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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. [quote name='tremblap' post='1066532' date='Dec 22 2010, 10:28 AM']btw those who worry about their tax money: please consider that 1) the average academic in this country works 56hours a week for a 37 hours contract (and as I 'young' academic I am seriously above that!) 2) we are underpaid on any international standard (apart from the French ;-) 3) this country is planing cuts beyond anything that makes sense despite the downhill in international rankings... 4) the list can go on and on... No worries, I was not too offended ;-) p[/quote] Yeah it is ridiculous really. Mind you, when you see some of the pond life that we have to co-exist with at uni it's hardly a surprise that the taxpayer feels this way. I'm glad you're getting this sorted. Our uni is so PATHETIC that we don't even have any CNC milling machines! Very well hidden fact at the open day I must say. Also the rapid prototyping machine broke down meaning we couldn't make our centrifugal pump for a project that was worth 25% of the year grade for that subject...
  2. [quote name='bassatnight' post='1066852' date='Dec 22 2010, 03:05 PM']Don't worry he wooden't hurt you ;-)[/quote] very good. I posted that same pic as your avatar on my music page lol.
  3. [quote name='Big_Stu' post='1066381' date='Dec 22 2010, 03:49 AM']Here I was, up to my eyeballs in work, working through the night to meet delivery dates, knackered, got man-flu and then I read this post. Perked me up no end it did![/quote] Try not to encourage him. The fact is that I can think what I want about Stuart Hamm. His playing did little to nothing for me. Just a bunch of widdly-diddly crap but obviously lover-boy there can't stand the thought of someone criticizing his precious stu hamm...
  4. [quote name='risingson' post='1066126' date='Dec 21 2010, 08:25 PM']Having read this thread and not yet commenting, I think J.R. Bass has had some interesting and useful advice to give this lad, whereas conversely you seem to be pursuing some kind of agenda. It might be worth noting that your attempts to goad him aren't particularly helpful and take the focus off the crux of the main topic of discussion.[/quote] well he's done it with me plenty of times. Thought I'd show him what it's like...
  5. [quote name='Mog' post='1065999' date='Dec 21 2010, 06:31 PM']1 As I said earlier I never said stop playing altogether. 2 If you cant spot light hearted humour then maybe you should be getting laid and having a pint or two. 3 The last I heard not one top orchestra, productions company etc is going to even look at someone who turns up without 3rd level training. Those days are long gone. No one has yet stated that they know everything, and if you would like a copy of my cv to be sent to your inbox this particular pub player would be more than happy to start a cock measuring contest. I'd gladly read yours if you care to send it on, IF you are not too busy working that is. To the OP sorry about the turn this has taken, mostly my fault, but I'll stick to my statements earlier. Theres not a whole lot you can do a 15. Its just the way the world works. Take your time and you'll enjoy it all the more. Stout yes, gingers no. Jesus you sound more Irish than me! [/quote] Lol seriously mate don't even argue with him. As soon as he sets you in his sights for whatever pathetic reason then don't bother reacting, just ignore him. Let him act like a prat and he'll get what's coming to him one day
  6. [quote name='Mog' post='1065789' date='Dec 21 2010, 03:39 PM']How so? What regularly gigging band is going to hire someone who cant play the gig after a certain time, cant do a share of the driving, raises insurance premiums and less face it HAS ABOUT 30 YEARS LESS EXPERIENCE THAN MOST PIT PLAYERS. Unless most pit players, session musicians etc age in dog years most I've met/know are between 30-50 and to take their jobs would require serious talent. The guy is 15. Has been fed god knows what by a local teacher and expects to walk into a regularly paying job within the music business. Come on lad. I didn't suggest that he should drop the bass and take up golf or anything. Each point was based on fact. And just to be clear, if you're response is based on 'personal experience' I dont really give a poop, telling someone to get a proper steady job is not nonesense, its common sense. Be specific, I'm in nicotine withdrawal and need a rant.[/quote] I wouldn't worry yourself. Mr. brown here is a prime example of what you were talking about earlier, someone who's got somewhere in his hometown, thinks he's the best in the world and needs to be put-down once or twice by a few more experienced pros...
  7. I know this has probably been said but I think you're probably doing yourself an injustice by expecting yourself to be a really amazing player at an early stage. It's the same thing with one of my friends. In bass day in Manchester he literally asked me why he wasn't as good as Billy Sheehan. He's been playing for 1 and a half years... Becoming a great player takes years of practice. You can go at practicing as much as you want and getting into it but you really just need to accept that you're not going to be the greatest player on the planet at the stage you're at now. Try not to pressure yourself and instead just keep on with your practicing but try to ENJOY it. After all there is no point in being a musician if you don't enjoy it.
  8. One of the reasons I went to manchester to uni was because I thought (stupidly) that I might get involved in a lot more music. How wrong I was...
  9. I don't really feel the need for a load of effects. I've not got any at the moment. I might get a distortion at some point. That'll probably do me.
  10. Ok I know this is a really obvious one but to be fair, I can play it on the piano! This is the new version of this song featuring the Lacuna Coil singer Christina Scabbia (I could tell that just from listening to her ). The original is awesome as well.
  11. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='1061538' date='Dec 17 2010, 01:37 PM']Yeah, it sounds like you've either got two imperial keys and you need a metric one... or vice versa. It being a Far-East-made beastie, I'd hazard a guess it needs a metric key. [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0001K9THE"]This[/url] is one of the most useful instrument-tweaking purchases I've ever made: [/quote] I got something just like that, except it was a halfords own brand and the case doesn't quite snap shut properly...
  12. [quote name='Spoombung' post='1061393' date='Dec 17 2010, 10:34 AM']I hummed and harred about buying it the first time I played it because it had large, bumpy frets (that's something I'm not keen on) but I decided to get it anyway and have smaller frets put in. It now feels great. I need to raise the action though, but weirdly, just can't find an alum key that fits(?) The pickups and pre amp are okay but not top-notch so but I might think of changing them in the future.[/quote] What's an alum key?
  13. [quote name='Dread Bass' post='1056762' date='Dec 12 2010, 10:53 PM']for anyone who is interested here is a preview pic of the Mango f/board.[/quote] Doesn't look like a mango to me
  14. [quote name='Lo.' post='1058517' date='Dec 14 2010, 01:41 PM']The neck is made by "Dr Parts" from Dangleberry music - £56, sanded & sealed (unfinished). It's not a true Fender shape (head is slightly stretched toward the nut). Cheers.[/quote] I thought it looked familiar. I got one of those necks as well. They're really good i think. Also I was pretty sure it was a satin finish?
  15. I must say it does make me wonder; if you hate doing gigs so much, is there really much point in being in a band? I mean that just leaves you with "practices" (which implies that you're "practicing" for something, what exactly?) and recording. I personally just got pretty bored with practicing all the time and not getting anywhere with gigs which is one of the reasons one of the bands i was in fell apart. Also really I must say that if I'm doing recording then I'd really rather just do it on my own. That's just my opinion though. Obviously everyone is different.
  16. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1056335' date='Dec 12 2010, 07:09 PM']not someone's computer in their bedroom with a POD, we actually have our own proper studio[/quote] I'll have you know it's an M-Audio delta 1010 and Guitar Rig 4 actually
  17. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' post='1054734' date='Dec 11 2010, 10:04 AM']How do you know there is a problem, how long you had the bass?[/quote] +1. What exactly do you think is wrong with the tone?
  18. I played the double bass for a bit. I might take it up again one day but one thing is for sure, I'm probably never going to see any "work" out of either lol. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1054720' date='Dec 11 2010, 09:50 AM']My current band has me doing both & the first 3 months of 2011 didn't see me touch a bass guitar but for no real reason since then I've only managed one gig on the upright since.[/quote] Errr
  19. Maybe you could have 2 different editions, one with tab and the other with proper music notation and then sell the different ones according to the market. Ok maybe it's a stupid idea. But that's what they do with science and engineering books in order to cater for the American market who are unwilling to give up on their precious "English" units (which we in England call US customary units, go figure...)
  20. [quote name='bobbass4k' post='1054660' date='Dec 11 2010, 05:16 AM']That's actually pretty good, and the vocals are very impressive. Probably better than Katy Perry's to be honest, I can't decide if she's actually singing in that register and it's just ridiculously autotuned or if it's shifted up an octave, I'd definitely pursue the singing if you aren't already.[/quote] I think you'd be quite easily able to tell if it was shifted up by a whole octave...
  21. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1054422' date='Dec 10 2010, 07:32 PM']Not sure what your price range is but it's one of those 'if you need to ask, you can't afford one' type basses! [/quote] Well there you go. Eventually I reckon I'll have a bass like that. Along with all the other things i've promised myself...
  22. Here's a free reply. I drew a bass that looked not unlike them once (apart from the headstock). I always really liked that LP style of bass body and I wished you could get a 5 string version of one. That looks like something I could possibly do with. Bet it's a bit out of my price range though hehe.
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