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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. [quote name='phil.mcglassup' post='1054029' date='Dec 10 2010, 01:57 PM']I must be unfortunate in that apart from the lead vocalist I am the only one who can do backing vocals. The rest of the band are tone deaf! Why does it take half an hour or so to learn a bassline and three weeks (or more) to learn the harmony? It's like the harmony has to be engraved onto my brain so that I can switch it on at the right time. Anyway, the good thing is that when we do gigs in cramped venues, I have to stand at the front next to our lead vocalist near the monitor as I wear ER20 earplugs (new HF17's coming next week, yeh!). This does tend to upset the lead and rhythm g*****ists!! Mind you, I'm the only one who plays their parts correctly and it is particularly annoying trying to sing harmonies when bum notes and chords are being played loud in my earholes!!!! I have total respect for those who play and sing harmony BVs, practice does make perfect and maybe it's a skill that once learned becomes easier.[/quote] I find it really easy to learn stuff like harmonies. Mind you I think i'm more of an "ear learner" as it is so that's probably something to do with it.
  2. [quote name='LiamPodmore' post='1053113' date='Dec 9 2010, 05:44 PM']You guys take 2 days for 1 track? My band managed to do 3 tracks in one day, using our own drums, bass with DI and Mic, 2 guitar tracks per song, 3 takes per person per song, and backing vocals. Actually turned out pretty good (Its in my sig) Liam[/quote] That's good if you are satisfied with the results but to me they didn't sound anywhere near what I would expect from a professional recording. If you want a really proper sounding recording you need to put the time and effort in imo.
  3. Nice. A bit like my bass which I'm sure you've seen before.
  4. Having grown up in that part of the world, hope you have much better luck at finding a band than I did!
  5. Welcome to the forum . I started on the bass at age 14 as well, although that was a bit more recently for me hehe. [quote name='KERMITNT' post='1049233' date='Dec 6 2010, 01:19 PM']welcome you have to show us ur rig in the gear porn with photos !!!!!!!!! [/quote] +1!
  6. [quote name='derrenleepoole' post='1049455' date='Dec 6 2010, 03:54 PM']I'm really struggling to see your bass rig in that picture mate [/quote] You're not complaining are you
  7. [quote name='MikanHannille' post='1045952' date='Dec 3 2010, 07:48 AM'] here's one out of two of my basses [/quote] Nothing wrong with having 2 basses
  8. Beats my first bass by a good 1.609km or so...
  9. [quote name='steantval' post='1045412' date='Dec 2 2010, 06:07 PM']Elton John's, Your Song is a classic IMO, it's from the 70's and takes me back to my first job, motorcycles and a generally great time of growing up. This Ellie Goulding version is not good - what's the point? - why cover it? Ellie sounds a lot like this new breed of female vocalists that sound breathy and voices like 4 year olds. Kylie Minogue - 40 year old woman with a 4 year olds voice. Duffy - sounds like she's on helium. Proper voices like Annie Lennox, Chrissie Hind, Christine McVie, Alison Moyet, Dusty Springfield etc, take a lot of beating.[/quote] +1 on that. I utterly can't stand that style of vocals at all. Give us a girl who can sing with a bit of power any day (a bit of screamo/hardcore vocal ability wouldn't go amiss either ) I've seen that advert actually. Yeah it's pretty dire. What's so great about it? I mean my sister can (and does) do just as good if not a better job of doing a cover version of it...
  10. I guess a lot of this depends on time/budget. Do you have the time to be messing around with micing up guitar and bass amps? If you do then great but if you've just been looking for doing a recording on a small budget then really best just stick with what he says. Also the problem a lot of musicians have is that they want "their" sound on the record without any consideration for the sound of the recording as a whole. You said that in your opinion the sound you have would have complemented the record which is great. But i think what you need to try and do is take yourself out of being the bass player and just put yourself in the situation of someone listening to the album and ask yourself: do you really think it would have made that much of a huge improvement to the sound of the album? Next time if you have the time/budget to facilitate it and you really think it will sound good not just in the sense of a bass player but in the context of the album as a whole then by all means ask the engineer if you can have a good go at properly setting up the bass amp and miking it up and everything. But for now, try not to let it worry you or get on your nerves too much. If you think the album sounds good in terms of just being an outside listener listening to it then really that's all that matters.
  11. [quote name='purpleblob' post='1042050' date='Nov 30 2010, 10:21 AM']I really don't get what all the fuss is over people who play ERB's or equally over those who prefer to stick with 4 strings. Surely the tool used doesn't matter one bit, it's the music one plays that matters ?[/quote] Well quite. Unfortunately it's just basic human nature for many to feel superior based on not just playing a particular type of bass but any stupid insignificant thing that one might feel puts them in a particular category...
  12. Hehe i watched a pop punk type band the other week who were using distortion and all manner of effects on acoustic guitars. IMO it was more of a gimmick than anything to do with the music really. The effect sounded pretty good, although the video was a bit "interesting" lol.
  13. I've not tried that particular bass but the F400FM I owned for a few months was easily the best guitar I've ever had. No idea why the hell i sold it...
  14. I think you've really got all you could ask for out of a covers band: the playing is tight and funky and the singer looks a bit like Justin Timberlake xo my minor criticism is the fact that I thought the beetles cover sounded a bit too "glee-ish" for my liking...
  15. I have so many tabs that there's not much point in me having any specific homepage. I just use the FF default.
  16. I think the ugly green is great I like it. Very vietnamese imo.
  17. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='1040193' date='Nov 28 2010, 05:59 PM']I've been dissed for not having a five string more than I've ever dissed anyone for having a five - which is not at all.[/quote] I'm glad you have the sense not to diss other people for what they chose to play. I would never think about dissing anyone whether they played a 1 string or a 100 string bass either. That doesn't mean there isn't a problem with it though and in my experience as a 4 and 5 string player, I've seen more people dissing anything that isn't "the norm" than the other way round. In fact as i'm sure i've mentioned dosens of times before, this doesn't just apply to bass. It applies to everything to do with musicians. For some reason there are always ultra-conservative groups of musicians who seem to think they're vastly superior to the small groups of people who do decide to venture away from the traditional regardless of their creative or technical ability.
  18. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1040291' date='Nov 28 2010, 07:08 PM']You know nothing of the types or style of music I play, But I will enlighten you, Blues, Rock, Indie, Jazz, Funk and anything else that I am asked or I want to do. I have managed to play all of those with 4 strings and the odd drop D or even a B bass from time to time with no problems thanks.[/quote] Good. Well I'm glad you're not having too many problems. Unfortunately, not everyone has the luxury of being able to use more than one bass for different tunings or is able to take them to a gig where more than one will be required. [quote]Im not dissing anyone either thats you twisting other peoples words maybe thats why you think these threads fall into the same thing because before you twisted mine and ET's words all was good. There are a lot of players who can use lots of strings to a great advantage that create music I enjoy I will give you that but also there are hundreds of crap bassists who think there better than others because they have more strings thats a fact.[/quote] There are also hundreds of crap 4 string bassists who think they're superior than others for playing a 4 string as well. In fact that was my original point. No all was not good before I posted what I posted. You started the problem when you started insulting people's playing ability on a 5 or more string bass. I just pointed out that it was a problem. I'm sure there is more than one person on here who agrees with what I'm saying though but hasn't decided to post. Therefore there was a problem. [quote]What would you like to see in these kind of threads pages of how cool everyone is for all playing whatever ammount of strings they have? Sounds intriguing! [/quote] No, I just think that slagging people off for playing basses with whatever number of strings is childish and pathetic. Play what you want. Why does it matter to you so much?
  19. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1040020' date='Nov 28 2010, 03:45 PM']Im not knocking the 5ers but most the time I watch a pub band with a bassist using one I watch to see how often they play anything on the B and more often than not its very little. Most the pub bands I see with them are playing songs that were all written and recorded on 4 strings in the first place too. Its funny how we have one thread telling us that if the Alleva Coppolo headstock was different shape it would have dead spots yet most people are happy to play the low notes on a five on the B sting rather than go up the neck to get them on the E which totally changes the sound of the note (or even an octave) and leaves out the slide that often comes with it. Lots of people tell me they have got lazy because of it. Im not closed off to more than 4 strings but I have never felt the need for more, I play in 3 bands and have never been kicked out for not having more strings or being crap at playing. There are plenty of players who should learn to play before moving to 5,6 or 8 strings! [/quote] Oh dear. Why do threads like this always end up becoming a "why bother playing more than 4 strings" thread? Why bother constantly knocking it? You obviously don't play a type of music that requires the use of it, that's all. It's always the bloody same, not just with bass players but musicians in general where people see fit to start dissing on other people for not playing the "traditional" thing...
  20. Might as well go for it. Count me in
  21. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1039482' date='Nov 28 2010, 12:57 AM']My experience of users who use more than 4 is that they spend their time noodling on the treble side above the 12th fret; if your gonna do that play guitar? Which is what I do. Bass is for bass, although I agree the Low B is needed sometimes, in some settings.[/quote] My experience of people who exclusively play 4 string is they spend most of their time rabbiting on about their percieved superiority over people who play more than 4 strings...
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