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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. [quote name='Daquifsta' post='1143143' date='Feb 27 2011, 11:21 AM']Have you had a bad experience with them then, or is it just the look? What occured to me is that a 'normal' bridge is actually putting another bend in the strings, since they travel up the fretboard at a slight angle to the guitar centreline, and the saddle slots on a conventional bridge are of course exactly parallel to the centreline, meaning that there will be a slight sideways force on the bridge saddle caused by the angle of the strings. I know that it's always been done that way since the year dot, but that's no reason not to try something else :-) My thoughts are that, subject to my woodworking skills, I could set these individual bridges in a sort of fan shape, to exactly match the string angles, and probably also offset them relative to eachother (a la Dingwall's fanned fret designs, but not quite as extreme) for a bit of visual interest, and to maybe reduce the chances of string breakage.[/quote] I just thought they were a bit rattly on my old peavey bass is all. It might have just been that they were cheap and not very well put together though. Interesting idea. I do think the angle you're talking about though is not huge at all. I would have thought fractions of a degree surely?
  2. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1142887' date='Feb 26 2011, 11:18 PM']Very cool. I thought I was the only Basschatter with a Reso Bass [/quote] And I thought it was you who posted when I saw the bass on here lol. Very nice. Must be a bit of a farce keeping it shiny though...
  3. Nice one. IT just goes to show that if you have a few decent lights knocking about then you don't need to spend loads of money making a nice video. [quote name='Bankai' post='1139528' date='Feb 24 2011, 06:06 AM']Sounds very much like the drums are out of sync. It's not down to drummer error by speeding up etc, rather that every hit comes in too early because the drum track isn't put in properly.[/quote] I know what you mean yeah. Did sound a bit out of time, especially with the cowbell at the beginning...
  4. It really is one of those albums I can listen to all the way through and not get bored. I'm only selling since I just got the version with the bonus tracks (and artwork).
  5. Looks nice. I personally am not really so keen on those single bridges any more. They do look nice though.
  6. Anyone want a copy of the colour and the shape? It's the original album version with no bonus tracks. It's also just the CD in a generic case with no artwork. Just pay me for postage. Thanks EH. Edit: this is gone now thanks.
  7. [quote name='Truckstop' post='1142549' date='Feb 26 2011, 05:22 PM']Is she fit? Then I suppose she might be worth a go. Truckstop[/quote] Well that's the other thing i'm considering of course I've had problems with that in the past though...
  8. I might have given this a go if she could have got anyone else decent to join. No doubt I would have needed "transport" though ugh .
  9. [quote name='Truckstop' post='1142485' date='Feb 26 2011, 04:43 PM']I voted for you so, technically, a percentage of the glory is mine. Truckstop[/quote] feel free to take 0.02567% of the credit in that case Well done man. I've never been nominated for anything in my life (anything decent anyway).
  10. You can't just assume that because songs were written mostly for a particular instrument that means it's what instrument you're going to get: my mum got a thin lizzy songbook out of the library yesterday arranged for PIANO!
  11. I know what you mean about people who seem to think simply owning a drum kit qualifies someone to be a drummer in a band. I know people are only trying to help but it's about as useful as if I went up to them and said: "ow my mouth is in AGONY! I think I need this tooth taking out..." "oh well I know a bloke with a stanley knife and some pliers, maybe he can do it for you?"...
  12. [quote name='henry norton' post='1108440' date='Jan 30 2011, 06:34 PM']I do epoxied defrets and I won't do necks that are too old or too valuable any more. I've never had any problems, (other than one, thankfully not very valuable neck getting 'lost in the post'), but I've had people with really nice, vintage Fenders asking for this treatment. I'll normally suggest they try an after market neck rather than perform what is some pretty major surgery on their beloved instrument and whilst it's not irreversible, it'll take allot of work to get it back to something approaching 'standard'. You made the right choice there.[/quote] +1. I mean it just takes 4 bolts if you want to have a fretless sound. Seems like a no-brainer to me.
  13. Looks very nice. I dunno if i would be able to play on it though if it was mine...
  14. That P bass really is in just about perfect nick.
  15. Parcelfarce really are a farce. I've not had any problem ordering stuff from thomann. Luckily I've never had the misfortune of it being delivered by parcelforce either. Yes, I realise "being delivered by parcelforce" is a bit of a contradiction in terms...
  16. [quote name='daz' post='1132409' date='Feb 18 2011, 04:20 PM']PS (if there was a ducking behind the sofa icon I'd be using it about now) [/quote] ? Personally having had a go on a headless bass I think they're great. You don't have any problems with neck dive or anything like that.
  17. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1139001' date='Feb 23 2011, 06:51 PM']Check out my rig [/quote] I had a rig like this once but it burned down Last time i trust an american management company to look after it for me... That excalibur bass looks quite "interesting". Not sure I'm so keen on the top though, reminds me of a 70s sideboard...
  18. [quote name='neepheid' post='1137390' date='Feb 22 2011, 05:50 PM']Nah, an Epi Goth with bridge issues: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180627722045"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=180627722045[/url][/quote] haha that is so perfect considering you're getting rid of the bridge anyway lol.
  19. [quote name='sime17' post='1132843' date='Feb 18 2011, 09:57 PM']This me baby. The only bass so far that I'd cry like a big girl if it got nicked (no offence big girls)[/quote] no offence taken Nice bass.
  20. [quote name='Raggy' post='1126312' date='Feb 13 2011, 07:35 PM']There was some nice light coming through the front room window so i took this pic. Wish I'd of cleaned the scartchplate [attachment=72103:white_1.jpg][/quote] Ahh yes very nice light indeed.
  21. £21.50!? you've got to be kidding! I guess you're going to get jeeves to finish this decadence of a bass off whilst you cruise down to downtown abu-dhabi in your bentley continental GT to party LOL jk. It's a shame you didn't wire up that p pickup in that position, it might have been rather good. Then again it might of been crap but that's the fun of it.
  22. This is a most excellent idea for a bass guitar. Can't wait to see how this turns out.
  23. wow. It took me several songs to change my guitar guitar strings with the head on, one of them was 6:35 long so it must have taken a while. Having said that, I'm sure it would have been a bit quicker with a string winder.
  24. [quote name='Soliloquy' post='1131416' date='Feb 17 2011, 07:00 PM']To be honest, that's exactly what I've always done in the past. I was told though (I don't know if this is correct, but it does make sense), that if someone was injured, electrocuted by my equipment, or it caused a fire. and they discovered that I'd just stuck some labels on the gear. Then it would be my fault, and any insurance claim would be thrown out. I have public liability insurance through the MU. I gigged with a band a couple of weeks ago, the lead supply their desk was damaged by being shut in the trunk the previous gig. Things like that can happen ten minutes after having your gear tested, but who honestly checks their stuff properly ? Certainly not me, I'm considered dangerous with a screwdriver .[/quote] Well there you go: even if you do get it tested there is no gaurantee that you will still be alright if something does go wrong...
  25. I thought it was a bit like RATM, especially with the tom morello type guitar solo at the end.
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