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Everything posted by EdwardHimself

  1. It's got no vocals i'm afraid to say. Plus it has been edited slightly. Tell me what you think anyway. [url="http://soundcloud.com/eddiehimself"]http://soundcloud.com/eddiehimself[/url] it's the only song on there so it shouldn't be too difficult to find!
  2. This has happened to me. Sometimes i prefer the guitar, the drums or the bass. You tend to go through phases. This is why i like playing more than one instrument because otherwise i might have got sick if i'd just felt i'd had to play one instrument all the time. It's good to take a break from stuff and go back to them every once in a while too i reckon.
  3. [quote name='cheddatom' post='948259' date='Sep 7 2010, 01:26 PM']It all sounds very interesting - variable bass traps?!? I'd like to see some of those.[/quote] I should imagine it's not too different from the variable diffusors on the walls, except in bass trap form possibly?
  4. Very simple bass line. It's just something like: [code]G------------------------------------- D--5-3-6-5-------------------------- A-----------5------------------------ E-------------1-3--------33---------[/code] and basically repeat. At least i'm pretty sure that's how it goes. I haven't been on the game (with sound) for more than 2 years to be honest.
  5. Oh dear what happened to your MARKBASS cabinets I wonder?
  6. [quote name='walbassist' post='947895' date='Sep 7 2010, 07:20 AM']It's an power output actually, so you can run an fx unit or other ancillary kit. Quite a nifty idea![/quote] Nice idea, bit like those ancient computers that used to have a PSU output so you could run your PC and monitor from one plug.
  8. Nice. The black hardware is a big improvement imo.
  9. [quote name='JFielden' post='945487' date='Sep 4 2010, 04:37 PM']Your Myspace is down mate, otherwise I'b be interested. I have reason to believe that your very local to me[/quote] This was posted like 8 months ago. they've probably found someone by now.
  10. this certainly looks a f*** of a lot better than my attempt at building a bass. Mind you that's not exactly difficult...
  11. [quote name='Raggy' post='941869' date='Sep 1 2010, 11:39 AM']Thats flippin' ace. But can I ask why it might be a bad idea to hang them on your wall, I was thinking of doing that.[/quote] depending on the construction of your house, it can be a bit of a hassle finding the right place to drill or sticking in those weird plastic things, making sure you've not gone through any damp proofing. That sort of thing. I just did a halfway between this and wall hanging on my basses:
  12. [quote name='cameltoe' post='941438' date='Aug 31 2010, 09:29 PM']Who buys PRS stuff anyway? Great for playing in a recording session I'm sure. Nothing has the bite of a good telecaster though.[/quote] It's swings and roundabouts, entirely down to what you prefer and what works for the song. If i were to use a telecaster or a PRS style guitar it would depend entirely on what i was playing rather than which one i think is "better".
  13. yeah very expensive stuff. I'm sure you could spend at least as much on bass gear though. In fact you could spend a lot of money on practically anything, let's face it.
  14. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='940759' date='Aug 31 2010, 10:49 AM']Only 'really' of any use if you are talking about eBay, otherwise for a private transaction between individuals its not applicable.[/quote] I've not tried it for a private transaction, and hopefully i won't but i thought it was just the same really.
  15. Hi there. As many of you may know, my name is EH (not literally), I'm 19 years old and I play the bass guitar. I'm currently studying at the Metropolitan university of Manchester to give you an idea of location. I've been playing for about 5 years and have experience of recording and gigging in a number of different styles of rock and metal. I can sing lead/backup/group vocals. I've also got a high quality lightweight bass amp and a full UK driving licence. Well if you need a bass player and i sound like your sort of man then give us a PM or text/ring me on my mobile number: [spoiler]07742661491[/spoiler] (no spam please) Thanks EH.
  16. [quote name='Mikeg' post='940672' date='Aug 31 2010, 09:22 AM']Thanks for all the help. So lets say i did get ripped off somehow, what could i do to get my money back?[/quote] If you use PayPal they have a pretty good system of getting you your money back in 45 days (sometimes too good ) but i think you have to have an adult bank account to use it or something.
  17. [quote name='CraigPlaysBass' post='930372' date='Aug 19 2010, 10:36 PM']I really liked it bit RHCP-esque I though.[/quote] +1 it sounds almost exactly like something of UMPP or something lolz. It takes a long time to learn the art of recording. I like to think of it as a whole new instrument in itself. This is pretty good for a first attempt. Obviously this is a demo just to show to your other band mates and i think you get it across fine in that respect. Btw your pitch isn't perfect but i reckon you have a quite nice singing voice. You should work on your singing and i think you could get something out of it
  18. [quote name='Shockwave' post='873206' date='Jun 21 2010, 04:24 AM']The problem with making many subforums is that it results in the defragmentation of communication. Whilst to a regular member it might be quite an attractive proposition, however to a new member it could be either confusing or overly complicated. Plus some of these new sections might not be popular at at all (ERB's for example). Which discourages people on repeat visits, the classifieds sections are successful because they have many new threads in a day. I do not think adding more subforums is the answer. However if anything i think the search function should be improved either to be modified to allow less then three character searches, or maybe when starting a new thread members could have an icon selection which could have terms such as "5 string" etc. Which can be filtered by clicking a link at the top of the page. Much like this. (Yeah i subscribe to interesting sites) Click on a subject such as "Unfunny" and it leaves just those posts. So we could have icons such as "5 String" "4 String" "Vintage" "Extended Range" "Weird" etc etc.... It could be entirely possible to use more then one icon in a thread to further help your search. This option would however be entirely dependent on the current forum technology we use. It might not be implementable. Just a thought![/quote] Nice idea. I think either way though i think you ought to make some sort of Double bass/EUB for sale forum/division since the gear subforum seems to be full of double basses for sale which seems slightly silly when there is a big for sale section lolz.
  19. [quote name='umph' post='938472' date='Aug 27 2010, 10:13 PM']about 50quid i think, transformers are fairly cheap if you don't mind me sticking a marshall one in instead, fairly sure they're similar specs.[/quote] Ok well i don't know if it's the transformer itself that is the problem or it's just not got any juice but it's not buzzing either way so i think the reason it's not working has something to do with that. I think we're off down to sheffield on the next weekend so i'll see if i can take it down then.
  20. Lolz i don't know exactly how much that is in grams but it's definetly less than the weight of a jar of jam xP
  21. [quote name='umph' post='937616' date='Aug 26 2010, 10:22 PM']by the way, i really enjoy this sort of stuff so if anyone has any old valve amps knocking about they'd like restoring etc or would like to sell i'd happily take it off you.[/quote] How much do you think it would cost to replace the output transformer in my amp? It's a 60w peavey tube amp if that helps.
  22. [quote name='silddx' post='938326' date='Aug 27 2010, 06:25 PM']Well everyone was talking sh*t then weren't they You need to hear yourself but most venues have monitors. I've played gigs without any monitor, just hearing the FoH, and although it's not great fun, it's doable. It's rare that happens though, but I don't know the sort of places you play. I was thinking of getting a small powered monitor for the stage, but it's not yet proved necessary.[/quote] Well i dunno, after spending all the money on a bass speaker cabinet i might not take it after all, since i saw the size of my room at uni lolz. It does complete the setup in my (home) room of (not working) guitar amp, drum kit and bass amp though lolz.
  23. Technically i own 3 and you've guessed it, most popular poll option lolz.
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