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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. I agree about some people who seem to just listen to loud music for the sake of it being loud. I dunno whether they enjoy the vibrations or what but there is a point at which it really is just too loud to hear it!
  2. [quote name='Musicman20' post='965594' date='Sep 23 2010, 01:51 PM']Im packing two basses tonight. Ive got more than enough for one bass, and the padding/proper tape. I go overboard so it should be safe. Can anyone suggest anywhere I could go to get a few cheeky boxes? They dont have to be guitar or bass shapes as I normally cut them to shape, then cover them in tape and padding. Eg a TV box or anything like that....Id need a few obviously. Ideas? Im going to ring Soundslive in a bit. GuitarGuitar said they charge £5 for a used tatty box. No thanks. I might drop by Tesco / etc.[/quote] £5? Christ. Our guitar shop just gave us boxes for free. Saves them having to pay to take it to the dump or whatever.
  3. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='965501' date='Sep 23 2010, 12:35 PM']Six stringer Spitfire through neck...[/quote] Those woods!
  4. [quote name='the_skezz' post='964267' date='Sep 22 2010, 11:25 AM']Don't get what's morally unacceptable about either...it's not like you're harming anyone either way, you're just playing songs at a gig. Out of curiosity, how come you have a 'snobby and negative' view of tribute bands?[/quote] +1 i would like to know too.
  5. If i'd have had to guess, i would have said SG style axe. This happens all the time with them, i think it's something to do with the joint angle or something. And you're right, £60 for something in this state that's worth just over £100 new is just silly.
  6. [quote name='charic' post='963148' date='Sep 21 2010, 11:34 AM']Tempting but no thanks I think it was when they were only just starting to go [/quote] I remember reading something about people wanting to make their fuzz face or something sound like it's battery was dying because they liked the sound better.
  7. I dunno if you realise this, but someone has actually featured that Iron Maiden medley video on here before! I think your bass playing is really good. I don't think it's too over the top either like some solo bass players can be. I remember playing on that super mario game when i used to have a Game Boy Advance lolz.
  8. I choose the one without the buggered input jack! (it needs fixing...)
  9. [quote name='Albi' post='960703' date='Sep 18 2010, 07:42 PM']I'll be picking her up somewhere next week but he already told me she sounds monstrous![/quote] Oh no you're not one of these people who likes to personify inanimate objects are you? LOL jk. Looks good. Clearly some very high quality electronics going in there. You must really like how it plays presumably? I must say i've not really ever gone for putting really high quality pots in any of my guitars but i do like BIG pots since they're a bit easier to wire lolz.
  10. Here is EHs proper actual fit for function bass "rig": An Eden WTX500 which is driving a MARKBASS 102 HF. TBH i did actually have a choice between a markbass LMII head and the Eden, but i figured this one was a bit smaller and lighter not that the markbass is big and heavy or anything, you understand...
  11. Why would you put a thread of this nature in the Gear Porn forum? It just doesn't make any sense...
  12. [quote name='cheddatom' post='958320' date='Sep 16 2010, 01:58 PM']It looks cool man. However, every time I look at the headstock I think SWASTIKA for a second. Perhaps there's a different way to put E and H together?[/quote] Hmm never noticed that before. It's probably just because of the orientation of the picture. Normally it would be horizontal. Besides the swastika is an ancient Bhuddist Peace symbol. It's about time we took it back from the Nazis lolz.
  13. [quote name='the_skezz' post='958159' date='Sep 16 2010, 11:24 AM']Fair enough man, so long as you enjoy it is the main thing. TBF I think my feelings towards the song partially come from so many people around me insisting that it's 'Iron Maiden's best song' when it's usually the only one they can name ¬¬ Consequently, I seem to hear it way too much even when it's not being played at gigs Edit: It was also the most played song in our old band, the guitarist had us doing it about three times every practise...at about twice the usual speed. No quicker way to knacker your hands than triplets whilst playing that fast...certainly helped improve my playing though![/quote] Well dunno if it's my favourite maiden song but it's certainly not the only one i can name. I've got 5 actual IM albums in my virtual music collection, plus "Edward the great: Greatest hits"! I always thought the most well known song would have been "Run to the Hills" or "Number of the Beast" (or something off that album) though? And you're right about the playing, I can see why Steve Harris adopted the finger and thumb method, unfortunately it has to be a pick for me since I didn't fancy learning a whole new fingering technique and perfecting it to the point of being able to play a song like the trooper in 2 weeks! Murder on your Right hand though! (or left, if you're left handed ) let's hope it improves my playing anyway, because I could really do with it...
  14. [quote name='the_skezz' post='958095' date='Sep 16 2010, 10:25 AM']As Arsenic said, Sweet Child o Mine - well overplayed, but never played well... And my pet peeve is that almost every metal band seems to play 'The Trooper'. Maybe it's just that I'm not a huge fan of the song (I can name over a hundred Iron Maiden songs that I prefer...no exaggeration there) but every rock/metal group I see seems to play it! I'm so sick of it, I can't remember the last time I actually listened to the song of my own free will...given the choice, I'll always skip it, I've heard it FAR too much for my own liking.[/quote] It's funny you should say that actually because this band i'm auditioning for wants me to play the trooper lolz. I actually really like it. I guess i probably don't see a lot of metal bands though...
  15. [quote name='SteveO' post='957953' date='Sep 16 2010, 07:27 AM']any 2 connections that are next to each other on the same row will work (the middle one and either of the other 2). Failing that, you're not going to damage anything if you get it wrong, so just use trial and error. (it's not active, so the worst case if you short circuit is you'll get no sound.) Edited for spellin[/quote] Well yes. But no at the same time. You want the other end of the switch to be hooked up to ground so you don't get a load of buzzing when you "kill" the sound. It's just like wiring up a pot: Input in the middle, output on one side and ground on the other.
  16. I don't think the superfly is going to work for me after all since i only have one cab which is 8 ohm. Sorry.
  17. [quote name='Oldman' post='957024' date='Sep 15 2010, 11:20 AM']I'm confused, (its an dage thing) Is it 120v or has the warranty been invalidated and it now runs at 240v?[/quote] +1. I'm assuming it has because there is no mention of a voltage converter.
  18. That bass is seriously forking beautiful. I remember GAS'ing over the 5 string version back in about 2006 when I used to spend hours trawling through various music shop websites looking for stuff that i could never afford to buy lolz.
  19. [quote name='lanark' post='947274' date='Sep 6 2010, 03:04 PM']I'm not likely to get one anytime soon, but I was wondering if there were any good quality kits out there to build your own guitar? Sometime to get to grips with all the soldering, and stuff before taking on something major. Or would it instead be better value to pick up a broken / non-working guitar for next to nothing and tear it to pieces as a first project?[/quote] You could try both? Get a guitar that maybe has a few problems and then see if you can salvage parts off it. Then buy all the other parts.
  20. Right here are the piccies: Looks nicer overall now that it's finished. A pic to show you just how bad it is in detail. The overall effect is pretty good though i think. This bridge pickup sounds really nice. The low end is quite a bit tighter on this position so as you can see I've been using it with the bridge on full and the neck slightly rolled off so it has that tight sounding low end, but still with the warmth of the neck position as well for the higher frequencies. These things sound really great, almost like active pickups. Having said that they're not very loud, but this is compared to my other bass which is a peavey with soapbar pickups and an 18v preamp. Plus low gain=low magnetic pull on the strings. Ok well since they sound different now I guess i'll have to do another recording later. Plus I've got an actual bass amp now lolz.
  21. I'm like completely the opposite because I almost always learn things by ear and hardly ever use any tabs or sheet music at all. The problem being that i actually have to know what something sounds like before playing it, even if it's just playing through very slowly from the music. I just have to know what it sounds like before i can play it with confidence! so i guess it's good to be able to do both really
  22. This bass is pretty much finally done! I got another identical lace sensor pickup (in terms of sizeing it's more like a bridge unit anyway) and finally got the bridge pretty much sorted out in terms of being able to intonate it. Couple of ugly holes left over but w/e. It's not pretty but it works . Pics 2 follow.
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