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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. [quote name='casapete' post='989968' date='Oct 16 2010, 09:41 AM']Hey up, easy tiger........its not all bad![/quote] I was being slightly tounge in cheek. I actually really like Hull. It's not too big like manchester for example but still reasonably happening. Plus it's undergone a lot of improvements in the last 15 years... [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='990000' date='Oct 16 2010, 10:37 AM']Good point, I've been to Goole.[/quote] we actually used to go down to Goole from Bev every week so we could go to the leisure centre. My sister eventually got really sick of it. We also used to go to the tescos if we were on our way back from Sheffield and we needed to do the weekly shop. Btw, I've only just noticed they've renamed Fibbers haven't they? Yeah, it looks pretty crap now. Oh well, that's life i guess.
  2. [quote name='Muzz' post='989586' date='Oct 15 2010, 07:33 PM']And in action, 17th September 1989 at The Boardwalk, Manchester... [attachment=61462:170989.jpg][/quote] Haha nice one man, looks good after all these years. That's interesting how there is a boardwalk in manchester as well...
  3. [quote name='yorick' post='989487' date='Oct 15 2010, 05:56 PM']Think we're going to go down the registered letter route. See what comes of it......... If it was pennies, and were local, it wouldn't matter, but we came up from Brum, and it's a fair chunk we're owed!!![/quote] TBF i think having to go to Hull deserves a recompense in itself!
  4. [quote name='charic' post='989327' date='Oct 15 2010, 03:32 PM']I reckon same kind of thing as the couriers thread. Although I wonder if we could do it as a good experience/bad experience poll... I'll have a think [/quote] good idea.
  5. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='989311' date='Oct 15 2010, 03:18 PM']It seems the new owners want to turn it into a club. They've got York St John's main campus just around the corner so I think it's mostly student drinks promos and DJs now. TBH I haven't been in since the refurb but that's because they haven't put on a band I want to see, and strangely we haven't been booked there but I suppose if all the promoters we work with have jumped ship then that's not surprising...[/quote] I must admit they didn't usually have my sort of band on before. But when they did... Yeah sucks if they are turning it into just another student club.
  6. [quote name='yorick' post='989296' date='Oct 15 2010, 03:09 PM']Is there a thread already about this sort of thing? If there isn't, maybe get this pinned for future reference....[/quote] probably a good idea. Much better than a "musicians to avoid if they've been to leeds uni" thread anyway...
  7. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='989289' date='Oct 15 2010, 03:03 PM']While we're on the subject I've heard of bands having trouble getting paid at the newly-refurbished Fibbers in York. Tokyo Industries took over, announced that they'd spent 250k on the place and bought a whole new PA, but apparently that's not entirely true. They had Oceansize booked a few weeks back and the new rig couldn't meet their tech spec, so they dragged the old desk out - covered in brick dust from the refurb - and couldn't get it going. They also didn't have enough monitors or - laughably - XLR cables, so the gig got cancelled and the band had to turn away all the fans who were queueing outside. A lot of the old guys from Fibbers have jumped ship since, including their main promoter. So yeah, I would recommend booking Stereo on Gillygate or the Duchess instead.[/quote] That really sucks. Fibbers is (was) one of the best places i've seen bands in. The Duchess is good as well, plus it's right next to fibbers which was helpful when trying to find it earlier this year lol. Shame to hear it ruined. Not been in the springhead before. To be honest being a bit of an introvert means that despite having lived there for 15 years, i haven't actually been to most places in Hull, not even spiders or pozition!!! There is a nice club I went in recently (well about 4 months ago) down Bev Road called "the hollywood and vine" where my friend's band played in and despite having problems with their PA (i would have brought my own mic and cables if i'd known it was going to happen hehe) and only 10 people turning up to see them play it seemed quite nice. The barman was pissed off about us breaking one of the darts though...
  8. Also the other one is my SWR half stack which i got £80 for (well £95 including the 2U rack case that came with it...) I didn't think it was working properly but maybe i could have got more money for it. Then again i don't think i would have felt right having sold it for more and not thinking it was any good.
  9. [quote name='Doctor J' post='989025' date='Oct 15 2010, 11:14 AM']Can you use them for other things, though, non-musical, yeah?[/quote] I can think of a million different musicians that fill the bill in that respect then
  10. This : No it's not a bass. But i do have a bass story as well. I let some bloke in edinburgh practically rob me blind on a "deal" where i sent him a thomann jazz copy (+EXTRAS!) and he sent back a shine 5 string bass. It was an okay bass, i just should have never given him so much in return for it imo. Bet he was laughing his way to the cowgate when he got it...
  11. Some guy called EddieHimself. He edits all his recordings to make himself sound like a really tight musician when in actual fact his timing is all over the place. You can't really place whether he's supposed to be a drummer, bassist or guitarist because he's learned all 3 instruments to a pretty mediocre level, a "jack of all trades, master of none" as it were. Avoid like the plague...
  12. I write everything. Well the last band i was in we were getting somewhere with me actually helping write the songs instead of having to do it all myself which was nice, but i was playing the drums so i decided i'd rather not. Kind of wish i'd kept on with it actually.
  13. [quote name='geoffbassist' post='988250' date='Oct 14 2010, 06:28 PM']Thanks BassBod. It's a bit of an odd way of recording/playing bass as i don't do any 'solo' gigs. I've learned a lot from the process of recording these though. Now I have a better understanding of what areas of my playing are weaker and what I need to work on.[/quote] Which is always good! I think recordings do tend to bring out just how crap you sound. Of course it's more of a shock to people when they first hear themselves because they usually think they're totally awesome before they begin (this isn't a personal comment just a general observation). Anyway i thought it sounded fine. Liked the blues thing. Possibly need to work on the timing in areas but other than that, great.
  14. [quote]I've just started gigging with a really loud drummer so i figured the sooner i invest in some good quality hearing protection the better.[/quote] +1 about that. I would feel very sorry for anyone who has to sit in a room with me drumming and no hearing protection hehe. (for example)
  15. [quote name='neepheid' post='987424' date='Oct 13 2010, 09:15 PM']Not really, I think they all tend to have piezo pickups. Of course it doesn't mean you have to plug it in. I had one at my work so I could have a plonk at lunchtimes while learning a set of songs. The gig's passed and now I'm selling mine, if that's any help [/quote] +1 just because it has a piezo in it doesn't mean you can't just use it as an acoustic. The problem is that acoustic basses generally aren't very loud unless they have a very large body so some form of electrical amplification is really required so you can hear it over (or just with) any other instrument. The actual body itself is really more of a tone thing than anything i would have said.
  16. [quote name='fleabag' post='987375' date='Oct 13 2010, 08:36 PM']I changed the bridge and lectronics on mine, so i would imagine they're the same, just different necks[/quote] true yeah. The maple board is nice but i think the biggest improvement has got to be those full size tuners!
  17. That looks a lot nicer than my one (originally!). Guess it's probably one of the better ones.
  18. [quote name='fryer' post='987201' date='Oct 13 2010, 05:50 PM']OK, so I have now recovered. Didn't get to sleep 'till around 3, with music going round my head. Woke up at 11 am Sunday. I added one song the day before, so total 43. Didn't touch the guitar on Friday or Saturday, as I was still working out the bass lines. There were four I hadn't done, so during the first set, the lead guitarist said 'Substitute' next. I said hold on, what are the chords for that ? The reply - 1, 2, 3, 4 . Got most of it by the end. After the first set, I wanted to go home. I was shaking. We all made a few mistakes, mainly what's next - verse or chorus, but followed the lead g and was ok. Runs I couldn't remember I just did the base notes. But I struggled through it, and I almost enjoyed the last set. Looking back it was good. Non-critical audience of around 150, and they enjoyed it. A few weeks before the next one, so time to actually practise them. All in all, very glad I started again. I'd recommend it to anyone.[/quote] Glad you enjoyed it hopefully it won't be 40 years till my next one I'll be 58...
  19. I've managed to get a few recording programs working on here with windows XP 64 bit. What type of windows 7 is it? I think the professional/ultimate versions come with an XP emulator to run older programs on but you also might be able to download one for the home editions as well. This is my understanding of it anyway.
  20. [quote name='s1ater' post='986434' date='Oct 12 2010, 11:38 PM']The majority of laptops dont have firewire in them.[/quote] Which is why one can use a converter... Anyway no you're right it doesn't really make a difference unless you're recording more than 4 tracks. Are you going to be recording more than 4 tracks at once?
  21. Yeah not sure about how you phrased your question either. As for the other question: [url="http://www.starr.net/is/type/altnum.htm"]http://www.starr.net/is/type/altnum.htm[/url] It tells us that the º sign can be created from holding alt and pressing the number keys 0186 on the number pad. If you want to make things easier then bookmark this page.
  22. hang on: [quote]QUOTE (cheddatom @ Mar 6 2009, 11:31 AM) * Well, I searched the marketplace for "auction" and couldn't find any moderated topics at all. Do deleted/locked threads not come up in searches? No they don't.[/quote] surely if that was the case then that locked thread wouldn't have come up in a search?
  23. [quote name='KiOgon' post='985851' date='Oct 12 2010, 04:02 PM']"Hi John I have had an email back from Fender in relation to your guitar. It reads: Hi Rob, Thanks for your email. I can see from the pictures that the truss rod slot is not quite in line with the strings and seems to be slightly off centre. This should not actually cause any problems with the playability of the guitar and should just be a cosmetic issue. It is also possible that the string tree is slightly redirecting the string a little towards the nut to make this appear worse than it is. The truss rod itself will still function as it should and the neck should not be affected. With regard to the pickguard, it is possible that this has had either a wire or something similar causing it to bend slightly. If this is causing problems I can arrange for a new one to be sent to yourselves, subject to confirmation of a valid serial number. Finally, I have checked the details of the extras that are supplied with this model but it does not appear to include a polishing cloth. It should have had a tweed case, strap, cable and bridge/pickup covers If you'd like to send us the serial number, I can arrange for a replacement scratchplate to be sent over if necessary. Best regards Rob"[/quote] That's pathetic imo. I personally think they're just hoping you'll go away by telling you it's no big deal. If the bass had come with a massive scratch down the side, I would also say that was probably a "cosmetic issue" too. Does that mean it's still non-returnable!? f*** no! Tell them that you're not just going to let them get away with it, no matter how minor they try to make it seem.
  24. I've uploaded this song to soundcloud now if anyone else wants to listen to it?: [url="http://soundcloud.com/eddiehimself"]http://soundcloud.com/eddiehimself[/url]
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