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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. It really depends what finish you're going for. If you want a nice finish then mask off the board and spray the rest of the neck. Otherwise oil will do but you'll need to remember to keep doing it so it doesn't end up getting buggered.
  2. Looks like a bit of a "friday afternoon" jobbie to me. Definetly send it back. If it's not good enough then you shouldn't have to put up with it, not for that sort of money.
  3. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='985343' date='Oct 12 2010, 09:07 AM'] Don't worry about OT, every now and then a thread needs an intermission![/quote] +1. That bed looks a hell of a lot nicer than the one i stayed in last night anyway...
  4. [quote name='dood' post='984422' date='Oct 11 2010, 01:52 PM']I did spot a few familiar looking faces in the crowd. I only wish I had a big sign saying "Hi, It's Dood from Bascchat here" in the effort to be able to put some more faces to names here on the forum. I met a few of you, but..oh..well, maybe next time! Had fun up on the Rotosound stand too, but have to agree, I was 'bassed out' by the early evening as there were a couple of really.. ehem 'loud' stands nearby! - I was doing some nice dynamic pieces to show off a more subtle side to playing bass, but unfortunately, I was smothered by 'shed building' as I like to call it![/quote] Personally I had no trouble spotting you! Hehe. Also tayste wasn't too difficult to spot with the big red amp and everything. I personally was getting a bit tired off the constant drone of all the basses as the day dragged on. I think you have to be a real hardcore bass mainiac not to get a bit tired of it really i'm afraid to say. It was nice meeting everyone all the same.
  5. [quote name='ped' post='984625' date='Oct 11 2010, 05:17 PM']Well done [/quote] +1 yeah well done for being the only one who had the balls to do it hehe. I would have done it if they'd let me play the drums...
  6. [quote name='J.R.Bass' post='984620' date='Oct 11 2010, 05:11 PM']That part came from the stroke.[/quote] ok yeah. That is a bit "leave it out" worthy then i must say!
  7. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='984281' date='Oct 11 2010, 11:58 AM']I was thinking to myself, is Billy buying himself some more thinking time... or did he think the guy was a windup... he did look a little uncomfortable. As sad as the situation was, the whole life story was not appropriate. The statement that he has lost all movement in his pinkie would have been sufficient...[/quote] +1. Also I did wonder how having a mental/nervous break down could actually affect the movement of your fingers in the first place? The answer was very good though, saying how it's better to be a good musician rather than just a bass player. Because i think my friend who i was with (got on each others nerves a lot this weekend!) has this idea of being the world's best bass player ever. And i must say i think it is a bit sad in a way because at the end of the day you're just better off learning another instrument if you want to be "the best" at anything imo. That's exactly the way I think of playing not just the bass but all the instruments I play. The reason I play them is so I can make music, not just be a virtuoso! Personally I was getting a bit sick by the end of it. I literally had just a cocophony of bass notes ringing through my head last night in bed. I don't think I'll go next year (if it's on next year). Sorry guys. Not that I didn't enjoy meeting BS or that Neil bloke or any of the basschatters. It's just y'know I couldn't really handle a whole day of it.
  8. [quote name='Slipperydick' post='983701' date='Oct 10 2010, 07:45 PM']Sorry, not really trying to to hijack here- Loads on ebay, bit spoilt for choice. Which sort do you mean, never heard of it before meself.[/quote] Never mind ebay, you can get it in tescos and everything! No earplugs though...
  9. [quote name='Anthony Joseph Waczek III' post='983184' date='Oct 10 2010, 11:16 AM']Same question, looking for some advice on the Schecter. I have wild ideas of fitting a Ricky neck P-up.[/quote] Oh well i'm going to bring my bass and if i'm not allowed in then i'll just have to treck the massive 150m back to my room
  10. Guys, should I bring a bass to bass day!?
  11. [quote name='sshorepunk' post='983093' date='Oct 10 2010, 09:27 AM']Mancunian way is shut today, if that is on your route, so follow the diversions and go under it! Tony[/quote] I took a pic of me standing on the exit off an empty mancunian way yesterday hehe. [quote name='daz' post='982903' date='Oct 9 2010, 09:10 PM']you wont exactly have far to go then ?[/quote] No, you're right!
  12. [quote name='phil.i.stein' post='982644' date='Oct 9 2010, 03:58 PM']ok, i just re-read this, and thought again.. if you're new to effects & particularly compressors, this may be too advanced (absolutely no disrespect intended) it is almost studio-quality with regard to the amount of control you can achieve. if that's what you're after, then i'm not sure it can be bettered (in a pedal format) but for a 'squeezed' sound, it might be worth trying out some more basic comps before you take the plunge. [/quote] +1. Well if it's got a load of controls like "contour" and "ratio" then yeah it might be a bit of a problem if you've not used one before.
  13. [quote name='ezbass' post='982205' date='Oct 9 2010, 12:28 AM']Thought her tone was really nice, and from an EB yet! Maybe the engineers on Later can get it right, sometimes. Cee Lo's suit was something else, how wide were those pants?[/quote] I liked more than just her tone hehe. Actually you couldn't really see her.
  14. Is the "Compressore" supposed to be what the italians call it or something?
  15. [quote name='Bassassin' post='970877' date='Sep 28 2010, 04:55 PM']Interesting, looks like yours has a sandwich body with front & back veneers, you find these on a lot of middle-range JapCraps. Mine was proper stripy, splintery plywood, but otherwise identical. I've turned my nose up at a good few of these because I assumed the bodies were rubbish! J.[/quote] Mine is like that too. It's 3 layers thick. I'm doing a recording with this bass. It actually sounds totally awesome even though it looks like $hite!
  16. Welcome to BC! Definetly get the ferry over to GB if you're ever in ireland or The Netherlands again at some point soon
  17. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='982413' date='Oct 9 2010, 11:29 AM']I've played Warwicks for 20 odd years and despite dabbling with a multitude of other basses I always come back to Warwick; in particular the NT Streamers (the earlier the better)... my Corvette/Infinette comes a close 2nd. A couple of recent GAS purchases have reinforced that I'm sticking to my Warwick (i.e. they are up for sale), though I'll still admire other basses. [/quote] He knows what he likes! Nice. My friend wants to get a warwick. Not surprised really, they are great basses.
  18. [quote name='spacebeer' post='904512' date='Jul 25 2010, 08:08 AM']I have two 4003's [/quote] haha that pic literally looks as if it was taken in the 70s.
  19. Both basses i have here are strung with EBs but so far my favourite strings i've tried have been the Warwick red labels so if i ever get round to changing strings again then i'll probably get some of them.
  20. [quote name='stoatsbrother' post='981979' date='Oct 8 2010, 08:24 PM']Thanks very much for the suggestions so far - they have given me and my son a lot to think about[/quote] No probs . I would probably say the peavey as well. Great basses.
  21. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='981924' date='Oct 8 2010, 07:19 PM']Ah. Nice.[/quote] Seriously though. What sort of interface are you using? Some have a built in limiter, could be something to do with that?
  22. [quote name='jjojjas' post='981719' date='Oct 8 2010, 04:08 PM']I bought my first bass because I couldn't afford a drum kit. True story![/quote] +1 hehe.
  23. [quote name='mattbass6' post='981850' date='Oct 8 2010, 06:17 PM']Thank you for letting me / us know, I was told 34" so it is nice to know the correct spec from the man himself [/quote] Get the measuring tape out!!! lol this bass is seriously sexy though man. Any chance of any more shots?
  24. As far as i see it's not much different in principle from the way i have to lock my washing up liquid in the cupboard so no-one uses it: People just think that other peoples' stuff is theirs for the using. I for one am not going to lend my rig to anyone else unless they're a personal friend who i can trust. I think you ought to take a harder stance against these people mate so they don't keep on using you like this. Or just buy a B.B. Blaster combo
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