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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. I would, but unfortunately I have a degree to be getting on with!
  2. Does it use 9v batteries? Then yes.
  3. [quote name='TheRockinRoadie' post='968810' date='Sep 26 2010, 08:57 PM']Marshall MB450H & MBC115 (which got ripped today =[ )[/quote] Ripped? Here is EHs bass cabinet with an actual head!:
  4. [quote name='bartelby' post='968734' date='Sep 26 2010, 07:50 PM']It's all relative really.[/quote] +1. I mean many non musicians/bass players think that £100 is too expensive for a bass! It's all about what you're prepared to pay and if people are buying them then why should they not charge that much?
  5. [quote name='silddx' post='968416' date='Sep 26 2010, 02:47 PM'](spirit is oil isn't it?)[/quote] Spirit is like alcohol surely?
  6. I would never put myself in a situation where I am either playing or in close proximity of a live drummer without wearing some form of ear protection. It just tends to bugger up your hearing.
  7. [quote name='Soloshchenko' post='968015' date='Sep 25 2010, 10:22 PM']Wow!!! How the hell did you do that finish??![/quote] bit of Glow in the dark paint, bit of sandpaper... Great that you got it for £70 though. Mine was £150, in much better nick than it is now though lolz.
  8. You're doing a hell of a lot better job than i did to my columbus bass!:
  9. [quote name='Delberthot' post='967449' date='Sep 25 2010, 12:21 PM']I really don't know why they bother with these things - its all personal taste[/quote] +1.
  10. I really like the look of this bass. It looks a bit like my old peavey bass I think but obviously considerably more sophisticated
  11. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='967063' date='Sep 24 2010, 07:34 PM']Have you thought of offering the £220 to get it back? I bought my first (Squier actually!) from Windows in Newcastle ten years later. It looks great. Ah, the obligatory knock at 70s Fenders comment that comes as standard with such threads. I have to say the quality control seems just as good / bad these days with Fender. The 70s ones I've played all seem pretty good to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you are wrong but it always has to get pointed out in every 70s Fender thread & I do wonder just how many people have actually played all these iffy 70s Fenders. Food for thought...[/quote] I agree actually. It's probably not much better today. Some people speak of squiers that are better than US spec models. Very rarely though. Honestly i think it's just that people were dissapointed at the fact that they weren't making the type of musical instruments they were in the 60s any more, at least not all the time... I think it is fair to point out that not all 70s fenders are as fine looking as this one though! It reminds me a bit of the bass neck i got. It wasn't a particularly expensive one, only like £60 or so but the maple that was used to make the back actually had a really nice flame figure to it. It wasn't on the pic on eBay of another neck so i guess it was probably a bit of an anomoly.
  12. well the way i see it if you like the P neck feel you can either get a p/j bass as mentioned before. Or a jazz bass and stick a P neck on it.
  13. Obviously 70s fenders didn't have the most consistent quality control, but i would have said that was one of the "better" ones...
  14. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='966406' date='Sep 24 2010, 09:37 AM']but the finish in black isn't so hot...[/quote] you can certainly say that again!
  15. [quote name='markstuk' post='966434' date='Sep 24 2010, 09:54 AM'](I've also just noticed that the flash has lit up some hangy down clothy stuff behind the bass ports - time to have a look inside !)[/quote] The foam padding you mean?
  16. [quote name='Rosh' post='966281' date='Sep 23 2010, 11:55 PM']I sense a Spinal Tap moment coming on...[/quote] I can just imagine them coming on stage expecting a huge backdrop behind them and getting a tea-towel instead
  17. [quote name='bubinga5' post='966086' date='Sep 23 2010, 08:57 PM']Maybe i should have said in the context of the music of the music i like and that we were playing chris...ive been in a band playing led zep and even then there was a time to bash and a time for silence.... John Bonham bashed away, but he new when to and when not to...i was round his sons house about 6 months ago and he said he was really a very sensitive drummer when he was practicing...[/quote] Jason Bohnam? That's pretty cool. I think you did say before actually...
  18. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='966050' date='Sep 23 2010, 08:33 PM']Yep - been there done that when I was much younger! My mum wasn't happy - I didn't think she'd miss a sheet. Last one I did I used a dustsheet from B&Q & carpaint, but the ebay link above looks worth a look 6" x 2" for under £30 - bargain.[/quote] you mean 6' x 2' surely?
  19. I quite like bongo basses. I mean yes they're not the most beautiful bass in the world but I think the look has grown on me since they came out. If you want something a bit different then you might as well try one out
  20. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' post='965929' date='Sep 23 2010, 06:28 PM']Myself and Mr. Drums(who plays loud anyway) were annoyed on our last practice on Sunday. We're doing a gig tomorrow,and while one of the guitarists sent a general email about tomorrow, I asked them about soundf levels: I told them that myself and Mr. Drums were unhappy about the volume. I suggested that for the first 2 songs ,Mr. Vocals can walk around and gage the volume and make sure we all sond the same. It worked in a previous form of the band. I am awaiting their responses. IMHO The guitarists are always the ones that like to blare it out. In my younger days,being happy/keen I used to try and play as loud as mr. guitar. Of course, the rest of us got too loud and we sounded crap! The main guitarist in our band has alot of pent up aggression at the mo'. His wife committed suicide last year,leaving him and his daughter to get on with it. Also, when playin live, play low to begin with. Otherwise you ain't giggin' in any pub. I'm not keen on using earplugs . Sometimes I use them , but I think I will use 'em more often.[/quote] sh*t man, that's awful I would reccomend using earplugs or some sort of hearing protection any time you're in close proximity to an acoustic drumkit, whether it be practice or live. In a rock setting, at least.
  21. [quote name='Herbie The Rad Dorklift' post='965393' date='Sep 23 2010, 10:59 AM']I bought a Fender P bass not too long back. I play a Schecter Stiletto Custom 5 and I love the sound. It's got EMGs in it (They're EMG HZ, in the guitar world the HZ series aren't active?), sounds nice and... bassy! But I'm not the biggest fan of how it looks. I wanted something more traditional, so I bought a lovely P bass. Just a MIM one, but it has a black scratchplate and a bridge cover which looks sweet Only problem is, it sounds lifeless. Clunky, just not as good as the Schecter. It isn't as "focused" (compressed?)... I dunno. Just dull. I play pop/rock music, so maybe I need something jazzier? The P bass seems to be more suited to rock sounds rather than nice bassy sounds. It has flatwound strings on it, not old ones, and has some foam in the bridge cover. Should I try changing the strings first? Should I get active pickups? Or just sell it and try a Jazz?[/quote] The HZ aren't active in the bass world either. Yes you really should replace the strings and get rid of all the foam in the bridge. It will make a massive difference to the tone. Without strings a bass is just a bit of wood and metal. The strings are what make it a musical instrument. As such they are a big part of the sound!
  22. I went about 7 year ago but i didn't actually used to play bass then so i wasn't really looking for music shops. Some nice IT cafes tho lolz.
  23. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='965899' date='Sep 23 2010, 06:09 PM']Bear in mind it's how often you use one. I have friends who have used [url="http://www.bandbanners.co.uk/index.html"]http://www.bandbanners.co.uk/index.html[/url] this lot but personally we haven't bothered (yet!)[/quote] Haha that's awesome, love FN.
  24. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='961794' date='Sep 20 2010, 05:45 AM']The first one I tried was in fact the ABZ as I was drawn by the fact it had a maple board (which I prefer to rosewood) and I was immediately shocked that it weighed less than my son's Ibanez Jem guitar, 7.1lbs!!! I thought how can a bass be this light and still sound good, but then once plugged in, it was incredibly responsive and I had never tried a bass with such thin neck and low action before in my life, infact I am used to a normal action on my other ordinary basses that my first reaction was to dig hard on the strings and make a racket, but with that bass you only need a very light approach to get a big sound, slapping it's effortless, which suits me and my 4.5 digits right hand perfectly (I've lost half my r/h thumb in a motorcycle accident 2 years ago so I am still recovering from re-adapting my playing technique due to the lack of the top end of my thumb) click here ---> [url="http://s144.photobucket.com/albums/r200/xt660/?action=view&current=04062008016.flv"]http://s144.photobucket.com/albums/r200/xt...04062008016.flv[/url][/quote] Nasty!
  25. This is looking great. The neck join looks quite "curvy" if you see what i mean?
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