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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. [quote name='Protium' post='955376' date='Sep 13 2010, 08:59 PM']Save up for a used MB head to match?[/quote] That would be the ideal thing. Unfortunately I might be joining a band sooner rather than later so unless I suddenly gain a windfall of £572 (or more!) then I won't be able to afford one in time.
  2. [quote name='parker_muse' post='955153' date='Sep 13 2010, 06:20 PM']I may be selling the superfly and a cab soon and stick a Marshall 2x10 combo ontop of the 1x15.[/quote] Well give EH a pm if you do: might just be what I need.
  3. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='955097' date='Sep 13 2010, 05:45 PM']Scour eBay and gumtree for a used Peavey. That'll probably do you nicely. S.P.[/quote] eBay is fine yeah but the trouble is that I don't want anything ridiculously heavy since I already shelled out a load of money on a MARKBASS speaker cabinet so there would be no point throwing away that advantage with a really heavy head!
  4. Nice and cheap. I've really got to get me a cheap bass head...
  5. [quote name='Beedster' post='954485' date='Sep 13 2010, 10:51 AM']Very good stuff indeed EH. Only thing I don't like is the clicky rhythm guitar in the quieter sections, which seem a little ad odds with the rest of the track. I guess however that the vocals might bring them in, if you get my drift. Nice work though C[/quote] I like my clean guitar sound to have a bit of attack if you know what I mean? There weren't any planned vocals for those sections but I feel like I should add something to it since everyone is expecting them now thanks for the comments so far guys.
  6. [quote name='lanark' post='954482' date='Sep 13 2010, 10:44 AM']But how on earth will they prove that this old bass didn't go with you when you left the country? I could understand your worries if the bass was in a box, bag and had the price tag attached. However, I honestly can't see any chance of them stopping you unless you're looking particularly shifty - and if that were the case, I doubt they'll be imagining they'll be finding contraband used guitars when they perform the cavity search.[/quote] +1. I mean they can hardly tax you for taking your bass on holiday, can they? How are they going to prove that you didn't have it when you left to go to the US?
  7. [quote name='Musicman20' post='954400' date='Sep 13 2010, 09:29 AM']They looks great, and I think back then I was quite in awe of how cool and retro I thought it was to have a normal Jazz bass (with a decent in a metal band. After trying one, I just cant get on with it. Maybe I should try one again, but I darent at the prices they charge![/quote] I've got a jazz style bass with lace sensor pickups and it sounds awesome for metal. You imagine fender jazz sort of ring to the strings, but with balls to back it up. I know what you mean though. I think what was infinetely worse than newstead's bass sound on load/reload etc was Bob Rock's fender P bass on the St Anger album. It just seemed to be an undefined midrange growl with little to no low end to it whatsoever.
  8. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='954079' date='Sep 12 2010, 09:42 PM']that wasnt the point of the post though, it was curiosity on why 18v is required when other preamps run on 9v too.[/quote] Ok. It's not [i]required[/i] for it to work, it just makes it sound different, that's all
  9. [quote name='dood' post='953697' date='Sep 12 2010, 04:51 PM']Or!!! PASSIVE [/quote] Or passive indeed! one of the best sounding basses i've heard is passive.
  10. [quote name='Jigster' post='953487' date='Sep 12 2010, 12:41 PM']there must be a whole load of things you can do to treat your voice tho - reverb's always a good start - a la Thom Yorke - brings vocals to life - The Strokes put a lot of their early vocals through a guitar amp to get that distorted sound - so maybe think of that, don't be put off by the 'natural' sound of your voice if you don't like it as such...[/quote] It's nothing to do with the effects. More to do with it actually being in tune or not... I mean i can sing in tune but it's just not quite as "perfect" as i'd like it to be.
  11. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='953534' date='Sep 12 2010, 01:34 PM']kinda wish I hadnt asked now [/quote] My advice would be to not worry yourself about it and get whichever you think sounds better whether it be 18, 9, 2, 27v whatever...
  12. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='950125' date='Sep 9 2010, 12:25 AM']so whats the diffence between 18v and 9v active circuits???? About 9v............. Ba Boom All joking aside, is the extra voltage purely to keep the circuit active as it needs 18v or is it to give the circuit extra power? Im a lawman myself so have no real or very little knowledge of electronics (except having an NC in electronic engineering, however that was 12years ago!!!!!!!!!!!! god am getting old ) So just checking this bit of info,,,,,the bongo im using just now seems to overload my preamp a bit more than the stingray I had or either of my fenders. This may of course be down to EQ settings, however im sure some BC'ers may have more info for me. Cheers Steven[/quote] an 18v curcit basically gives you more headroom.
  13. Yes vocals are required. Doesn't help that i'm not the best of singers though. I mean I think my actual ability is okay but doesn't match up to the sound of the recording unfortunately.
  14. so does protools just refuse to start up at all? Or do you mean when you load up a project? If you can get the main menu of protools to come up there should be some sort of audio hardware menu which might be of assistance to see what's happening with the hardware. But if the computer is recognising the hardware then it should work with protools as well. Have you tried downloading the latest version of the driver software off the internet?
  15. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='952367' date='Sep 10 2010, 11:54 PM']It's the old maxim: if it seems too good to be true, it usually is![/quote] +1 at the end of the day anyone who thinks that they're getting a new gibson for £200 is obviously setting themselves up for the drop imo.
  16. [quote name='Beedster' post='952025' date='Sep 10 2010, 05:16 PM']Guys, I'm probably being a little lazy here (I'm sure it'll tell me in the Mackie manual somewhere), but to clarify, should I be able to use phones direct from the returns of a standard snake/stage box, or am I going to need powered phones, phone preamps or similar? C[/quote] This is the mackie onyx 1640? I think you should just be able to use the headphone output on the desk. A headphone pre might be an idea if you want more than one headphone feed otherwise i don't think you should need any particular special object to make them work. Also about the cables, unfortunately if you're going to be recording acoustic drums then having a mass of cables about the place is going to be pretty difficult to avoid.
  17. Unfortunately i think in China the government are more bothered about covering the tianmen square massacre than preventing factories making knock offs of western branded products...
  18. the white looks Gr8. Kind of wished I'd kept my bass in white primer since the clear solvent seemed to ruin it unfortunately.
  19. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='949877' date='Sep 8 2010, 09:07 PM'][url="http://www.fodera.com/pdf/2010_Fodera_Price_List.pdf"]http://www.fodera.com/pdf/2010_Fodera_Price_List.pdf[/url] Now i know Fodera are expensive but this is just obscene!! Scroll down to page two! They charge $499 for a hand made scratch plate made of plastic???? $750 for a wooden back panel cover??? $999 for a different radius on the fret board??? i wont even start on the $24,000 basses!! Crikey!! [/quote] lolz it's like being on the sims or something.
  20. [quote name='Fat Rich' post='950343' date='Sep 9 2010, 10:17 AM']And have to explain the callouses to the missus?[/quote] Well let's face it you (one) would be lucky if your missus was intrested in your man downstairs anyway!
  21. [quote name='Fat Rich' post='950482' date='Sep 9 2010, 12:18 PM']I think I'd be asking for a full refund after 6 weeks, pretty disappointing service.[/quote] +1.
  22. I agree with the idea of getting another band member to change fx for you. My friend who was the guitar player in this band we were in had a small form of Cerebal Palsy so he wasn't so good with hitting the pedals. I didn't really need to change fx on my bass so i just did it for him. Nowdays the singer in his band does the FX changing on his guitar stompbox deely. I think it's a good idea, i mean what else are they doing
  23. [quote name='Clarky' post='948358' date='Sep 7 2010, 03:04 PM']Apparently Hetfield and Ulrich deliberately mixed down the bass on AJFA as some sort of mean trick on Newsted although some say it was because they were still grieving for Cliff Burton. I think the former is probably closer to the mark as they made Newsted go through all sorts of unpleasant initiation rituals according to a biography I read. Makes me laugh that there's a bass tab book for AJFA as I really can't hear ANY bass on the album! From the Black Album onwards though I can hear the bass perfectly well, especially the aforementioned as the Alembic cuts through (Newsted switched to Sadowskys in the mid 90s)[/quote] It seems slightly ridiculous that they should do something like that simply as a practical joke. I can just about hear the bass on the original album but i guess it depends on how you're listening to it. Also what is up with that video? It starts off in stereo and then fades into mono for some odd reason?
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