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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. [quote name='Mumbles87' post='1147839' date='Mar 3 2011, 12:02 AM']Was bought with the idea of being a lot more active gigging wise and such at university this year, nothing really came of it though hence why this amp is up for sale[/quote] I know the exact feeling, that happened to me last year as well. Free bump
  2. [quote name='stevie' post='1315794' date='Jul 25 2011, 02:58 PM']He'd probably be tempted to stick it somewhere else. You have to take Bill's contributions on here with a pinch of salt. One of his (many) regular lines is that Leo Fender didn't know how to design speakers and that guitar drivers should be stacked vertically. But go to his site and look at the guitar cab design that he is flogging for 15 dollars.[/quote] Well I've got my guitar cab and i used to have my bass cab on the side as well. Not really a problem. Also Alex Claber who is definetely an expert in speaker cabinet design concurs with stacking 2x10s vertically. Someone has already posted the link to his website.
  3. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1315296' date='Jul 25 2011, 12:24 AM']After recording session over the weekend, I realise how crap I am. Even the singer noted "you are one of the best bassists I've seen, but you are also the most inconsistent".... In terms of pulling it off and not that is. I'm putting in the hours of practice and I've played a tonn of gigs but he is right. Sometimes I'm just sh*t, and sometimes I feel like I'm making it intentionally hard for myself. I wish I could turn up and play roots and fithes with a pick and a bit of distortion, but it's not interesting enough for me at all and I'll just give up playing. I know I can get it right on the night sometimes but not often enough and it's making me rather depressed and since coming home from the studio I've not even bothered setting up my gear again. Have I faced an inconvenient truth, and give up to start spanking the tiny sixers again? How can I recapture the magic and be content with my abilities. ? I don't know what is wrong with me.[/quote] This is how i felt about drumming in a band. I seemed to nail it some days and was crap on others. It's one of those things, i think really it just needs practice so you can be epic on some days and acceptable on the bad days. It's something i could never do though, that's probably not encouraging lol. Doesn't mean you should hang up your bass though, I just tend to leave things half finished in general.
  4. [quote name='Marvin' post='1315412' date='Jul 25 2011, 09:04 AM'][url="http://www.blackstaramps.co.uk/products/ht-amps/ht-60h.html"]My Guitarist's Combo[/url] So something like the combo in the link I've provided is a bit off then? If it is I shan't tell my guitarist, he spent a fortune on it. [/quote] He can just stick it on it's side.
  5. [quote name='spinynorman' post='1314059' date='Jul 23 2011, 06:31 PM']+1 to that. I bought one for a party where we were likely to have "extra" vocalists and it turned out better than my SM58. I think, though, that my SM58 isn't as good as the one our singer uses. No idea why that would be.[/quote] It's probably because your singer's voice suits the mic better.
  6. [quote name='CPBassman' post='1313500' date='Jul 23 2011, 07:33 AM']Shame they dont do Bass Mortgages[/quote] You would probably have less chance of going into negative equity with this as well...
  7. Looks really nice. It's a shame that you can't trust the seller. These basses are more of an investment than for actually being played; like a piece of fine art. You may be able to find a picture that has been painted just as well but if it's not by a famous artist of great provenance then it's not worth nearly as much.
  8. Have you tried e-mailing the company?
  9. [quote name='garethox' post='1313292' date='Jul 22 2011, 09:44 PM']...and mine is £20,000 cheaper![/quote] I could buy the bass and spend the rest of the money on a nearly new sports car. Plus i wouldn't have to pick it up in person lol.
  10. looks nice. I've heard that the mark IV, which is similar but with more seperate channel controls, is thought by some to be better than the Dual rectifier.
  11. Might as well get long strings. You can always cut down strings that are too long but once they're too short then you can't make them longer again.
  12. Well if i had a couple of quid lying about and it was a choice between the rusty old non entwhistle status buzzard on ebay the other day and this one, it's a no brainer really isn't it?
  13. Looks great. You would never guess it was a squire.
  14. [quote name='topo morto' post='1312405' date='Jul 22 2011, 09:54 AM'][/quote]
  15. I gave Ian (shergoldsnickers)'s RS115 combo a go. It seemed like a nicely put together and decent sounding combo. It was also pretty loud for it's size. I reckon with the extension cab it'll probably be loud enough for band practises and small gigs.
  16. [quote name='ellie' post='1312850' date='Jul 22 2011, 03:34 PM']Sorry don't get where you're coming from. I just answered your question![/quote] Well you just seem to be suggesting that I should have known where these pictures were without having to have been given the prompt.
  17. [quote name='fatboyslimfast' post='1312469' date='Jul 22 2011, 10:42 AM']Right, I was having a bit of issue with my Squier P neckdiving. It's probably a combination of the lightish body, the cheapy nylon strap I'm using, and the work shirt I'm wearing (it's my lunchtime practice time!). Rather than go and spend £20 on a new strap to see if it would cure it, I invented a quick, cheap and effective solution. Even if it does look a bit pants. I got hold of one of those fabric/foam mousemats that normally cost less than a quid from a supermarket, cut a 3" strip from it and cut two slots 1" from the top and bottom, big enough to slot the strap through, but far away from the edge of the strip so it doesn't tear. Result: Slightly odd look, but no neckdive and costs peanuts. Enough left on the original mat for another too... [/quote] If you want a more permanent solution then get a leather strap. It does basically the same thing. They can be bought for cheaper than £20.
  18. [quote name='ellie' post='1312417' date='Jul 22 2011, 10:02 AM']You can see me using the rig if you go to www.ellieclareband.com Look in the pix section [/quote] Ahh yes that's obvious, because of course everyone who uses this forum is telepathic...
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