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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. [quote name='icastle' post='1301777' date='Jul 13 2011, 12:12 AM']There should be a small 'woosh' any second now and ShergoldSnickers will appear... [/quote] I've actually seen the fabled Shergold bass of ShergoldSnickers. They said it didn't exist but well they were proved wrong obviously.
  2. [quote name='Rumple' post='1303523' date='Jul 14 2011, 01:41 PM']Thanks, hopefully hear something soon from Marty who is putting the whole lot together, he's not big on communication [/quote] No, sounds a bit like kingston communications really.
  3. [quote name='didle' post='1293190' date='Jul 5 2011, 11:17 AM']An old thread I know, I'm surprised there are only 4..... Anyway, here's my Duff sig along with myUS P and Warwick Streamer. [attachment=84026:ebay_005.jpg] I bought the bass a couple of months ago, when I started a GNR tribute with some friends. When we start getting some gigs I'd like to get an original 80s one and mod it up to Duffs specs like Chris did. Cheers, Doug[/quote] I like those strings. Especially on that warwick.
  4. Looks nice. You're always going to get problems fitting a bass together for the first time. It's just the way things work.
  5. I think anyone can become an extremely good bass player with the right quantity and quality of practice, but only if they really want to do it. You've got to be interested in it really. Good as Jaco? Maybe not but certainly a good player nonetheless.
  6. I think if i was more interested in the bass at the moment and it was a 5 string it would be my sort of bass.
  7. You've had this bass for 14 years and it took you 2 months to post it on here from when you joined? Tut tut. Also why did it take me 8 months to comment on it? Shame on me. I like it, reminds me of an SCG nanyo or an aria or something.
  8. most people when going for a hybrid fender opt for a precision with a jazz neck. I got a J with a P neck.
  9. Just a shame you're a bit of a nob otherwise you'd be a shoe-in
  10. This looked like quite an interesting thread but unfortunately you're on my ignore list so i can't see it
  11. Enjoyed the show at Lamp last night.
  12. [quote name='dood' post='1197336' date='Apr 12 2011, 09:12 PM']Drummers use metal click pads on their bass drum skins to add more definition and attack to the sound of the drum.[/quote] LOL that is a waste of time. Just tune your drum head down really low, so when you hit it with the beater it tightens up and makes a high pitched sound. Use fluorescent coloured cables. The lumiescence transfers to your tone...
  13. [quote name='Johnston' post='1168681' date='Mar 19 2011, 07:33 PM']My rag tag set up shows the same tendency. Albeit the opposite way about.[/quote] click on the "phase invert" button then
  14. oooh this is looking nice!
  15. Yep i think it's a normal thing to have with a bass guitar and in some ways contributes to the tone of the instrument. It does vary from bass to bass though.
  16. To answer your question, i think it really depends on how old and farty they are. Seriously though, one person on drummerworld had a dad who was giving up drumming... at age 95. If you want to play then play, it's not a big deal how old you are really.
  17. [quote name='lowdown' post='1168049' date='Mar 19 2011, 11:04 AM']They do , but the J-Bridge has much more options for dealing with rogue plug ins... And can also do reverse bridge - 64 to 32 bit if needed. Garry[/quote] I've never had any problems with rouge plug-ins myself, and i doubt i will need to worry about 32 bit backwards compatability again since both my computers are 64 bit. But hopefully someone else may find the link of some assistance if their DAW doesn't have built in bit bridge functionality?
  18. It certainly is GREEN! Nice.
  19. [quote name='OldG' post='1167944' date='Mar 19 2011, 08:24 AM']The laptop spec certainly sounds powerful enough... An express slot to add a firewire card may be needed if you want to upgrade the interface ( the UX2 is lacking midi for inputting drums and keys), and the 8gig of RAM will run plenty of VSTi's and effects. To use the full 8 gig of RAM, a 64 bit OS is needed (Windows 7x64) - and a 32bit DAW to be able to use all those free third party VST/VSTi's.[/quote] actually recent DAWs such as cakewalk 8.5 and newer come with an in built bridge app so you can use 32 bit plugins on the 64 bit version. I find the 64 bit version is usually a bit quicker as well. The computer sounds good, as has been said get an external drive for backup as well.
  20. [quote name='Rimskidog' post='1167671' date='Mar 18 2011, 09:28 PM']I guess my attempt to build some tension failed miserably! Well, in the clip below you can see me finally arriving at the very awesome Starlight Studios in Naples, Italy! Can I say right off the bat how great Renato and his crew were and how welcome they made me. If you are in Italy and need a studio, this one should be high on your agenda! Anyways, for now, enjoy [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vovFz5e6EM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vovFz5e6EM[/url][/quote] ALL THOSE WIRES very nice. Wish i had a desk like that...
  21. Yes, soldering is definetly something that requires concentration. Oh well, lesson learned for next time eh?
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