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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. Yes there is not really much detail in those pics mate. I suggest you go on an image editor and edit the original file so it's a bit smaller but not too small. It's weird that it should be too big, users have uploaded MASSIVE pics in the past...
  2. [quote name='bassbloke' post='1158910' date='Mar 12 2011, 05:38 AM']+1. Wise words indeed. I don't know what it was about Woodstock '99, but every performance I've seen has been shocking and the crowd look like they were expecting to be on MTV Spring Break. No wonder they rioted.[/quote] You might be on to something there. I've got a metallica song from that festival and it was pretty shocking sounding.
  3. Looks nice. The headstock is possibly a bit out of place as you say but i'm sure if you put a couple of ciggie burns in it or something it'll look right in no time
  4. Gang Starr. I've got one of his songs on my machine somewhere. I think he said something about "let me cook it up like ainsley harriot" which i thought was rather amusing and well put.
  5. [quote name='chris_b' post='1157492' date='Mar 11 2011, 12:03 AM']I don't think you should feel responsible here. They screwed up not you. If the timing was bad and they're the seasoned players you say they are they should have known what the problems were at the time.[/quote] +1. You're doing them a favour here, why should they blame you?
  6. [quote name='Metalmoore' post='1152482' date='Mar 7 2011, 01:53 PM'] Theres another one! Me and Gafbass02 and you must have great tastes in basses. Check his and mine out and youll see what i mean. Gotta say, its amazing looking[/quote] If you mean cyan coloured maple boarded jazz style basses then I has got one too Yes polishing takes a very long time if you're doing it by hand. It's worth it though (well unless the finish gets f***ed up like what happened to mine )
  7. It took a long time to load this page, but the wait was worth it. nice bass.
  8. Very nice. I would have said you could have done with a few more shots but then again being a bass player i'm probably biased.
  9. [quote name='moonbass' post='1152139' date='Mar 7 2011, 06:40 AM']If you'd told me this was Radiohead's next single, I'd probably have believed you![/quote] +1, or kasabian. All of my family have had a go on musical instruments (mum and sister are actually any good at them) but never tried jamming, largely because we have completely different styles of music. Did you have super mario on in the background or something?
  10. [quote name='Eight' post='1147826' date='Mar 2 2011, 10:49 PM']Waaaah... I'm too old. When did that happen!?!?![/quote] ages ago. Erm, what?
  11. What a band, what a big shame.
  12. Why couldn't you just have a sunburst jazz bass copy like everyone else nice looking bass and job.
  13. [quote name='Cathode Follower' post='1153681' date='Mar 8 2011, 12:32 PM']Hi all, I thought it was about time I signed up to Bass Chat, being a bass player and all. And what better way to make my first post than by sharing my rig with you all. On the top is my beloved Laney Pro Tube Bass, currently running a quad of vintage Mullards. Underneath is my 1973 Matamp White 4x12 (one of about 200 made), loaded with Celestion B12Ns. The bass is my recently completed 'Frankenstein' project - A Warmoth neck mounted on the cheap body from and earlier bass. Pickups are Wizard passives - Area 55's and an Eighty-Four. Hardware is Ibanez. Enjoy! [attachment=74236:IMG_2620.JPG][/quote] There has GOT to be a picture in the Dictionary of that amp, under the definition of "mojo"
  14. [quote name='Shonks' post='1151382' date='Mar 6 2011, 12:31 PM']and here's my USA Fender pimped down! and here's the back - added the battery box and the string thru for the B string has been extended - weird i know - but it works!! [/quote] What happened to that finish?
  15. it's a waste of money compared to tuxguitar which is free
  16. You are going to need a better computer, preferably a PC. I would say £1000 is enough to get a PC that is up to the job, maybe £1200 if you want to do dual monitors.
  17. It depends really. I like having an amp even though I don't have a band, then again I've got a lot of space at home...
  18. Yes. Leave your band. Get into a new one when you feel like being in a band again. Simples *weird meerkat noise*
  19. [quote name='daz' post='1143730' date='Feb 27 2011, 07:37 PM']I have the [url="http://ebookee.org/Off-The-Record-Dedication-The-Very-Best-Of-Thin-Lizzy-Band-Score-Edition-_373035.html"]Thin Lizzy [dedication] the very best of full band songbook[/url] in .pdf format if you want it.[/quote] It's my mum who wanted it (she can only play the piano...)
  20. Rick, Stingray, Jazz, P. Is there any other bass a man really needs?
  21. [quote name='4StringFortress' post='984041' date='Oct 11 2010, 06:15 AM'] My Yamaha RBX374 and BB414 with White Horse BP150 Combo.[/quote] How cute
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