's face it, for all this talk of audio-science, most people just go for whatever looks good. And markbass cabs do look good, even if they sound totally terrible (apparently). Having said that, i did stick mine on the side. That was more to save floor space in my room though. I've not done a direct comparison between the 2 "setups" but I think it sounds pretty good. Of course i've never tried a barefaced or bill fitzmaurice cab before so for all I know it might be totally rubbish.
  23. I think the issue is with your DAW software. If you add a new track, there should be some sort of option to choose your "input" channel. From this button there ought to be some sort of menu that pops up with all the channels on your mixer, from which you select track 6. I can't really inform you more specifically than that since i've never actually used cubase before.
  24. [quote name='Precision' post='1317363' date='Jul 26 2011, 05:28 PM']Wow - I'm in H.E.A.V.E.N. looking at this thread! Just had to add a pic of my pride and joy dozing peacefully in her coffin! Don't be fooled . . . . . . . . . she growls like a lovesick bulldozer!!![/quote] Precision? Didn't think you would have a precision...
  25. [quote name='LiamPodmore' post='1314374' date='Jul 24 2011, 12:27 AM']This isnt actually my rig (Not fully anyway) but my Warwick ProFet 5.1 through an Ampeg 810 that i used tonight. Best sound i've EVER had playing live, makes me want an 810, but i can't afford nor have the space or need for one, so i may have to wait. Liam[/quote] Why didn't you just use the SVT?
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