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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. [quote name='bluesparky' post='1030489' date='Nov 20 2010, 03:05 PM']Mental! How the hell do you go about playing a beast like that?!![/quote] I should imagine it's for 2 handed tapping mostly.
  2. the problem is that some people like to add letters onto w***, like "fretw***ery" for example...
  3. non. That's the simple answer Welcome to the forum.
  4. It just seems like general fretw***ery to me. I mean if you're great on the bass then great, but isn't music supposed to be a bit more, erm, musical?
  5. I would, but i've already got the book. Signed by the man himself! (not me, i hasten to add....)
  6. Nice one. Simple electronics projects like this are great
  7. The track sounded pretty good. I'm wondering a bit about the drum overheads. It sounded as if the drummer only had cymbals on one side of the kit? Otherwise i thought it sounded good. I liked the fat snare drum sound and also the way you used the reverb to fill out a bit of the space left over in the recording in terms of sound. Good job.
  8. [quote name='51m0n' post='1028219' date='Nov 18 2010, 05:29 PM']Even with a vst if you put it into an insert point can be recorded on a lot of DAWs - they even allow them to work out the delay of the extra processing in some of them. Sometimes its what you want to do, sometimes it isnt. If you arent sure, then dont![/quote] On Cakewalk you can "freeze" the track with the effects and any splicing all merged into one track but it is a reversable process so if you want to change it back and alter the effects or what have you, you can.
  9. Can't say I've heard any of her stuff but I remember reading that she used to be with Dave Grohl, so that can only be a good thing right?
  10. [quote name='51m0n' post='1027969' date='Nov 18 2010, 02:40 PM']Do absolutely anything you like to the signal to the cans by all means! But note that at some point you will get that wrong and print it (see the point about the big swooshy reverb I accidently tracked ))[/quote] I must admit i used to do pretty silly things with the audio on my tracks before I realised you could just add the effects to the track itself!
  11. [quote name='Beedster' post='1027761' date='Nov 18 2010, 11:25 AM']LOL, our singer bought his vocal mic in the other day, claimed he knew how to set it up and did exactly the same thing! He sounded about a mile away whilst the guitarist's breathing and muttering under his breath was loud and clear. C[/quote] I remember once with my (then) quite new condenser i did a vocal take and this was like proper top of your voice shouting stuff, I recorded it and I could hardly hear anything! Turned out, yep same thing. Much worse than that though was on the same song I was screwing the microphone shock mount in to the stand and I thought I had got in, but I hadn't. Was at the computer when I just heard "thud". Luckily the mic was still working but now the top with the grille is lopsided. [quote name='51m0n' post='1027688' date='Nov 18 2010, 10:20 AM']DO think twice before using eq / compression when tracking, unless you know exactly what you are trying to achieve, and how to do it. You cant undo it later.[/quote] All in all a very good post. All I would say on this one point though is that these days you can stick virtual track effects on to give you an idea of how the mix will sound without modifying the original sound files and use the big stuff when mixing (if you have "big stuff", that is!)
  12. Not that we're complaining or anything! Can't wait to see how this one turns out.
  13. Might as well get it. You can't take it with you, as they say...
  14. [quote name='cheddatom' post='1026616' date='Nov 17 2010, 08:44 AM']I quite often forget to double check the gain at every stage and end up with clipping drums that I have to re-do! Also drummers tend to knock mics - don't forget to move them back! Turning headphones on with the volume set insanely loud. Forgetting to tune everything to a digital tuner. Forgetting to tune the drum kit! One I do quite often which might be specific to me, is come back to my studio where everything's still set up, and plug my PC in. I plug in the soundcards the wrong way round, and record snare onto the vocal channel, kick on to the bass, no vocals etc... just because I get two plugs the wrong way round and don't double check before hitting record. Another mistake we make quite often is getting drunk during mixing.[/quote] Yep that stuff has all happened to me. These days if something ends up slightly quieter than you want it you can just stick it on normalise or up the gain in the software but there is little you can do about distorting the gain stage. Remember that. I also had to re do a lot of stuff because it wasn't in tune. Not been drunk during mixing though
  15. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' post='1026348' date='Nov 16 2010, 08:45 PM']Oh, you remembered Thanks for asking . Well ,believe it or not I have more room than initially thought. Most of the basses are in a warwick rack (hold 5) . When (or if aaaargh!) my brother's flat sells then I'll feel more relaxed, and will think about buying furniture to tidy up my clutter etc. JD not going anywhere Cheers[/quote] No problem Memory of an elephant me hehe. Well in that case I would suggest if you keep the JD, tele, Washburn, the 5 string and another one, depending on which one you are most likely to use after those 4. If you're not using the 6 or the 8 probably best to re-home them.
  16. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1026346' date='Nov 16 2010, 08:42 PM']Good luck finding a job you hate less [/quote] +1
  17. I thought you had to clear up space as well or is everything pretty much ok on the home front? If the "JD" bass is the one on your avatar, please don't sell it lol. looks awesome.
  18. I can see what's happened here. Your profile picture is what appears on your member profile page. If you click where your name is next to one of your posts you will see a small version of it coupled with options like "view member profile", etc... What you want for the pic that appears in your posts, is the [i]avatar[/i] .
  19. [quote name='mike f' post='1026139' date='Nov 16 2010, 06:01 PM']Hey Jude - 2 mins 58 secs[/quote] hard to imagine that sort of thing happening these days...
  20. [quote name='Twigman' post='1025974' date='Nov 16 2010, 03:37 PM']Personally I'd go for a PC over a Mac in a studio any day. An i7 PC running Win7x64 with as much RAM as you can get in there 24 or 48 Gb is possible on current motherboards. Why? 1 PCs can evolve and are easy to upgrade without changing everything. 2 My DAW of choice is PC only - currently Sonar 8.5 soon to be Sonar X1 I currently run Sonar 8.5.3 on a W7x64Pro Q9550 machine with 8Gb RAM with an RME HDSP9632 on my bedroom studio PC. It is as solid as a rock.[/quote] +1 to all this. Pretty much what I think as well.
  21. [quote name='Beedster' post='1025971' date='Nov 16 2010, 03:36 PM']That in itself is a very useful tip, thanks EH[/quote] What you can also do is ask the recording software to disable the input monitoring during playback which would also help in this regard since it'll be pretty obvious you hit play instead of record if you can't actually hear anybody lol.
  22. Ok so you basically want 16 analogue line inputs so you can plug your mixer straight into there and out into your PC? I can't say I've really seen much in the way of a rack mounted unit that will do that. They're mostly either digital inputs or mic preamp inputs. Unfortunately you might have to get rid of your current mixer and replace it with a 16 mic firewire mixer like this one: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/phonic_phhb24_fw_mk_ii_helix_board.htm"] <a href="http://www.thomann.de/gb/phonic_phhb24_fw_mk_ii_helix_board.htm" target="_blank">http://www.thomann.de/gb/phonic_phhb24_fw_...helix_board.htm[/url]</a> Bit more than your budget i know. Really, if you want a rack mounted interface comprising of 16 line in/outs and little else then you would probably need to look at going down the PCI route. That's what i had to do. You still have a breakout box with all the inputs and outputs on it so that's not a problem. The only difference is that you would have to install a card into your PCs motherboard, it's a very easy job to do though. It depends really on how bothered you are about the warranty of your PC? You might be able to get 2 M-audio delta 1010s running side by side in budget if you went used which would give you 16 ins and outs at 96/24 conversion quality.
  23. Having to deal with crap stage mics can bring problems in itself (so you should be ok here!) I once started recording a drum track and I noticed that one of the drum mics wasn't working. It took me ages to figure out why. Turns out I accidentaly switched the mic off when I was putting it in the mic holder I've done that thing of accidentaly hitting the play button when I actually wanted to record before. Thankfully no where near as high stakes as that though! I find if you want to avoid that then having the metronome only on record and not playback helps as an audible aid as to when you're actually recording
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