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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. You might be better off going for something like this: http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/product/10429-squier-by-fender-affinity-strat-maple-neck-2-tone-sunburst.html if you want something a bit better quality, not entirely sure about the bullet series.
  2. [quote name='PlungerModerno' timestamp='1340735449' post='1708950'] Aye. If you have some working formulae, like V = IR, F = ma (in SI), basic algebra & trig, and the other basic problem solving tools... you can go far. Stuff like "High voltage is an arcing risk" or "High current means heating" are pretty useful too. I think the best lesson a little knowledge gives, hopefully, is when to know when you're over your head. E.g. If you understand a tube amp has High voltage circutry... be very careful or give it to a good tech... and if you do open her up.... UNPLUG THE POWER!!! [/quote] Possibly. Unfortunately I think for a lot of people a little knowledge is a very dangerous thing.
  3. [quote name='PlungerModerno' timestamp='1340724878' post='1708661'] I think understanding that sound* is waves of pressure in air is more important than being able to cite numbers, especially for acoustically challenged musicians like us bassists. [/quote] Well it depends how far you want to go with it. You would be amazed at how much a little bit of maths knowledge helps your understanding of in-depth science.
  4. [quote name='PlungerModerno' timestamp='1340723713' post='1708642'] I remember being told 'all the threes'.... i.e. at sea level, at room temperature it's around 333 m/s .... give or take some... If you need more precise numbers the relative humidity, and other effects might come into play. [/quote] According to my quick calculations, it is 343 m/s. I think if you were worrying about things like relative humidity, you would be looking at very precise numbers seeing as it doesn't have a massive effect on the density of the air.
  5. [quote name='muttley' timestamp='1340723223' post='1708620'] The speed of sound is actually approx 345 m/s. Therefore at 40Hz the wavelength is just over 8.6m . If the theory as stated in that article were true, none of us would hear the fundamental of bottom E in any normal sized room . [/quote] Well ok, I was just using rough numbers. It could be 300 m/s but the air would have to be at -50 °C lol.
  6. It's bollocks. The soundwave does not need to be a soundwave length away from your ear to be heard properly; it's just air being pushed backwards and forwards. As long as that air being pushed backwards and forwards reaches your eardrum, it's fine. Not to mention if you have say a soundwave of frequency 40 Hz travelling at 300 m/s (typical sort of speed of sound), that would make the soundwave 7.5 metres long. You would have to be pretty far away from your amp to be a whole wavelength distance away.
  7. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1340708752' post='1708295'] Shepard Tone Descending [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfJa3IC1txI[/media] Shepard Tone Ascending [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXlR4wH971g[/media] There's one that continuously seems to get faster and faster that works on the same principle [/quote] It's basically exactly the same thing- different octaves of the same note, the dominant one being the one you hear. I'm not sure it is so much an audio "impossible staircase", more like trying to climb a set of stairs but someone keeps building new storeys faster than you can walk up them... [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1340665122' post='1707959'] To me it's down down up up, quite clearly, but others obviously differ. But surely whatever 'flat response' equipment you listen to it on your ears are far from a flat response and will vary with age and the amount of abuse they've had etc. On top of that is how you listen to things. As bass players perhaps we tend to listen to the lower harmonics rather than the higher ones. I'v always thought that part of the reason some people like a particular piece of music and others don't is that, internally, they are hearing different things. [/quote] I think that is exactly the point of this test; because it is augmented 4ths, your perception of whether it goes up or down or not depends on what range sounds dominant to you. For example, you might hear the middle of the 3 octaves for the first note but when it goes down, that middle one might go out of your range and you will hear the upper one instead, tricking you into thinking it is ascending when it actually descends. That's how all of these things work. They say a flat frequency response because they want to isolate the effect your hearing perception has on what you hear.
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1340653667' post='1707702'] It was originally intended for the fingers, using the thumb to pluck the strings, and is called a 'tug bar'. Fnarr. That's what Leo intended, but of course he wasn't a bass player himself. It got moved to the bass side in 1974 or thereabouts when it became a 'thumb rest'. [/quote] This. As great as his design was, he wasn't a bass player, and as such he got a couple of details wrong. This was one of them.
  9. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1340622708' post='1707019'] Most amps, if there's nothing connected to the 2nd channel input, it takes it from the first instead, so try plugging into the 1st channel input and it should hopefully feed to both channels. Liam [/quote] Or vice-versa as in the case of my amp; you have to plug into channel 2 to get sound out of both channels.
  10. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1340636283' post='1707374'] Is 'pluralise' a word (in English as opposed to American)? Do we not 'make plural'? [/quote] It is, according to my firefox UK English dictionary (if I was speaking 'mirkin it would be "pluralize")
  11. I would pay maybe £20-30 for it if it looks decent quality.
  12. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1340614788' post='1706861'] "Zehn litres benzin, bitte" - very useful when touring the Ruhr Valley! [/quote] You don't pluralise using the letter S in German. Well not normally anyway.
  13. I really ought to start learning the German again.
  14. [quote name='surfinbernard' timestamp='1340554780' post='1706115'] Anyway surely this sort of comment is said in jest isn't it? [/quote] occasionally but not always.
  15. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1340532525' post='1705613'] I would suggest that, if you did a straw pole of 15 year olds, it would take a very, very long time before you find one who knows who Mark King is. [/quote] Probably about the same amount of time it would take to find one who plays the bass...
  16. [quote name='apa' timestamp='1340492968' post='1705354'] Ah so 8 round 10" speakers is the same as 1 square 80" speaker. Thanks for clearing that one up Mr Foxen A [/quote] LOL. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1340493366' post='1705360'] A square speaker? Would that even work? [/quote] Certainly would. In fact, you can buy them. They're not really strictly "square" though; the corners have to be rounded off to reduce stress on the unit:
  17. You can use facebook messenger but that is powered by skype anyway. Saves you having to have different logins though.
  18. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1340437472' post='1704372'] Not sure what bass it was, but it was a shiny cherry wood bass with a rosewood fretboard. There was definitely a pedalboard but I was in the front row but on the other side of the stage.... They were also at the back of the stage. Really cool looking guy though, must have been in his 60s and was really enjoying himself [/quote] And you call yourself obsessed! You need some more practice at this clearly
  19. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1340398298' post='1704148'] Did you write them in German or did you assume they could all read English? [/quote] I don't think that is the issue. The customer service department have people that specialise in orders from whichever country. Besides, I don't know if you have ever been to Germany, but practically everyone speaks English lol.
  20. [quote name='Rimskidog' timestamp='1340398290' post='1704147'] Heheh. Just spotted this: Love it! This made my day! [/quote] They have that one on the Ultimate Guitar forum lol.
  21. [quote name='Rimskidog' timestamp='1340398201' post='1704146'] I did. Unfortunately, I didn't think about tying them together and the recording contract has much steeper penalties than the building contract!! [/quote] That's annoying. Oh well, c'est la vie.
  22. [quote name='silentbob' timestamp='1340397245' post='1704128'] Bought a mini rig from them recently an the cab was faulty. Turned into a bit of a pain in the arse sorting the replacement but we got there in the end. Guess you have to weigh up whether the cheap prices are worth the hassle involved with sending something back to Germany (and the waiting time this involves) if you have a problem. [/quote] I think it could be a lot worse to be fair; at least you get your delivery money back.
  23. [quote name='Rimskidog' timestamp='1340394777' post='1704101'] Thanks guys. Unfortunately (on this occasion) the client is an A list-er, used to only the best, and holding a contract which contains penalty clauses. I just know this is gonna run to the wire!! [/quote] You should have put a "penalty clause" into the contract with the builders for [s]sitting on their arse[/s] being too busy to turn up for a few weeks...
  24. [quote name='musophilr' timestamp='1340392250' post='1704056'] Get a biggish order up, as shipping fees don't apply if you spend more than 199 euros. [/quote] This. Just ordered something today and decided to order a bass distortion pedal to put the price above this magic number. So basically saved £8 on a pedal.
  25. [quote name='funkgod' timestamp='1340387419' post='1703965'] Check this, i was made aware of it while selling my TC Fireworx for £499...which i paid1200 for studiospares £899.00 ex VAT £1078.80 inc VAT [url="http://www.studiospares.com/multi-fx-processors/tc-electronic-fireworx/invt/386280/"]http://www.studiospa...rx/invt/386280/[/url] Thomann £511 RRP[b]1570.80[/b] thomann You save: [b]937.80[/b] [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/tc_fireworx_word_clock.htm"]http://www.thomann.d..._word_clock.htm[/url] What [/quote] Yep. This happened to me when I was selling my old bass head. Paid £400 for it used in 2010, sold it last year and had to take £250 for it as thomann were selling new ones for £377! Oh well, you live and learn...
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