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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. I guess being in sheffield you can't really pass this one up! Looks like you're doing a nice job mate.
  2. What is this "Squire" of which you speak? Is it some sort of subsiduary of fendre?
  3. [quote name='CPBassman' post='1003060' date='Oct 27 2010, 09:46 PM']Exactly. The stall was laid out long before our marriage became a consideration.[/quote] +1 why would you get married to someone who didn't like what you did?
  4. [quote name='Jam' post='1002757' date='Oct 27 2010, 05:31 PM']I would LOVE to be in a band like this Too far away though. Goddamnit.[/quote] +1. In fact come to think of it, I WAS in a band like this! We never made it past a couple of practices though. I think you've pretty much hit the nail on the head with the band name i must say. I knew exactly what was coming before I read the ad lol. Good stuff, shame i don't live in baintree or wherever.
  5. +1 about going used. If you're wanting it to keep it's value then that is by far the best option imo.
  6. [quote name='johnzgerman' post='1001565' date='Oct 26 2010, 07:17 PM']why's that?[/quote] They just f***ed me around a bit when i tried to audition for them... Basically "they" (or Dario at least, only actually dealt with him) just seem to think that because they're getting somewhere it means they can afford to be really really picky with bass players. They must have a gigantic list of reasons to cross someone off the candidate list, including accidentaly getting lost on the way to the audition! Also in correspondance with Dario, he just comes across as being really arrogant, like the "why should we hire YOU?" sort of thing. They act like they're way too good for you, even though really it's the other way round. It's been 6 months they've been looking for a new bass player (check the date on the OP) and to be quite frank i'm hardly surprised at all. I know I keep saying this but I feel it needs to be re-iterated so no-one else on here falls into the same trap I did!!! Tons of other bands in Manchester, join one of them instead.
  7. It's a great way of making money, the video i mean...
  8. [quote name='Twigman' post='1001449' date='Oct 26 2010, 05:49 PM']that's cheap - my strings are £42.50 a set of 4[/quote] they might as well get a crowbar and ask you for your address...
  9. My local guitar shop sells individual bass strings, only they're £7 each
  10. [quote name='silddx' post='1001100' date='Oct 26 2010, 01:40 PM']The bass may be finished tonight! I can't believe I started this nearly FOUR months ago. The project was ostensibly quite a simple one, but I really appreciate the effort that goes into a one-off build now.[/quote] +1. It really makes you appreciate just how tough it is!
  11. [quote name='Jam' post='1000827' date='Oct 26 2010, 09:32 AM']Goddamn flute playing hippy picture: [attachment=62201:29973_41...001895_n.jpg][/quote] I'm supposing/hoping there is a MASSIVE ponytail behind your head! Lol awesome man.
  12. [quote name='blackmn90' post='1000717' date='Oct 26 2010, 01:56 AM']unfortunately 2gb its as upgradable as it can get. I think i may just run garageband for now. My PC had sonar and thats to a similar spec but sonar destroyed it and every project crashed.[/quote] I'm not surprised, my PC is twice the RAM and i usually have to up the latency if i'm mixing with a lot of effects.
  13. [quote name='Jam' post='1000621' date='Oct 25 2010, 11:02 PM']Spill the beans dude! I saw your comment on their page. Their slogan alone puts me off, as does the guy with the straightened hair. What's wrong with them?[/quote] Well i've only dealt with the lead guitar player, Dario, and he just seems to have this idea that just because they're getting somewhere (or they think they're getting somewhere) that it means they can afford to be ridiculously picky and act like they're too good for you. I unfortunately made a wrong turn on the way to the audition (these things happen) and despite explaining it to him on the phone at the time, as well as sending him a PM afterwards and having spent a month practicing all the songs and missing out on a really good moho live gig that i'd been looking forward to for months to go to this crappy audition, he doesn't even so much as send me the smallest of PMs in 3 weeks. I know he's been busy, but i can pretty clearly see that he's most certainly been online in that amount of time, just a "yeah, we'll try to get another time for the audition" is all it would have taken. They came on here complaining of not being able to find a bass player, now i can see why
  14. Possibly should be in the recording forum...
  15. Hey guys, i've got an idea! If you're having trouble finding a bass player, why don't you try being a bit less arrogant and thinking that you're really good all the time? Also, not writing people off for making an honest mistake (which was quite clearly explained to you both by phone and facebook PM, i mean what more do you want!?) might help too. Bass players? AVOID THIS BAND LIKE THE PLAGUE! Enough said. P.S. If you really are writing people off for not being able to find the practice studio then might i suggest you try practicing somewhere other than an old abandoned looking mill with no sort of sineage indicitive of it's prescence in the middle of a housing estate that is so well kept as a secret that not even the local builders know of it's prescence?
  16. Sorry to be putting in a serious post here. But if you're in or around the Manchester area and looking to be in a heavy rock/metal band then please [u]avoid[/u] Hell to Pay: [url="http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/Hell-To-Pay/82649564414"]http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pa...Pay/82649564414[/url] They're looking for a bass player, have been for a few months now and with good reason...
  17. [quote name='silddx' post='997675' date='Oct 23 2010, 12:43 AM']I heard Ari Up died yesterday too. [/quote] I saw the obituary in the guardian...
  18. EH had this issue last year. I terminated a band i was in because i couldn't stand the guitar player not being able to play in time. Then the beginning of this year we had a new band and it was all looking up but because i was in one of my "moods" and i didn't think i could play (this is the drums i'm talking about here) very well i decided to quit that one. Which was a stupid desicion since it could have been great.
  19. Nice job man. I'm not going to ask what you're watching on telly there or anything...
  20. EHs old peavey used to have one...
  21. [quote name='Twigman' post='995051' date='Oct 20 2010, 04:43 PM']try telling that to the Mrs[/quote] Sorry, getting so caught up in my own life of seemingly endless solitude and deprivation that i forgot about such issues Obviously your other option is to get stuff off allparts, or ebay? Or i dunno, is there a credit option or something?
  22. [quote name='Twigman' post='995039' date='Oct 20 2010, 04:37 PM']specced it up on Warmoth Charger Green P-J with Rosewood neck w stainless frets , SeymourDuncan p neck and J bridge, black pearl plate and chrome hardware.........$1016.50 + shipping + duty + VAT + long lead time....... OUCH!![/quote] If it's what you want...
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