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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. [quote name='blackmn90' post='976236' date='Oct 3 2010, 06:21 PM']just out of interest does anyone know how they did this? it cant have been using a gate, and i thought everything was recorded onto tape.[/quote] I should imagine that they were recorded onto seperate tracks on tape before finally being mastered and whoever did this managed to get his hands on one?
  2. [quote name='Silent Fly' post='976228' date='Oct 3 2010, 06:15 PM']Don't get me wrong - the SR5 is not a bad bass but unless I spent ages with the onboard EQ, compressor and amp setting I couldn’t find a sound I liked it. Moreover, I had to change settings between slap and fingerstyle. With the SR-2EQ it took me seconds to find a sound I liked and I never moved the controls - I did everything changing the playing style. I think the fact the SR5 sounds good in recordings is not entirely unexpected. The electronic is very clean and I am sure it is the joy of anybody working on the recording desk. Also the fact that is has a less pronounced personality make is more a blank canvas during the recording. Nothing wrong with the bass – it is just the way I play and what I need convey what it is in my head.[/quote] Yeah i know what you mean. It's a similar thing with my peavey really. It comes up great in recordings but possibly lacking a bit of carachter in real life.
  3. [quote name='retroman' post='976163' date='Oct 3 2010, 05:12 PM']Yeah they even stayed in place when we had that earth tremmor a couple of years ago. It shook the house enough for all the cupboard doors to swing open! [/quote] Wow that's quite impressive. Not much happened where we were. Just left me with some permenant mental scarring that's all.
  4. I think warwick did a set of strings for their "dark lord" bass which would probably do the trick. Edit: here they are. £50 though. [url="http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/products/2639-warwick_black_label_darklord_bass_strings"]http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/products/26...rd_bass_strings[/url]
  5. Nice review. Shame you don't like the SR5 sound. I always thought it sounded good on the recordings i've heard it on at least. Not really tried one out at a proper volume setting but it does appear to be a very comfy bass. Maybe it's more of a rock/metal bass as you said?
  6. [quote name='iamapirate' post='975462' date='Oct 2 2010, 10:03 PM']BEAUTIFUL. seriously, I LIKE. though double bass in punk?! wowza.[/quote] hey, it works for rockabilly... Y'know what i want to see wayne? A chequered double bass
  7. [quote name='deathpanda' post='715565' date='Jan 17 2010, 12:59 PM']Ah, awesome man! Would you mind sending me the Amplitube preset? I have been using it for all my recordings, and whilst it's the best amp modeling sim I've tried, I still can't get a tone I'm absolutely satisfied with. *Edit Oh, silly me, it's already on there. You're right, it's filthy![/quote] I find it takes quite a bit of tweaking to get just what you want with these amp modelling programs but the results can sound quite awesome: [url="http://soundcloud.com/eddiehimself"]http://eddiehimself.bandcamp.com/track/control[/url] (shameless self-promotion!) This was using GR4 btw, small amount of PostPro eq work as well.
  8. Not really a dog person I'm afraid. Well they're kinda cute but I just can't stand the barking! Welcome (back?) to the forum anyway
  9. [quote name='Marvin' post='975261' date='Oct 2 2010, 06:22 PM']The bloke sounds a bit of an idiot. Most of the range between 15-50Hz you won't hear anyway so will make no difference to the 'sound'. It'll just make things shake, if you have the volume up enough. I'd also question what he means by a good bass sound. It's probably not what I'd be looking for, more and likely some inaudible muddy mess, like you get in most crappy clubs.[/quote] +1. Most of what you "hear" of the bass sound is actually the first order harmonic or the octave or whatever it's called. Also i would like to point out that it has as much if not more to do with the actual enclosure and the total speaker area rather than just the size of the speakers themselves: My markbass cab has 5hz lower frequency response than the traveller simply because of the larger enclosure and the front porting as well.
  10. Here is the bass cab from an alternative angle lolz.
  11. [quote name='yanto' post='974916' date='Oct 2 2010, 12:45 PM']She also stole my mates' Rickenbacker[/quote] You're kidding right? Christ if I see her I am totally going to give her the finger or something (no, not THAT one! )
  12. I very nearly bought a peavey 6 string just like that one, same colour and everything. I didn't think i was up to 6 string playing as my only bass though so i got a 5 string millenium BXP instead. I'd really like a 6er though. Also love to learn the DB as well, fine looking example there.
  13. [quote name='Bassassin' post='974656' date='Oct 1 2010, 10:14 PM']Depends what you mean by "nice" - by her own admission, she sh*t on her boyfriend's cornflakes. Jon.[/quote] What a cow. I don't even think she's that nice looking really. (sorry marvin). FENDER P-BASSES i mean what's up with them!!!?
  14. Christ, not this again. Every week it's "WHY BE IN A COVERS BAND!? WHY BE IN A COVERS BAND!?" Why don't you just f*** off?
  15. [quote name='daz' post='973152' date='Sep 30 2010, 08:24 PM']We also now have Vulcan the roman god of fire who got a planet named after him, even if only in fiction. [/quote] Not to mention a chemical process that stops rubber from rotting (or something like that anyway). Oh, and a 1950s jet powered delta wing bomber as well
  16. [quote name='cd_david' post='972554' date='Sep 30 2010, 12:12 PM']Halls of residence? is that a digi Eleven controller as well?[/quote] Yes, unfortunately. People seem to think the "Leave your dirty plates out longer than a week and we'll throw them away" as a challenge rather than a warning it seems. c**ts. No it's actually a guitar rig 2 controller that i bought when i purchased the guitar rig 4 software legitemately...
  17. [quote name='JMT3781' post='971980' date='Sep 29 2010, 06:50 PM']File the saddles? i didnt do that to this one? excuse the ignorance, but is the customer supposed to do that with a BA bridge?[/quote] I'm pretty sure you can get them ready filed or blank.
  18. [quote name='YouMa' post='971951' date='Sep 29 2010, 06:13 PM']What are the names of the roland file extensions,ie what type of file are they,if i know this i may have some sort of wrapper which will convert the roland patchs into wav files which can just be opened into different tracks on samplitude as would an ordinary wav file..PM me if needs be[/quote] If we're talking about virtual instrument type stuff then that might be a bit of a bugger to start inputting into your track, believe me, i know...
  19. Could she not just use some sort of VST plugin to play the sounds or something?
  20. [quote name='Fat Rich' post='971449' date='Sep 29 2010, 10:00 AM']I used my Hartke cabs (in their covers) as a kitchen for a few years with a large piece of worktop laying on top of them. Then when the kitchen was finally built I used the same arrangement as a wallpaper pasting table.[/quote] haha that's a good idea. I used my old cab to hold up a desktop which i had my PC on for a few months until I built my own! [quote name='Hot Tub' post='971289' date='Sep 29 2010, 12:21 AM']Is that a pint of water on there? Hmmmm.... what could possibly go wrong....? [/quote] To be honest it's not even plugged in at the moment so if that were to happen (which i'm hoping it won't) then just give it a dry-out for a few days and it should be fine...
  21. It's a £400 italian design classic: And it's going to stay as a bedside table until/unless I can find a band. Sorry about the mess btw, hell at least I actually wash up my dishes after i've finished eating unlike SOME PEOPLE who seem to be fine with letting it fester for a bit on the countertops ...
  22. Nice Homage d'gafbass02 wayne! Sucks about the finish but if the girl doesn't have a bass than it's a hell of a lot better than nothing. Did you end up using any of my "goodie bag" of bits anyway? wouldn't be surprised if you didn't lolz
  23. I like the reliced look. It almost looks like a quite well preserved actual 62 bass.
  24. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' post='970378' date='Sep 28 2010, 09:34 AM']A former band of mine, Sign Language, in the 80s at the Welly Club Hull. The guitarist Pete Cox is the one with the Burman 501. Why oh why did he sell it? I'm the very thin looking bass player. To the right of my legs you can just see a Marshall Super-Bass 100 valve top and a Fender 2 x 15 Dual Showman cab [attachment=60014:Sign_Language.jpg][/quote] Haha nice. It's a shame the Welly club is so sh*te these days though.
  25. I dunno if anyone has said this but you are quite lucky to be having a load of basses being custom made for you at the same time! Looks great, are you sure that neck is going to be wide enough for the pocket though? Looks a bit weird from the photo is all...
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